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I use it for most of my internet surfing, email, desk calendar, cook book, ebooks, comics, some music and gaming.

I can also use it to control my servers at the office and watch video from bed.

The thing that really makes this my go-to device is the battery life. 10 hours on a device that has a 9.7" display and weighs 1.5 lbs? That is extremely impressive to me. I never have to worry about the battery, I can just use it without a second thought.
I really wish I could get the 3G, but really cant afford the extra data plan :(

I say buy the 3G if your gonna get one. It's not like a phone where you have to sign up for service just to buy it. The 3G connectivity can be turned on and off at any time. You can buy a 3G and use with only wifi for the next 12months then one day if you decide you can afford it for that month, u can buy it. Then if money is tight the following month again cancel with no penalty.
Trust me, the buyers remorse comes when you buy a 16gb wifi only iPad and then decide you want to put 20gb of movies on it and surf the Internet when there is no wifi.
That you cannot use your iPhone/laptop for?

I really want to buy the iPad, but just cannot pull the trigger as I only see myself using it as a reader, and to browse the internet w/o having to use the laptop. Right now, that isn't a huge amount of use for me. Is there anything I am missing that I can do with it?

Honestly everything you can do everything the iPad does with your iPhone and laptop.

The big reason to buy an iPad is for it's convenience, portability and apps that can take advantage of the bigger screen. Like many others have said, I haven't used my laptops (several) since I bought my iPad. I do use my two desktop computers (a Mac for programming/graphics and a Windows box for Dot NET programming) but for every day tasks, my iPad does pretty much what I need.

It's also allowed me to leave my desk and encouraged me to move around more. Good for my health and also for my carpal tunnel as I don't have to have my hands over a keyboard with mouse.

The other thing it has done is that I'll bring it along for notetaking at meetings and recording presentations as I wouldn't have brought my bulky laptops for that (and yep I have a netbook too which I don't use much anymore either).

iPad though is one of those devices you have to use for awhile in order to make a decision. It's a really a different kind of device, and for a lot of people here, it's been a worthwhile investment.
Owned mine for a couple of weeks now
32 gig wifi , still use my 13 inch Mac book, Mac mini
but the iPad is just great for casual use , late night web browsing
watching movies , instant On etc

I let a guy who hates computers have a play with it,
he called me today asking where he could get one :D

I,m guessing here but
1.4 Million people ALL cant be wrong ?
I'm truly glad for you, but I just did all that stuff and then some while laying here on my arse on my couch with my 13 inch MBP laying on my chest. And yes, I can do this anywhere too. But, I guess if it came down to price, the iPad is probably just fine for what 99% of the population use a computer for anyway.

yes...but you now have seared breasts...not so with the iPad:D

This thing is becoming indispensable.
I use it for:

Reading the NY Times and Chronicle in the am.
Calendar / schedule
Picture frame on my desk
Streaming movies with Netflix
ABC news and yahoo video
Internet surfing
Work file storage and access - replaced 2 binders of reports, ads and documents. (goodreader)
Note taking in meetings
PowerPoint presentations
Gps / maps
Digital books

Wait 'till the apps really start coming....

Sent from my iPad 3G
Not to be condescending to anyone, but I think that people who don't own an iPad and talk about everything they can do on an iPad they can do on their Laptop, don't really get it.

I wave a 13 inch MBP and it,s pretty convenient and portable. That's why I bought it. However, it's mostly been collecting dust since I got my iPad. I keep hearing about it needing a killer app to make it a must have. What makes it a must have for me is the device itself. A bright, beautiful, lightning fast screen you hold in your hands that can accomplish 90% or more of what most people use a computer for. Oh, and by the way, it's light enough to throw in a bag and not even realize it's there, which is amazing, because it just happens to have a battery that will last you all day.

I'm using it right now, when my MBP is sitting on the coffee fable right in front of me. I prefer this form factor and will choose it every time possible. It will wonderful on the six remaining 14+ hour flights I have to take for the remainder of the year and will go with me to work every day as I walk (by choice) the 45 minutes each way. Heads and shoulders over my MBP.
I wave a 13 inch MBP and it,s pretty convenient and portable. That's why I bought it. However, it's mostly been collecting dust since I got my iPad.

All this means is that you should never have bought so an expensive laptop because you're not really using it for anything important.
Reading RSS feeds (only way to get my local paper right now) & USA Today (app). Couch surfing, bed surfing, playing games, reading books (have read only a couple so far) watching Netflix, ABC etc.

I bought it for the eReader and web capabilities ... so far it's been everything I thought it would be.
All this means is that you should never have bought so an expensive laptop because you're not really using it for anything important.

Actually, notice how I said " mostly". Since the iPad just came out, the MBP is my only other computer, which I do need for the occassional heavy lifting and for syncing, I think my purchase choices are perfect for me, but thanks for your concern.

The gist of the post was that I PREFER the iPad for the tasks it duplicates with other devices because of all the inherent advantages of the form factor and OS.
As I mentioned above, I have both a 15"MBP and a MacBook Air and the iPad has replaced both 90% of the time. If you neither fly nor commute then I concede that it may not be a needed item if you already have a laptop. However, for anyone contemplating a Kindle or Nook, this is a no-brainer. Does all that plus much, much more.

Netflix and ABC aside, none of this is new to me having had an iPhone since the 3G launch.

This thing is becoming indispensable.
I use it for:

Reading the NY Times and Chronicle in the am.
Calendar / schedule
Picture frame on my desk
Streaming movies with Netflix
ABC news and yahoo video
Internet surfing
Work file storage and access - replaced 2 binders of reports, ads and documents. (goodreader)
Note taking in meetings
PowerPoint presentations
Gps / maps
Digital books

Wait 'till the apps really start coming....

Sent from my iPad 3G
Just to add on to this thread on a positive note.

The iPad can be a productivity tool it just depends what your into.

So this is how I use my iPad

1. Air-midi controller, wired midi coming soon (I'll be 100% happy then)
(Trigger and Control other Hardware or Software Synths)

2. Synthesizer
(with wired midi the iPad will be a true BEAST)

3. Drum Machine / Loop Player
(The iPad could be the Grim Reaper of Drum Machines. It can be so many, but once again: MIDI)

4. Sampler, and can be sampled from (This is the fun here)

5. Comic Book Reader
(I got my WHOLE comic book collection in my iPad using Comic Zeal)

6. Ebook/PDF Reader
(Holds all my Manuals for all my Hardware and Software)

7. Video
(All my Tutorial / Instructional videos / Old School Cartoons and Kung-fu)

9. Music

10. LIGHT Audio Recording / Editing
(Record a Song from my MPC using the usb dongle and a portable audio interface)

10 Photos
Import Photos and Video with the cam dongle, Light Edit Videos and upload to Youtube. Light Edit photos with Photogene and upload to photobucket.

11. Remote Desktop Client
(Access to my Win Server. Works pretty good too.)

Yeah I get pissed at the Maker of the iPad too for some of the sucker moves they pull, but overall I can't complain about the iPad.

C'mon devs i'm riding with ya!
Use one for? Upside down the curved back make a decent airfoil. Toss the iPad like a frisbee and they sail pretty far.

The thicker middle and thin edge make a good doorstop wedge.

With any flashlight app the iPad makes a great panel light for video production. And at $500 is competitvely priced in that category.

Recycle the aluminum case for enough cash for supper. The rest of the ipad should still work.

Great for mounting in kitchen cabinet door cutouts, apparently.

If you own one, you can trash it without any fear of abuse on any apple related forums.

With 10 hours of battery life, you can tap the great battery to run your other lesser devices.
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