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Jul 19, 2008
Ok i know nobody will believe this but the iPad UK price is from £329

Today i was in the apple store Manchester Trafford Centre, looking at the cases near the staff door. As the door opened i looked in and i saw about 10 members of staff huddled around a TV screen watching what appeared to be an iPad staff briefing video or keynote presentation.

I watched for about 20 seconds and the price £329 came up on screen. At which point a member of staff spotted me and quickly shut the door.

Now i assume everybody will think i am a fantasist, but i know what i saw and i was kinda hoping that a member of the apple staff could give us more details.
I am surprised an older gentleman didnt come out, slip on some glasses, pull out a device and ask you to look into it for the correct price and then it flashed a bright light at you...
I could believe that if it was £329+VAT, but £329 incl VAT would put it below the cost in the US, I can't see that happening personally, would be nice, but I can't see it. £329+VAT would be £386.57, not a very round number... It makes no odds to me as I already have mine but it would be very cool if we got it cheaper here :) Maybe Apple want to be nice with the exchange rate sucking for us at the moment heh

You know something i think he did. Cause as soon as i walked away i started doubting my own eyes. But I know what i saw though. If defo said £329.

I hope some apple store UK employee will leak more info now that i know some of them have been iPad briefed.
I could believe that if it was £329+VAT, but £329 incl VAT would put it below the cost in the US, I can't see that happening personally, would be nice, but I can't see it. £329+VAT would be £386.57, not a very round number... It makes no odds to me as I already have mine but it would be very cool if we got it cheaper here :) Maybe Apple want to be nice with the exchange rate sucking for us at the moment heh

All i can say is i saw what i saw and hope apple confirms it very soon. I'm dying to know what the 32gig price will be?
I could believe that if it was £329+VAT, but £329 incl VAT would put it below the cost in the US, I can't see that happening personally, would be nice, but I can't see it. £329+VAT would be £386.57, not a very round number... It makes no odds to me as I already have mine but it would be very cool if we got it cheaper here :) Maybe Apple want to be nice with the exchange rate sucking for us at the moment heh

Well the prices on the Apple Store at the moment aren't round numbers either, take a look.

Here's to hoping this is true!
You can get a rough idea.... to get $499 to £329 they using approx 66p/$1, so at that price point you could GUESS 32GB approx £395, 64GB £461. Add about £86 for 3G. I guess they could set a lower price point here as iBooks won't be immediately available which could be a deciding factor for some people?
Man if you are right that would mean??

16GB - 329
32GB - 400ish
64GB - under 500 pounds :D
You can get a rough idea.... to get $499 to £329 they using approx 66p/$1, so at that price point you could GUESS 32GB approx £395, 64GB £461. Add about £86 for 3G. I guess they could set a lower price point here as iBooks won't be immediately available which could be a deciding factor for some people?

If those were the prices through some miracle happening, I think I'd literally wet my pants with joy. Seriously.
i think you might be right on the money here but I think what you might of been able to see or hear was a + VAT. $499 is £328 as of the 5th even with adding VAT at 17.5% comes to about £389. and I'm loving that price and would end up buying a 32gb if the 16 is that cheep.

Thanks for the insight and i'll keep my fingers crossed we get confirmation from apple soon.
I'd put that down to the change in VAT though?

Probably, but if they still haven't bothered to adjust the prices for everything else in the store it wouldn't make sense that they'd do it for only the iPad.

All I'm saying is don't let the fact it's not a round number make you think it's any less true. If we're very lucky, it could happen.
Probably, but if they still haven't bothered to adjust the prices for everything else in the store it wouldn't make sense that they'd do it for only the iPad.

All I'm saying is don't let the fact it's not a round number make you think it's any less true. If we're very lucky, it could happen.

Oh I totally got what you were saying, but for existing products to keep a round number they'd have to either raise the pre-tax price, thus increasing their profit (but would be frowned upon by us lol), or lower the pre-tax price, lowering their profit (frowned upon by them lol). With a new product they set the price and can keep it nice and round :) Anyway this is all just hypothetical at the moment heh :) I think they'll have to announce it this week, surely?
Whilst it true i didnt see the next slide of the presentation and it may well have said plus vat. However logic would suggest that you wouldnt tell the staff the price without Vat, atleast not in the UK.

Hope the £329 price is confirmed by apple today.
Yay its Tuesday today. Hopefully the UK site will update with more info and prove im not going mental.
I think everyone here is missing the obvious.....

Now i am not passing comment on your eyesight, but perhaps it read £379... and you simply misread it to say 329...?

This would put it much nearer the expected price.
£329 would be around £50 less than most estimates generally suggest. Just seems too good to be true. I am still expecting the £389-£399 mark personally.
maybe £379, could've mistaken the 7 for a 2 from a quick glance.


very similar... Not that i'm getting one since i'm not really a book reader and besides games, not sure yet what other uses this has over my latitude xt/iphone. (apart from the omg weight/size) lol

Although depending what the next iPhone is like i may just pass and get the iPad instead.

meh, soon find out :)
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