I have two 512GB 10.5” and couldn’t be happier. Picked them both up brand new in a major sale on Walmart.com. I paid $599 each.
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If you’re still making payments on it, why didn’t you get AC+ with it or coverage via your carrier (Docomo/Softbank/AU) if that’s how you bought it.
Hope you can get it replaced.
Original topic: I had touch issues with my 2nd gen. 12.9 iPP (same gen. as 10.5”). Even after getting it replaced by Apple it would eventually happen again. I think they replaced mine 2 or 3 times (under AC+). I eventually sold it after getting it replaced the last time and picked up the 3rd gen. 12.9 (2018) iPP. I haven’t had any touch issues with it so far.
Depends on the model/configuration. Not really worth it for iPad 10.2 32GB Wi-Fi. On a top of the line iPad Pro? Yeah, I'd definitely get it.So, I've learned my lesson with APPLE Care, its worth it. And as for the iPad Pro 10.5 is still everything I need and the reason I bought it; great screen, nice styling, good speakers, was cheaper than the newer 11" (bought on APPLE refurbished site, but new), headphone jack, and lighting port (same as my phone), but has issues. If you are lucky and the white spot and screen non-responsiveness problems don't affect you, great! But like my couple MacBook Pro 17" (graphic card problem, class action lawsuit) they probably will in the end. My thinking is to use this for the next couple of months and up-grade to a newest iPad Pro when they are introduced (hopefully) later this year.
Well, the head of the service talked to me and offered a 'one-time' replacement. So have a new replacement iPad Pro 10.5. Have a 3-month warranty on this, and am seriously thinking of just selling it and getting a new 11" or even a 12.9" and avoid any potential problems down the line (no, I can not get APPLE Care on this new unit, I asked).
That could be the proverbial “jumping out the frying pan, but into the fire”. The 2018 and later 11” and 12.9” iPad Pro models are the worst offenders with unresponsive touch screens.
But realistically, how widespread? My 2018 12.9 has been outstanding.
I’m can tell you I had a 2nd gen 12.9” Pro and it had the unresponsive screen issue. I got a replacement from the Apple store and *it* had the issue too, less than 6 months later.
But realistically, how widespread? My 2018 12.9 has been outstanding.
I bought my first iPad, a brand new 9.7" IPP 128GB WiFi Only brand new in March 2017 after coming from the Android tablet world and loved it so almost a year later I wanted to upgrade since I'd dropped the 9.7 many times, the screen got cracked all to heck, and it was looking pretty banged up but still worked great so bought a used 10.5" IPP 256GB WiFi Only off Amazon in February 2018 and it worked great until the first 13.x iPadOS upgrade and ever since then the touchscreen response has been problematic. It varies from working fine for a few minutes to laggy to totally unresponsive on a randomly erratic basis. This has ruined my experience owning my iPad, and now I'm fearful of buying another iPad. The original iPad eventually got to where the battery wouldn't hold a charge anymore and the lightning port is worn out so it's basically junk now but the touchscreen still worked up to the day I chunked it into my obsolete gadgets drawer. I never upgraded it past 12.x operating system either. I also got an iPhone SE in late 2017 and loved being able to sync it with my IPP 10.5" and thus have always upgraded the OS on both to keep them current. I know the old iPhone SE is getting very "long in the tooth" and the new iPhone SE 2020 edition would be a major upgrade. I despise carrying a phone with a huge screen.... that's what the darn tablet is for, but after upgrading the phone to 13.6, it's touchscreen began to act wonky too, so while most owners believe the iPad touchscreen problems are from faulty hardware, I'm now suspecting that while that may very well be true... that the IOS/iPadOS software upgrades since 13.0 are not innocent little angels either. Even though both devices are religiously backed up to my iCloud account, I am deathly afraid to trust those backups confidently enough to gamble on relying them to attempt any reset/wipe/downgrade/restore operations on my iDevices to attempt downgrading the operating systems in pursuit of solving the touchscreen hell I'm now finding myself living in. I don't own a computer so I can't back the devices up to local hard disk via iTunes, and I have accumulated too many personal photos, videos, documents, etc, to want to risk losing them.
I lost my job when the pandemic shut the economy down, and now living on unemployment so I don't have a big budget to spend money willy-nilly on overpriced new phone plus tablet. There are some excellent deals for getting one of the new 2020 iPhone SE if I switch wireless carriers right now, but doing that plus buying a new iPad at the same time is out of the question. Going back to the Android world on both devices will be mind-blowing cheaper to do right now as well, plus there's very excellent free apps for transferring all my photo/video/audio media and documents from my iDevices/iCloud back to the Android devices world too, and I really don't have many Apple-only apps that I couldn't really live without whichdon't have a functionally useable counterpart in the world of Android either..... I couple of things I'd kinda miss though. But the biggest thing is the security of all my stuff stored on the iDevices and in my iCloud account. Before losing my job, I was an IT network and systems security professional, and my experience is that the Apple world protects the security of your stuff very well. In the Android world, the security of your stuff is about as watertight as a screen door on a submarine..... So, I'm at a crossroads now as what to do. This sux, because now my level of faith in Apple's overpriced hardware and increasingly buggy software is about the same as my level of faith in the Android ecosystem's security and trustworthiness. Decisions..... decisions..... excuse me while I go bang my head against a wall.
I have multiple devices on 13.6, including the 10.5 Pro, and don't have any of the issues you mentioned. Have you considered doing a complete reset and reload? (I also have 6 unused Android tablets and would never go back to Android myself).
I had my iPad Air 2 for 2.5 years with no issues. I had my iPad Pro 10.5 for 3 years. The only issue I had was with the charging port. It still worked but I needed to wiggle around my lightning cable to get it to charge. That only started happening about 2 months ago after my husband let my 4 year old use it unsupervised when I was at work. I’m sure he must have dropped it or something. They have lasted for me.I have multiple devices on 13.6, including the 10.5 Pro, and don't have any of the issues you mentioned. Have you considered doing a complete reset and reload? (I also have 6 unused Android tablets and would never go back to Android myself).
My wife and I started out with the iPad 3. I have a large family so I'm able to resell and gift so I've gone through a lot of iPads... iPad 3 --> iPad 4 --> Mini 2 --> Air 2 --> iPad 6? --> Mini 4 --> iPad 10.5 pro --> Air 3 --> Mini 5 --> 11 Pro. We got mother in law an iPad 7th gen?
The order may be a little messed up but that's the best I can get from my memory. Only had a problem with 1 iPad. The iPad 3. Had massive screen bleeding at the edges - was replaced without question at an Apple Store. The rest are still being used by relatives today.
From my experience - I see iPads as really reliable and problem free.My wife and I didn't have the white spots with our 10.5s either - and we used ours daily for years.
I loved my 10.5 until it developed a white spot. It’s like a brand new Cadillac getting a big dent right in the middle of the hood. It doesn’t effect its operation but it can never be unseen or ignored! Other than that it was one of my favorite iPads.