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Currently, it's just an alternative to using your laptop.

Um...not really. iPad is much more portable, especially on a crowded bus every day and can handle a sub set of what a laptop can do. My iPad will certainly have problems editing video in AVCHD format on the fly; however it sure is much easier to carry and watch the final product on.
There are some producitivy and workflow issues which are still being worked around. But other than that, what i do with my iPad is...everything. Literally everything elae is more fun and more enjoyable and more convenient on the ipad than it ever was on my MBP

Thtas why i retired my MBP and use an iPad as my primary computer. When I say everything I mean everything ;)
I find that I practically NEVER go upstairs to use the iMac now; only for adding content to my media library.

I think this is one of the ways the iPad will change computers for a lot of people.

Several of my non-techie friends and family consider being "on the computer" a specific block of time in their day (i.e. "I will respond to your email or look that up when I'm on the computer").

Having the iPad in their kitchen, living room, or bedroom changes that to an instantly available resource that is easier and more convenient to use.
I use my iPad for numerous applications that my macbook could easily do but the iPad does so more elegantly. For example when I go to class and need to jot down some notes during lecture, I take my iPad. If I am in a meeting for work and need to browse my email and again jot down notes, I use my iPad. If I am traveling and need to keep it light and have no room for my macbook and its case, I take my iPad. Now if I am writing a lab report or am working on a project and need to take my laptop to either work or school, I will take my macbook. For my daily computing that requires me to do heavy document editing or internet research alongside it, I will use my macbook. You see? The nice thing about the iPad is the portability of it. The iPhone frankly doesn't cut it as a mobile internet device if you need to do serious research. The iPad is also nice like others have said for the ABC Player, reading lightly, and playing games. The iPad has found its niche by replacing the crippled netbooks of yesterday. If you find yourself needing something more mobile than your laptop, buy an iPad.
What happens if you go over the monthly limit on the 3g?

If you get the $15 plan and run over the limit, it tells you that you have to subscribe to a new plan before you can keep using the internet.

The $15 plan is potentially good enough if you're mostly doing emailing and light web browsing, but would run out fairly fast if you were streaming content to the iPad.
I make it a point now to take my iPad with me every time I leave the house (along with my iPhone). Today, my elderly aunt has an appointment in a nearby city. The Maps (GPS) on the 9.7" screen looks gorgeous and I will never get lost! Once I'm at my destination I can read USA Today, play Plants and Zombies, go internet surfing, look for a great place to eat, practice on Virtuoso piano,.....etc.

The iPad, imo, is the best mobile media device out now! :D
It's lightweight, very fast to boot, just the right size, has currently the most beautiful 9.7" screen resolution, tons of great apps, and the trademark Apple super-user friendly interface. I have the 3G, so it's a delight to have the ability to turn it on or off and use Wi-Fi anywhere I want! :D
Everything. I don't have a laptop, and I use my iPhone for calling, texting, and tethering.
That you cannot use your iPhone/laptop for?

I really want to buy the iPad, but just cannot pull the trigger as I only see myself using it as a reader, and to browse the internet w/o having to use the laptop. Right now, that isn't a huge amount of use for me. Is there anything I am missing that I can do with it?

I don't own an iphone or a laptop.

I use my iPad for the following:
Note Taking
Internet browsing
Netflix and ABC player while eating
Directions and maps thanks to 3G
Playing D&D
Right now, I'm only using my PC to sync my ipad.
Um...not really. iPad is much more portable, especially on a crowded bus every day and can handle a sub set of what a laptop can do. My iPad will certainly have problems editing video in AVCHD format on the fly; however it sure is much easier to carry and watch the final product on.

Um...not really. I carry my 13 inch MBP everywhere. And I don't even have to carry around extra accessories with me. But I see you have a 17 incher and I would agree that is too big to be actually portable.
Um...not really. I carry my 13 inch MBP everywhere. And I don't even have to carry around extra accessories with me. But I see you have a 17 incher and I would agree that is too big to be actually portable.

As I mentioned above, I have both a 15"MBP and a MacBook Air and the iPad has replaced both 90% of the time. If you neither fly nor commute then I concede that it may not be a needed item if you already have a laptop. However, for anyone contemplating a Kindle or Nook, this is a no-brainer. Does all that plus much, much more.
Media consumption:D when I'm laying in bed or sitting on the couch. Also, rdp to my work computer when I'm out and about w/o lugging around my mbp (this is a huuuuuge plus for me).
I use it in class to takes notes, and I have all of my text books on there (which saved me a lot of money).

I also read books to my daughter, and can mount it in my car for my daughter when we go on far drives.

I use it to watch movies and play games and browse the web when I'm in bed, on the toilet, or just hanging around.

I use it to do homework/show off at work :p

So for me, it is VERY useful.
I use my iPad for everything now. I've spent the last three days syncing up all my important files from MacBook pro to my iPad and it is essentially the same now. The only thing is that whenever I gotta do some real work I'll take out the MacBook pro. But this is only if I need to type up a long essay or do some serious web browsing in under ten minutes. Aside fromnthat my iPad has been incredible at everything I'll use it everywhere.

I'm at borders rite now st surfing the web!
For me it's not so much what the iPad offers that I can't get on my MacBook, but what it offers that I can't do on my iPhone. Yes, it's a larger screen and no question it's a nicer experience, but I'm sitting on steps outside on a gorgeous day reading this thread fine. Same when I'm on the couch or going to sleep in bed. When I want the larger screen or Farmville, I go on my laptop. Videos on the couch? I now have a Mini hooked to my HDTV. I live by myself in a small apartment so sig other hogging or trekking upstairs is not an issue. My work rarely has instances where having one would be beneficial (med resident, can't carry it in my white coat like the iPhone. I'm also not convinced the weight wouldn't be tiring to hold after a while, though I'd really have to own one to know.

I'd still like one eventually, don't get me wrong. It's just too much of a luxury product for what it offers to me atm especially for a first gen.
I've had my iPad 16GB WiFi model for over a day now and I love using it. I would usually sit in my room at my desk on my computer and watching tv. With the iPad, I can do this anywhere. I usually check my email, go on twitter, browse the net, check my news sites, go on forums and IM with my friends which is so easy and enjoyable with the iPad. I love using the iPad and it makes browsing the net fun.

Watching video is a treat also! nothing better than having your feet up watching 720p HD movies right in front of you!

And then you have all the enjoyable games to play and the useful apps. It just fits in so well with what I like to do!
I've had my iPad 16GB WiFi model for over a day now and I love using it. I would usually sit in my room at my desk on my computer and watching tv. With the iPad, I can do this anywhere. I usually check my email, go on twitter, browse the net, check my news sites, go on forums and IM with my friends which is so easy and enjoyable with the iPad. I love using the iPad and it makes browsing the net fun.

Watching video is a treat also! nothing better than having your feet up watching 720p HD movies right in front of you!

And then you have all the enjoyable games to play and the useful apps. It just fits in so well with what I like to do!

I'm truly glad for you, but I just did all that stuff and then some while laying here on my arse on my couch with my 13 inch MBP laying on my chest. And yes, I can do this anywhere too. But, I guess if it came down to price, the iPad is probably just fine for what 99% of the population use a computer for anyway.
'Nuff said.

Doesn't it really depend on each person's definition of real work? I'd bet that the majority of computer users don't do any "real work" on their systems at all. Generally I can do anything on the iPad I need to do except for the music work where I need the Mac Pro. As more apps are released, more people will be able to use the iPad instead of a laptop. As I've mentioned, for me, aside from a software issue with Keynote, I have replaced my laptop with the iPad. I'd imagine I wont be the only one.
I'm truly glad for you, but I just did all that stuff and then some while laying here on my arse on my couch with my 13 inch MBP laying on my chest. And yes, I can do this anywhere too. But, I guess if it came down to price, the iPad is probably just fine for what 99% of the population use a computer for anyway.

lol :p Yeah I don't have a laptop, just a desktop, so the iPad is great for me. Plus I like using touch devices, fun to use :D I use my computer now mainly for Photoshop and playing Football manager :)
Doesn't it really depend on each person's definition of real work? I'd bet that the majority of computer users don't do any "real work" on their systems at all.

I agree and that is why it'll probably catch on.
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