I just took a trip to Houston from Seattle for 5 days. All I took with me was my iPad. This is the first time I put the device thru it's paces. As a consuming device, and less so an input device, I found it amazing.
2 hours at the airport, 4 hour flight. Battery @ 50% with heavy use. Internet browsing/email at the airport, movies, games, books and music on the plane.
Meeting 3 separate high school friends not seen in 20 years. Brought with me over 1700 photos of my family to share.
Used my point and shoot to capture moments with my friends and would upload the images to the ipad at night and email them to my friends at the same time. How cool is that.
Hooked in to wireless @ the hotel and friends house. Checked email/rumors/facebook and iPad specific news applications!
4 hours @ airport, and 4 hour flight home. Battery @ 30% with heavy use.
Movies, Games, Books and Music. Made the time fly by and the Kindle gal next to me was jealous.......
All in all a very impressive device that is THE ultimate travel companion. With the apple case, I had it with me the whole time and whenever I was free, I would use it. Not cumbersome, sorta like a daily minder/daytimer notebook.
Final comment, as I sat comfortably in my aisle seat on the plane, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy next to me with his laptop. He could never extend the screen out, he had to have it in his lap to fit, and he looked so uncomfortable using it.
2 hours at the airport, 4 hour flight. Battery @ 50% with heavy use. Internet browsing/email at the airport, movies, games, books and music on the plane.
Meeting 3 separate high school friends not seen in 20 years. Brought with me over 1700 photos of my family to share.
Used my point and shoot to capture moments with my friends and would upload the images to the ipad at night and email them to my friends at the same time. How cool is that.
Hooked in to wireless @ the hotel and friends house. Checked email/rumors/facebook and iPad specific news applications!
4 hours @ airport, and 4 hour flight home. Battery @ 30% with heavy use.
Movies, Games, Books and Music. Made the time fly by and the Kindle gal next to me was jealous.......
All in all a very impressive device that is THE ultimate travel companion. With the apple case, I had it with me the whole time and whenever I was free, I would use it. Not cumbersome, sorta like a daily minder/daytimer notebook.
Final comment, as I sat comfortably in my aisle seat on the plane, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy next to me with his laptop. He could never extend the screen out, he had to have it in his lap to fit, and he looked so uncomfortable using it.