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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
As I've said before, I opted NOT to get the cellular version of this model, I had it for my old iPad mini. I found that I barely used the cellular connection instead of the Wifi. For me, there's just too many places where I can use the wifi. Everyone is different, OP, if you find yourself going to the office, home, and maybe hotels with your iPad then perhaps Cellular is not the best for you. If you don't have access to wifi in many places then stick with cellular.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2007
I swear everyone has this but us! LOL

They screwed us up when they convinced him to switch to One - I told him it was going to cost us more, the rep said no. Guess what, it did go up. UGH.

I’m not really following the context of your post. I don’t understand who "him" is.

Anyways, when they had free lines offered over November Black Friday weekend and at the beginning of March, we added a total of two free lines. NOTHING changed about our bill other than we were billed and then credited the difference.

I personally am glad to have the opportunity to have free unlimited on my iPad whenever I want it. And, I also have 1GB that I pay Verizon for each month for $10 in those moments that I don’t have T-Mobile or Wifi reception.


macrumors 68020
Oct 25, 2008
I think it’s a waste. I’m still not sure how LTE adds $130 to the cost 7 years after the original iPad. You’d think they’re be some economies of scale during that timeframe. Of course $130 is an inconsequential amount, but I feel like it’s an up-charge because they can rather than a true additional cost.

Apple being Apple and others have followed this as it is good business. It probably costs them at most $13 to add and I wish they would just start offering it as a standard feature. I can understand why some don't want to pay any extra for it as many places have ridiculous data caps and speeds, making LTE for a tablet less desirable. Here in Finland I have a contract that gives me an extra data SIM to use on my iPad with no data cap so LTE is a good choice with no need to worry about WiFi access anywhere.

Apple's size limitation for downloading apps over celular is such a load of ******** though. It should be up to me to decide if I can download apps, software updates or backup over LTE. A simple option to allow or disallow those over cellular connection is all that is needed.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011
Thanks for the replies, you guys. I think I'll be sticking with my wifi only model. Been doing some introspection and I rarely have a situation where LTE is needed. Tethering has been good enough in the rare occasion I need to use my iPad outside of wifi range.


macrumors 65816
Nov 11, 2012
It will probably boil down to how much time you spend away from home or a reliable wifi signal.

I have LTE on my iPad and it has served me well over the years. But I'm traveling less now, and although I didn't flinch much at the $130 on the original purchase, the $20 per month to Verizon has gotten to feel galling.

I haven't had a smart phone during this time, so no tethering available.

But I'm planning on an iPhone 8 this fall, so tethering will then be possible when away from home. So I'm guessing that my next iPad decision might be different. The availability of GPS on the LTE is certainly a plus. So, if I'm feeling "flush" when I buy the next iPad, I might go with the LTE and just not connect it to a data plan. If I'm feeling "frugal", forgoing the LTE and using tethering while traveling would be a good compromise.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2012
For me I am loving the LTE version of the iPad. I previous always got the wifi Verizon's but either returned them or sold them since I couldn't use it everywhere I wanted. So far I love the LTE. I use my phone a ton so being able to watch shows on my iPad while preserving my battery life on my iPhone is nice. But like others said. It totally depends on how much you are going to use it. At work for me I stream content for about5-6 hours and not having to worry about wifi spots or tethering is a definite plus.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
I’m not really following the context of your post. I don’t understand who "him" is.

Anyways, when they had free lines offered over November Black Friday weekend and at the beginning of March, we added a total of two free lines. NOTHING changed about our bill other than we were billed and then credited the difference.

I personally am glad to have the opportunity to have free unlimited on my iPad whenever I want it. And, I also have 1GB that I pay Verizon for each month for $10 in those moments that I don’t have T-Mobile or Wifi reception.
The man, aka, the significant other, the main holder of the t-mo account.

We have a business account with more lines than I care to think about - obviously we missed the free line memo. I can wait on having data full time on it right now. I really don't need it very often "right now". Would I like it? Sure - but I can hotspot in the interim.


macrumors newbie
Sep 30, 2015
So, I recently bought a 10.5 Pro wifi model. Still within the return period and I'm considering doing the upgrade to the LTE model.

Do LTE model owners feel that it's worth the extra cost? Not only up front but also month to month. (i have one of those AT&T unlimited plans and adding an iPad costs $10 or $20 extra a month to the plan)

I've read a lot about the convenience of having always on internet on the iPad... currently I use my iPad out and about I usually have my phone and recent updates have made tethering super simple.

I guess the downside is the extra step of connecting to the phone in the settings and also that the battery on the phone will drain faster. Still, not sure if that's worth $130 plus the monthly fee...

Is there anything else I'm missing?

So far I'm leaning towards keeping my wifi model, but maybe there's something I haven't considered that will push me over to the LTE side.

Makes sense if you have T-Mobile, $10 a month for unlimited internet.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 5, 2011
I went with a cellular 10.5 because the cellular models have GPS & GLONASS chips so that navigation apps. work even with no wifi or cellular signal as long as the navigation app. you're using has all its maps onboard.


macrumors member
Oct 23, 2014
I'd rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I say meh to the $10 a month extra is cost me. Maybe it's more than $10...that's just how much I don't care what the cost per month extra is.
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macrumors member
Jan 14, 2016
Twin Cities
I've been testing my LTE for a free month from Verizon; it's come in handy when I'm impatient with free wifi at coffee shops. However, I can see myself forcing my useage of cellular when it's not needed to justify a $10/month line charge.


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2010
Hawthorne, CA
I’m not really following the context of your post. I don’t understand who "him" is.

Anyways, when they had free lines offered over November Black Friday weekend and at the beginning of March, we added a total of two free lines. NOTHING changed about our bill other than we were billed and then credited the difference.

I personally am glad to have the opportunity to have free unlimited on my iPad whenever I want it. And, I also have 1GB that I pay Verizon for each month for $10 in those moments that I don’t have T-Mobile or Wifi reception.

I believe she's talking about her boyfriend, she mentioned him in an earlier post.
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Jul 12, 2016
I'd rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I say meh to the $10 a month extra is cost me. Maybe it's more than $10...that's just how much I don't care what the cost per month extra is.

If you Really if you think about it, an extra $10 a month isn't that much considering if it really benefits the user to have access to their data at all times were not tethered to Wi-Fi.
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macrumors member
Apr 13, 2010
I love having LTE on my iPads. I use my device all the time at work as a secondary computer, but on the free work wifi I can't even refresh my gmail account. I keep my iPad on unlimited LTE anytime I'm not home and it means I get great signal.

Then again, I pretty much have switched to almost never using my iPhone and keeping it in a drawer/my purse.

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
If you Really if you think about it, an extra $10 a month isn't that much considering if it really benefits the user to have access to their data at all times were not tethered to Wi-Fi.
I don't exactly shrug off the extra cost of LTE because, well, little things have a way of adding up. However, for my usage and circumstances, the benefit is worth the extra cost.

Then again, I pretty much have switched to almost never using my iPhone and keeping it in a drawer/my purse.
Lol, I'm the same! :p If not for the camera and seamless integration with the iPad, I'd be using a cheap Android instead of an iPhone. :)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2012
I just got the cellular version of the 10.5 and I’m gonna add a $2 a month SIM that siphons my current mobile’s data allowance. As it is, I am not using up my 6GB/month allowance with my telco so having a cellular iPad might help with actually making most out of my current mobile plan.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 3, 2010
it has poor battery life only 4 hours
From Apple:
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Sep 23, 2013
Upstate, NY
Ive used the cellular on my iPad a LOT more than I thought I ever would. Very glad I have it. I wish it didnt have to cost $130 bucks over the wifi version but thats Apple for ya. I cant see me ever buying an iPad that didnt have LTE in it. Jjust gotta have it. Free wifi is many times quite dodgy & not secure at all. Or, like at my workplace, certain websites or whatever are blocked so my gaming hour at lunch gets stifled :). Cant have that.....


Jul 12, 2016
I don't exactly shrug off the extra cost of LTE because, well, little things have a way of adding up. However, for my usage and circumstances, the benefit is worth the extra cost.

And this is exactly what it comes down to. $10.00 can add to the over all cost, but does it benefit the user enough to justify the expense where wifi is not applicable or unreliable. In your case, the expense is worth it.


macrumors 68000
Jan 20, 2003
Walked into Best Buy, saw an open box 12.9" 512/cellular. $1,044, bought on the spot.

I'd say the cellular is worth it for GPS. Also, T-Mobile's 5gig for $10 is a steal. I'm on it now heading to CA (passenger in car).
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