Personally, unless you need the extra processing and GPU power, I don't see the point in getting the MacBook Pros and the Surface Book (or similar spec devices).
My issue with the Surface Book is that it is thick and (relatively) heavy. The combined weight of a 12" MacBook + iPad Pro (9.7 or 12.9) is very similar to a Surface Book. But the iPads have a battery life of 10 hours making it ideal for reading articles, teaching lectures/tutorials and when traveling to conferences. And depending on what you intend to do for the day, you can choose to bring the iPad or the MacBook or both. If cost is an issue, the latest iPad is very affordable and is sufficient unless you need to use the Apple Pencil.
The Surface Book's tablet portion has a battery life of 3 hours, so its not meant for prolonged tablet usage. In most situations, you have to lug around the entire laptop. The charging brick is also heavy too. Don't get me wrong, I think the Surface Book is a very capable device, but unless you need the processing power and the dGPU, I think you are better off with a lightweight laptop + an iPad (whether its the iPad Pro or just the regular iPad).
Having an iPad (or a very lightweight tablet) is very useful for an academic, even the very affordable normal iPad. As for the laptop, get something that suits your needs as an academic. Convertible laptops like the Yoga series are not great for tablet use due to the weight (which is an issue if you plan on using one to teach), so that is another tradeoff.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that MacBook Pros, Surface Books and other similar spec high end laptops are expensive, so it is worth thinking twice about what the cost/benefits are before purchasing them.
And also do consider battery life and portability, because their benefits become very obvious when you travel, especially to attend conferences. And also think about what existing devices you currently have access to. If the university already provides you with access to powerful desktops and laptops, then you don't really need a high specced laptop, but a portable one.