I thought the same when it first came out. Now, we're still a week away from preorders in Canada and several weeks away from the first time I'll be able to see one in person, but the more I think about this, the more I'm convinced I want one.
I see this thing perched on a dock in my kitchen, ready to give me weather updates, Facebook/Twitter updates, recipes and videos. Sure, my netbook or MacBook Pro can do the same, but this is that much more portable, and I can bring it that much closer to the kitchen prep area and not be worried about flour getting into the keyboard or whatever.
I live about 10 minutes away from my parents and I visit them a few times a week. I normally bring my netbook when I go visit, primarily to access the web and email. When I do, it takes 30 seconds to boot/wake Windows, then I do my browsing (on a slow and underpowered Atom chip, might I add), then another 30 seconds to hibernate when I'm done. Sometimes I pass the netbook along to my brother or father to show them something. When I do this, I find myself folding the screen out nearly flat and handing it to them like ... a big ol' tablet.
This last one is an unusual use that is a Big Deal for me but may not be for any of you. I volunteer at a summer camp, and one of the things we do is sing around campfires. I have a big binder full of loose-leaf papers with song lyrics and chords. These are always getting torn, dirty, stepped on, lost, so I'm always reprinting and hoping I didn't lose my only copy of something. Plus around the fire it's dark so I need a flashlight to see, and if both my hands are on a guitar, I need a second person to hold the flashlight for me. Then I found this app called
OnSong in the iTunes store. If this is anywhere near as good as it looks, this is going to be my iPad "Killer App". An iPhone screen would be too small for this, and a laptop would be cumbersome to carry.