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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 21, 2008
Has one come out yet? I didn't see any in the app store. The flash would work quite well as a light actually. Currently you would have to go to the canera app, flick to movie mode, click the flash icon, then click the on switch. An app the gets it down to one click (or no clicks) would be awesome.
To the best of my knowledge the flash cannot be turned on/off using any public method in the SDK APIs so this app is impossible.
I'm not an iPhone developer, but I assumed it would be included in the camera API(s). What a wasted opportunity if you're correct.
I'm not an iPhone developer, but I assumed it would be included in the camera API(s). What a wasted opportunity if you're correct.

The camera API is quite limited. You can change the flash mode that the camera starts up in but turning the flash mode to on does not turn the LEDs on (try it in the camera app). So you could turn flash on and then start (programatically) taking pictures as fast as you can but this would just result in an annoying, relatively slow, strobe.
You don't need an app. Just go into camera, switch to record mode, put the led light on and it stays on.
i used it last night when i came up to bed..however one i was in the bedroom it was so bright i work up my wife...perhaps a brightness setting?! you don't wanna wake up your wife in the middle of the night...
Wirelessly posted (IPhone 3G: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

I just submitted an app that uses the LED as well. I didn't use any private api's to make it work. I'll update this post when it becomes available.
Wirelessly posted (IPhone 3G: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

tempusfugit said:
free or no?

Probably gonna go 99 cents. Planning on giving away some promo codes here at macrumors though.

I can promise it's worth 99 cents compared to some of those other 'flashlight' apps that just show color screens :)


Here is a link to a video of the app in action:
Source Code

Wirelessly posted (IPhone 3G: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

I just submitted an app that uses the LED as well. I didn't use any private api's to make it work. I'll update this post when it becomes available.

Would you be willing to share which API's you used (or even better would be sending a source code snippet of the actual flash light activation) I am under an NDA agreement with Apple and can not post Apps to the App store as it is, so it would be for personal use only. Let me know.

Would you be willing to share which API's you used (or even better would be sending a source code snippet of the actual flash light activation) I am under an NDA agreement with Apple and can not post Apps to the App store as it is, so it would be for personal use only. Let me know.


Hey Andrew,

Let me see what Apple says about my app. I wouldn't mind sharing it after I know it gets approved.
Sorry for the silly question, but how long is the life of the LED light? 10 hrs, 30, months, days? Sorry I know very little about these things.

With moderate use would the LED last for 2-3 years?
Sorry for the silly question, but how long is the life of the LED light? 10 hrs, 30, months, days? Sorry I know very little about these things.

With moderate use would the LED last for 2-3 years?

It's not something I'd worry about. This article states that most LEDs have a MTBF of, at the very least, 100,000 hours. Some are > 1000000. Sure some will fail quicker than that but they will be in the minority.
answer yet?

Can someone post an answer to this yet? or even a push in the right direction?

is there a way to see if the flash is working with the simulator? or does it need to be tested on an actual device?
Wirelessly posted (IPhone 3G: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

Probably gonna go 99 cents. Planning on giving away some promo codes here at macrumors though.

I can promise it's worth 99 cents compared to some of those other 'flashlight' apps that just show color screens :)


Here is a link to a video of the app in action:

My app finally just moved to In Review. We'll see if Apple lets me slip through.

I already have an update ready to submit to Apple as soon as the first one gets approved... Looking forward to people getting their hands on it.
I am currently beta testing a LED Flashlight App for an un-named developer and it does work just fine. However, I have found multiple bugs and reported them to him and he does not respond to any of my emails. Sadly, I know that this will work but if he does not respond and fix these major will go nowhere.

If there are any other developers needing beta testers for their Apps...I am available and use the flashlight apps every night in a normal environment with backgrounding. Please PM me and I will send my UDID to those that need an experienced beta tester.
I might have a solution for you....

I just submitted an app to the App Store a couple days ago that might fill that gap you are looking for :D

It is called iLED Light, here is a video that I put together!

The current version submitted has a simple ON/OFF button with a option to press to turn the LED light on. I figured this could come in handy when you want to just hold your finger down to turn the light on. I also gave the option to turn the camera view ON/OFF and decided to utilize iOS 4 Fast App Switching to keep your setting remembered and for the application to load up fast!

I also show in the video above a feature that I will be releasing in the next version, STROBE LIGHT :D I figure it would be pretty cool to have as an extra feature :p

Let me know what you think! I also don't mean to take over your thread either, I will be posting as well!



Hey Andrew,

Let me see what Apple says about my app. I wouldn't mind sharing it after I know it gets approved.

I'll take you up on that offer when you feel it's a good time. Unfortunately I can't seem to send a PM at this time, so if you wanna shoot me an email, it should hopefully work. Thanks!

Andrew :apple: :cool:
Backgrounding Problem

I have now beta tested two flashlight apps and there is one major problem with these apps that is not the developers fault.

Each of these apps are tied to the camera/camcorder app and the activation of the LED. If you are playing your iPod or any Pandora related app and activate the camera...the music continues to play. The minute that you switch it over to the camcorder, the music app shuts down. The same thing happens with all the flashlight apps I have beta tested so far. If I am listening to music, podcast or audio book and turn on one of the flashlight apps...the music app is shut down. The devs have sent a bug report into apple regarding this problem with the video camera so hopefully there is a fix which will in turn fix the flashlight/iPod issue that will generate many complaints if these apps are approved.

I post this so that those that are waiting for a LED flashlight app know and understand that this bug is not a developer bug, but an Apple one and should not be used to base your ratings decision in iTunes.
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