Tldr; MacOS conforms to the way I want to work, iPadOS makes me conform to the way it wants to work--if it will work at all for what I want to do.
While my take is different, I appreciated your thought-provoking comments!
For me, the OS is mostly irrelevant — what matters is the form factor of the device, the uses, and the programs or apps. The Mac and the iPad were both a revolution — intimate, magical, accessible. They both opened up new ways of being with technology. Never felt constrained or that I had to *conform* to either. Indeed, both felt liberating.
In addition, never felt that I wanted either device or OS to conform to how I worked. Right from the get-go, they seemed brilliantly designed, intuitive, and engaging. My ways of exploring, researching, analyzing, writing, playing, discovering, etc. were interactions with the devices and the particular apps I used — and changed over time. I compared and assessed programs and apps, and chose ones that felt more involving, more powerful, and easier to use. I much appreciated the improvements in my favorite programs and apps over the years. The OS again was largely immaterial. In fact, many Mac, iPhone, and iPad OS overhauls have often been often drastic disruptions.
Your concluding comment brought to mind a nagging question I’ve had about TLDR…
I keep seeing it placed at the *end* of comments. But doesn't it belong at the beginning?! After all, if it means “Too long, don't read”, it should come first.* Even there, it really doesn't make sense. Followed literally, one wouldn't even read the one sentence synopsis that follows! 🙈
Maybe it should be:
”Save Time, Read This Instead: ” 😁
And, be placed right at the start of a long comment.
*P.S. Looked it up. So, TLDR is “Too long,
didn't read.” In which case, they will have skipped the comment, anyway, likely ignored the summation at the end, and jumped to the next post. Maybe, there should be an alternative acronym that means
“You lazy bum! I took time to write profound thoughts and you skipped them. Whatever happened to FOMO?!”
Needs work, obviously!