I've got a Dell Mini 10v right now that's running Snow Leopard, and the experience isn't really what I thought it would be mostly because the trackpad is so awful it's barely usable. Secondly, the screen isn't anything special either and the battery life is horrendous. However, my original intention was either buying a MacBook Pro, or buying an iMac and a netbook. I've got the 21.5" iMac, which is awesome, but the netbook doesn't really do what I need it to. Where the iPad comes into play is that it seems like it will be a great couch/bed/friend's house/anywhere web surfer, music player, etc. I would love to be able to type papers using the iWork apps and the fact that I can use my iMac keyboard with it is a plus too. However I think I might wait until the 4.0 OS is released to see what, if any kind of multitasking gets added. When it comes to typing papers on an iPad, I would like to be able to do this: Keep the iWork app open for typing and be able to flip between Safari, a textbook, another book, and maybe even YouTube for citation/referencing. In the end, I would rather have an iPad over a netbook regardless of multitasking.