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Do you really think that one device will satisfy all your needs? If you are a faculty member, spend your grant and get a proper computer with a large monitor (for your primary machine) and a laptop (for traveling , meetings and/or teaching).

Besides, iOS does not allow the use of citation software for "cite as you write" integration with Word.

iPad or iPad Pro should only be considered as a third device. I have one and do use it often in meetings and teaching. However, the key here is "often", not "always". In many cases, iPad is not sufficient for all the tasks I need.

You are wrong. Endnote on iPad allows the insertion of "temporary citations". You can do all your work on the iPad and when you are done, just open it for two seconds on the iPad to insert the bibliography section.
Dear Professors, Academics!
You will scold me, but I have bought iPad Pro 10.5 with kb and pencil. Maybe I will sell it in 2 weeks, because I can not still get used to it.
Maybe You can help me with the question how to optimize the work and make it more productive.
Many thanks!
I’m so glad i found your thread. I am about to start my graduate program and was looking for a new device. I ended up purchasing the iPad 12.9 inches and i wanted it to replace my MacBook Air however i feel this iPad is way too big to take to class. I’m also worried about writing paper along with SPSS. I believe i will be returning tomorrow. However i am undecided i wish apple would have made a 11.5 or 11.9 model.
I’m so glad i found your thread. I am about to start my graduate program and was looking for a new device. I ended up purchasing the iPad 12.9 inches and i wanted it to replace my MacBook Air however i feel this iPad is way too big to take to class. I’m also worried about writing paper along with SPSS. I believe i will be returning tomorrow. However i am undecided i wish apple would have made a 11.5 or 11.9 model.
Writing papers isn't hard. The biggest limitations I've run into is formatting. Specifically:
  • On iOS Pages and Word, you cannot edit document styles.
  • On iOS Pages and Word, I could not modify the space between paragraphs. On desktop word, you could adjust the point spacing between line breaks.
  • On iOS Word I couldn't adjust the document margins. It has the standard Academic 1" all the way around, but I had to make a minor adjustment because my footnotes were throwing how I wanted the formatting done. Had to do it on the desktop.
You can adjust the overall spacing (2x, 1x, 1.5x) for the paper just fine.

That said, if you have a specific program like SPSS there is not iOS version for, yes, the Mac is the better option.

I wrote a little bit about where iOS fell down for me in grad school here. Note: one in correction: Word DOES see the custom fonts; just not where I was expecting.
I’m so glad i found your thread. I am about to start my graduate program and was looking for a new device. I ended up purchasing the iPad 12.9 inches and i wanted it to replace my MacBook Air however i feel this iPad is way too big to take to class. I’m also worried about writing paper along with SPSS. I believe i will be returning tomorrow. However i am undecided i wish apple would have made a 11.5 or 11.9 model.
I think, that 10.5 is the best size, if You want to carry iPad everywhere You want and also teach.
Writing papers isn't hard. The biggest limitations I've run into is formatting. Specifically:
  • On iOS Pages and Word, you cannot edit document styles.
  • On iOS Pages and Word, I could not modify the space between paragraphs. On desktop word, you could adjust the point spacing between line breaks.
  • On iOS Word I couldn't adjust the document margins. It has the standard Academic 1" all the way around, but I had to make a minor adjustment because my footnotes were throwing how I wanted the formatting done. Had to do it on the desktop.
You can adjust the overall spacing (2x, 1x, 1.5x) for the paper just fine.

That said, if you have a specific program like SPSS there is not iOS version for, yes, the Mac is the better option.

I wrote a little bit about where iOS fell down for me in grad school here. Note: one in correction: Word DOES see the custom fonts; just not where I was expecting.

Wow, it seems, that You really like and know Apple devices.
Don't You like Windows laptops/tablets? Most things can be done much easier on them - SPSS, R, Office, etc.
Wow, it seems, that You really like and know Apple devices.
Don't You like Windows laptops/tablets? Most things can be done much easier on them - SPSS, R, Office, etc.

I use Windows at work. I haven't noticed much of a difference between Office on macOS vs Windows. Maybe some minor -- for me -- things like macro management. I don't need to use SPSS. The only data analysis took I use is Tableau and it is available on both platforms.

On Apple, I just like the platform better. The interaction with Messages and the ecosystem. There are also a few apps I use, like Ulysses, that aren't available on Windows.

I do not like Windows or the Surface tablets. I think the iPad Pro is a better tablet for me.
I am the happier owner of the iPP 10.5 ))), and now I am thinking of changing to the new 12.9.
Many things easier, when I got the iPad - reading papers, scan, internet, mail.
But I still can't get rid of my laptop. SPSS, Matlab, Office, so writing papers is still easier on laptop.
Please, help me, with Your experience writing papers on iPad. Maybe You can suggest interesting App to make my professor's life more productive.
P.S. I have pencil and Apple Keyboard.
Please, help me, with Your experience writing papers on iPad. Maybe You can suggest interesting App to make my professor's life more productive.

Writing papers on the iPad I only really hit a few minor problems. I can't modify document styles, and in Word, I couldn't adjust the document margins. The margins was less of an issue as it has the standard 1" academic margins. I just needed to make an adjustment for the footnotes that I couldn't do. For references, I just did all my citations in EasyBib's web site (the app is a blight on humanity). From there you can copy and paste the references into Word. The only thing annoying with that is my professor wanted a space between each citation. I can't adjust the paragraph spacing (put 12pts after each carriage return), but I could get around that.

The only big problem I had is with Canvas, the web site we used for classes. The teacher would mark it up in the web view and I couldn't see the markups on iOS. Setting it to force the desktop view, or using Chrome didn't work. The frame just got cut off.

I could upload fine from iOS through.
Dear friends!
Does anybody use iOS 11 system? Working life on Your iPads becomes easier?
How You manage with emails and different types of files? What Apps do You use? What Apps do You use for writing papers?
I am the new user of iPad. And need suggestions to make working life easier.
Dear friends! What do You think about new Apple devices?
With the new features of iOS 11 the iPad can beat the PC or Mac. But what iPad to buy: 10,5 or 12,9?

I'm sorry I missed this message when it came out. I much prefer the 12.9 inch iPad pro for use as a whiteboard (which is why I bought it). The larger screen allows me to write larger, and I think improves my handwriting. Perhaps someone who was better at writing small would prefer the 10.5 for its portability.
[doublepost=1501866636][/doublepost]While I prefer the iPad pro because the pencil feels so natural to use, I'm still attracted to the idea of a windows 2 in one device. It would be nice to have just one device that I could use both as a laptop and a virtual whiteboard.

Recently, a new two in one notebook came out, the Samsung Notebook 9 Pro. It's gotten excellent reviews for its use with a stylus.

Perhaps I haven't given them a fair shot, but in the past I haven't found hand writing on the windows two in one devices as natural as the iPad pro. I may go to the store and give this one a shot.
I'm sorry I missed this message when it came out. I much prefer the 12.9 inch iPad pro for use as a whiteboard (which is why I bought it). The larger screen allows me to write larger, and I think improves my handwriting. Perhaps someone who was better at writing small would prefer the 10.5 for its portability.
[doublepost=1501866636][/doublepost]While I prefer the iPad pro because the pencil feels so natural to use, I'm still attracted to the idea of a windows 2 in one device. It would be nice to have just one device that I could use both as a laptop and a virtual whiteboard.

Recently, a new two in one notebook came out, the Samsung Notebook 9 Pro. It's gotten excellent reviews for its use with a stylus.

Perhaps I haven't given them a fair shot, but in the past I haven't found hand writing on the windows two in one devices as natural as the iPad pro. I may go to the store and give this one a shot.

Well, friend, I don't think, that any of Windows devices will beat iPad Pro in natural writing. Too many lags in Windows and not the 120 Hz screen on most of the devices. The question is how to use iPad Pro in more productive way and how to exclude Windows devices.
What I'd prefer is a good way to connect my 10.5 inch pro to the smartboard in my classroom, so I can use it as a very large whiteboard when needed, but keep its portability. So far, I've been unable to get that to work--though I blame the Smartboard rather than the iPad for that inability.
What I'd prefer is a good way to connect my 10.5 inch pro to the smartboard in my classroom, so I can use it as a very large whiteboard when needed, but keep its portability. So far, I've been unable to get that to work--though I blame the Smartboard rather than the iPad for that inability.

Do You use Outlook on Your 10.5? The same experience as on Windows laptop?
How else do You use Your iPad Pro? As a primary device?
What would have been interesting to know is why do we get the same question again and again every while, i.e. why "tablet instead of a computer" and not "tablet alongside a computer". What it the limiting factor ? Is it just a financial reason ? Are all academics in the forum women that hate cables ? Are offices, desks, libraries, paper books banned from the modern house ? Is moving work across different devices a security or privacy risk but storing your soul on the cloud is not ? Etc.
What I'd prefer is a good way to connect my 10.5 inch pro to the smartboard in my classroom, so I can use it as a very large whiteboard when needed, but keep its portability. So far, I've been unable to get that to work--though I blame the Smartboard rather than the iPad for that inability.
Does the Apple TV not work? 3rd gen models have been discontinued, but you should still be able find one online at a relatively inexpensive price. And you don't even need a wifi signal for airplay to work these days.
Does anybody use Scrivener or Ulysses for writing research papers on the iPad instead of MS Word?
Is the version of these programs similar to the MacOS or Windows?
Do people who are using the 10.5" iPad Pro find it too cramped for writing and watching something in picture in picture? Students tend to multitask a lot (I know I did when I was a student a few years back).
Does the Apple TV not work? 3rd gen models have been discontinued, but you should still be able find one online at a relatively inexpensive price. And you don't even need a wifi signal for airplay to work these days.
It's not an Apple TV in the classroom. It's an interactive smartboard (i.e., one where the teacher can draw on the smartboard using a light-reflective marker). There's not really room on that wall to add an Apple TV without pulling out the school's smartboard, which is still used by all the other teachers.
Do You use Outlook on Your 10.5? The same experience as on Windows laptop?
How else do You use Your iPad Pro? As a primary device?

I do use Outlook on 10.5 for checking mail, but I prefer actually responding to lengthy e-mails with a computer instead. I haven't used Windows laptops in years, but instead use the Mac version of Outlook on a mac.

I use the iPad Pro at work for tracking classroom attendance and participation using TeacherKit, and I have PDF files of the textbooks I use in class on it. I grade student papers submitted as PDF files on the iPad suing the pencil to mark up the pdfs, then send them back to the students.

Outside the classroom, I use Procreate for recreational drawing, and I use Filemaker Go and Dicenomicon for role-playing games with friends.
It's not an Apple TV in the classroom. It's an interactive smartboard (i.e., one where the teacher can draw on the smartboard using a light-reflective marker). There's not really room on that wall to add an Apple TV without pulling out the school's smartboard, which is still used by all the other teachers.

I see. My school uses a Promethean IWB, which still relies on a projector to show what is on the board. So I could work around this by connecting my Apple TV directly to the projector (essentially trading the smartboard functionality for that of my iPad).

No projector in your class?
I see. My school uses a Promethean IWB, which still relies on a projector to show what is on the board. So I could work around this by connecting my Apple TV directly to the projector (essentially trading the smartboard functionality for that of my iPad).

No projector in your class?
No, no projector. Just a massive 9 x 5 foot wall screen and a set of four differently colored electronic "markers" that each write in a different color if held to the screen.
No, no projector. Just a massive 9 x 5 foot wall screen and a set of four differently colored electronic "markers" that each write in a different color if held to the screen.
Okay, so how do you project content from your laptop onto the board? Surely there must be a way of connecting a VGA or HDMI cable to your smart board. So long as there is a HDMI port, you are golden, and long enough cables exist (10m) that you should have no issues extending it to your table.

For me, I just used some 3M velcro straps to attach my Apple TV to the wall above my IWB and tucked the wires behind the board.
Okay, so how do you project content from your laptop onto the board? Surely there must be a way of connecting a VGA or HDMI cable to your smart board. So long as there is a HDMI port, you are golden, and long enough cables exist (10m) that you should have no issues extending it to your table.

For me, I just used some 3M velcro straps to attach my Apple TV to the wall above my IWB and tucked the wires behind the board.

Hmm. There aren't any cables visible, but I'll hunt around in the box that houses the machinery to look for cable outlets that might be hidden in the back.
There is no way an iPad could be substituted for my Apple computer; the iPad does not run the programs I use for my research and analyses.
I've just discovered I can do almost everything for uni on my iPad Pro. Note taking. Watching Lectures. Annotating, reading and marking up PDFs. Writing Essays.

Everything except actually submitting an assignment. The stupid web software (TurnItIn) won't let me scroll down to the submit button on iOS/Safari, so I had to use the MacBook (for the first time in weeks!) to do it.

Frustrating, I was ready to sell the MacBook and still want to so I need to identify another work around.
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Hmm. There aren't any cables visible, but I'll hunt around in the box that houses the machinery to look for cable outlets that might be hidden in the back.

An update here, the smartboard normally works through old-fashioned VGA cables to go to a PC / Dell tower behind the counter. I have an appropriate firewire to VGA adapter from Apple to plug into the smartboard instead of plugging it into the Dell Tower, but when I do, the smartboard does not seem to pick up the iPad's signal on any of its various channels. A little online reading suggests that the older iPads (older than my iPad Pro) do not have system-wide capability to project what's on the iPad, though about a dozen apps (none of which are relevant to me) do have app-specific capability to project video out. As far as I can tell, the newer iPads should support system-wide capability to project what's on the iPad, but if so, I still haven't figured out how to get it to work.
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