I have now beta tested two flashlight apps and there is one major problem with these apps that is not the developers fault.
Each of these apps are tied to the camera/camcorder app and the activation of the LED. If you are playing your iPod or any Pandora related app and activate the camera...the music continues to play. The minute that you switch it over to the camcorder, the music app shuts down. The same thing happens with all the flashlight apps I have beta tested so far. If I am listening to music, podcast or audio book and turn on one of the flashlight apps...the music app is shut down. The devs have sent a bug report into apple regarding this problem with the video camera so hopefully there is a fix which will in turn fix the flashlight/iPod issue that will generate many complaints if these apps are approved.
I post this so that those that are waiting for a LED flashlight app know and understand that this bug is not a developer bug, but an Apple one and should not be used to base your ratings decision in iTunes.
Good point. I expect that it wouldn't make that much of a difference to most. Not sure though, but I guess most people would only use it for a few seconds to walk up the stairs, down the hall, find a key, etc...
But it is good to warn others so that these developers don't get bad ratings...
Lookin forward to one of these coming out. First one to make the App Store will probably get my $$