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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 11, 2010
Based on (1) the available evidence and (2) Apple's sales tactics history, it seems to me that an updated iPad or at least some sort of iPad price drop will be coming in the fall.

The evidence:

(1): This is how Apple does things. Whenever they can, they try to extract a few extra bucks out of their early adopters. The original iPhone fiasco is the most obvious example but the same things could be said about the first gen iPod Touches which got a "fortunately timed" $100 price drop and the original unibody MacBooks.

(2): All the evidence seems to point to a front mounted camera and iChat AV for the new iPhone model coming out in June. Doesn't a front camera and iChat AV make at least as much sense for the iPad as the iPhone?

(3): The device model numbers referenced in the new OS 4 sdk point to not only the new iPhone model coming in June, but also to a next generation iPad model, eg one after the iPad model that is currently out.

(4): Why wait until the fall to release OS 4 for iPad? Don't all the new features such as multitasking and iAds make at least as much, if not more sense on the iPad? Unless they are waiting for a new iPad revision to come out...

so yeah, if I was able to bet on it, I would say that we're going to see a new iPad model in the fall coinciding with OS4 for iPad. It should probably have a front camera, and it should probably have some sort of price break which may not necessarily mean lower price points, but maybe they include the "iPad 3G" features in the normal prices (eg not $130 extra, considering that it costs them less than $30 in parts and labor to add those functions according to the iSuppli analysts).

I don't want to get my baseless speculation too specific as to price points and features, but all signs point towards some sort of iPad revision in the fall.
Doubt it very much, Apple is gonna be real careful not to burn early adopters. Since demands is so high for the current iPad, forget seeing a new one for at least a year.

P.S. - It costs more than $30 for Apple to add the 3G to the iPad (licensing fees, etc.)
v2 iPad in the fall is highly likely given Apples past history with releasing new products along with significant OS updates and the whole early adopter thing. Essentially everyone that buys the first version are the testers and everyone that buys the second version benefit from them.

It's no big deal, that's why I only purchased a 16gb WiFi iPad as I was fully expecting this to happen :D
people say apple screws over early adopters with higher prices. That's fine, apple's simply following the supply/demand curves. Early adopters have high demand, which drives up prices. Once that demand is gone, prices will fall. It's simple economics.
i was thinking at least a year not this fall and second i was thinking that in the fall is when the os 4 will be implemented on the ipad so i think they are working on a good software update. obviously they will put all of the things we already have seen in the 4.0 for iphone but it seems to that they will add things to make it more computer-like also more hopefully more desktop apps implemented for the ipad this may take long but i think they will add some new features before 4.0 is put to the ipad in the fall. as in apples history they hold a couple events in that time so we shall wait and see:cool::cool::cool:
Based on (1) the available evidence and (2) Apple's sales tactics history, it seems to me that an updated iPad or at least some sort of iPad price drop will be coming in the fall.

The evidence:

(1): This is how Apple does things. Whenever they can, they try to extract a few extra bucks out of their early adopters. The original iPhone fiasco is the most obvious example but the same things could be said about the first gen iPod Touches which got a "fortunately timed" $100 price drop and the original unibody MacBooks.

(2): All the evidence seems to point to a front mounted camera and iChat AV for the new iPhone model coming out in June. Doesn't a front camera and iChat AV make at least as much sense for the iPad as the iPhone?

(3): The device model numbers referenced in the new OS 4 sdk point to not only the new iPhone model coming in June, but also to a next generation iPad model, eg one after the iPad model that is currently out.

(4): Why wait until the fall to release OS 4 for iPad? Don't all the new features such as multitasking and iAds make at least as much, if not more sense on the iPad? Unless they are waiting for a new iPad revision to come out...

so yeah, if I was able to bet on it, I would say that we're going to see a new iPad model in the fall coinciding with OS4 for iPad. It should probably have a front camera, and it should probably have some sort of price break which may not necessarily mean lower price points, but maybe they include the "iPad 3G" features in the normal prices (eg not $130 extra, considering that it costs them less than $30 in parts and labor to add those functions according to the iSuppli analysts).

I don't want to get my baseless speculation too specific as to price points and features, but all signs point towards some sort of iPad revision in the fall.

I dont know if I would call any of that evidence. More like speculation and wishful thinking. At best, maybe they drop the price. Their ecosystem allows them to have less features and still sell.
I think it will be at least a year. Considering the releases of the ipod touches and iphone are released once a year. And just because there is mention of ichat that doesn't mean the ipad will ever see that. The same way the ipod touch will most likely never have a camera.
All of the evidence points to a refresh next year. That's Apple's modus operandi. Look at MB, iPod, iPhone, etc. all updated once a year. I think your reasoning is flawed. History provides much better evidence, and that points to a refresh next year.
Don't waste your time trying to 2nd guess apple or for that matter reading thisnthread its a totO waste off time!

Speculators are morons with nothing better to do!
Apple won't release iPad 2nd gen for about one year, too early they upset early adaptors and will cop a lot of flack for it, they don't want to be known as the company that brings out a better product right after you buy it!

It's about one year for every major Apple product, they wouldn't change this.
All of the evidence points to a refresh next year. That's Apple's modus operandi. Look at MB, iPod, iPhone, etc. all updated once a year. I think your reasoning is flawed. History provides much better evidence, and that points to a refresh next year.

Thats actually not true. If you look at the buyers guide on this site you see that most of their popular products besides the iPhone are updated every 200 to 250 days. And even if you look at the iPhone, if you include price drops, the average is also much lower than you would expect.

The iSuppli estimates that the base model $499 iPad currently costs Apple ~$260 to manufacture, and each higher model has even higher margins. They also estimate that adding the 3G functions costs less than $30. So Apple is already making their big margins.

Given all the clues, it just makes a lot of sense to me that Apple is planning something in the fall to go along with iPad OS 4. For example, we have to assume that Apple gets some kickbacks from the data subscriptions. If a lot of people end up subscribing for data, it makes a lot of sense that Apple would include the extra wireless chips in the standard price because they could end up making more money anyway.

Another factor is that apple loves to launch specific things in the fall just after the back to school promotion. So this back-to-school, they let kids apply their standard ~$200 towards an iPod, to an iPad if they choose which increases adoption and also clears out their old stock... and then they release the new model.

I'm not saying anything drastic. I'm saying they rerelease it with a refined designed to decrease manufacture cost, include a front camera, and maybe include the 3G stuff, for the same $499/$599/$699 price points.

You guys are crazy I don't know where you're getting this "once every year" nonsense, MacRumors own data says that the iPod Touch is updated or pricedropped every 245 days, which is 8 months. It wouldn't be so out of character of Apple to make some sort of revision to the iPad 6-9 months from now. We're only in the middle of spring for christ-sake, a "fall" iPad OS4 release could mean as much as 8 or 9 months.
You guys are crazy I don't know where you're getting this "once every year" nonsense, MacRumors own data says that the iPod Touch is updated or pricedropped every 245 days, which is 8 months. It wouldn't be so out of character of Apple to make some sort of revision to the iPad 6-9 months from now. We're only in the middle of spring for christ-sake, a "fall" iPad OS4 release could mean as much as 8 or 9 months.

All of us are crazy, and you are sane? Yes?
When was the iPod Touch last updated? Around September 2009. When was it updated before that? Around September 9, 2008. It came out the previous September. Do you see a trend here? It's roughly a year. A year is more than 245 days.
If you wait for the perfect piece of technology, you'll never buy anything. Technology is outdated upon purchase. Buy your iPad and enjoy it! The next refresh will be next year. Decide then whether or not you want to upgrade. I've already decided that I will. Quit waiting for the perfect will never come!
My first iMac was a first gen revision B, released a few months later with a slightly better GPU and fewer kinks.
My first gen iPhone was a revision B, released a few months later and purchased at $200 less than the original.
The 13" MacBook aluminum unibody was replaced in a matter of months by the MacBook Pro 13" with SD and FireWire 800 at $100 cheaper (don't have this... waiting for Tuesday's Core i5 update).
These and others ticked off a few first gen adopters.

This could happen again with the iPad, but I don't see it until September/October. If not then March/April...

Speculators include both morons and billionaires.
I don't think I could wait till fall even it it was true....
Sure if it comes out I'l give my 3G to my kid and buy a new one.
2nd generation wont come till next year

price drop in the fall? certainly possible, likely? who knows
revisions in the fall? nothing big, possibly increased memory to 128gb,
they did this with the first ipod touch, after six months they released the 32gb model

however when apple dropped the price on the iphone it was because sales were alot higher than predicted and people were criticizing them for high profits, and they gave all first iphone buyers rebates
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