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macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2012
I'm there and it's nowhere near as comfortable for me, and I have a taller friend who has one of these larger Samsung phones and he can't. On the flip side I know some people who probably could (they've definitely got big hands). Heck, comfortable operation starts to end for average hands just past the iPhone.

If your hands are somewhat average I'd suggest you try it out and notice the difference in your hand movement but I don't really expect people to be too open to this sort of thing. Some people just like large screens and that's okay.

I owned the iP4, as did my wife. I bought the S2 and it immediately felt better. The iP4 is almost to small. When I would go back and forth between phones, I hnestly don't know how I used the iPhone for the last 4 years!


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2010
Location: Location: Location:
cant wait for my preorder s3 to come.


It's nuts that a mere year ago, TouchWiz was incredibly frowned upon. Today... its features are one of the driving factors of purchasing the SIII.

Pretty wild, if you ask me.

if I dont like it I'll be rooting the phone. My rooted thunderbolt has been amazing and its time for something new. I'll probably root it no matter what ;)


macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2010
Lexington, KY.
I just sold my SII a couple of days ago in preparation for getting the SIII next week (hopefully...if I can find one in stock...LOL). I'm mid-contract on my 4S, so I'll be buying the SIII outright at full price, but it's completely worth it to me. I loved my SII and this phone is better all around.

My 4S is great, but I'm so freaking bored of it. I've even got it jailbroken, but it's just not enough anymore. For me, that bigger screen has become a necessity, so I'll be shelling out the $$$ for it. Plus, the developer community behind the SIII will be huge and the options will be endless.

Mind you, I won't be selling my 4S because I still love it. But I just can't pass up that beautiful SIII. :D


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2011
The one thing I really dislike about the iPhone 4/4s is the fact that it's literally a brick. It's heavy and awkward to me. If I could get a form factor with a curved back not made of glass on my iPhone.....

To me that's an interesting comment. I go exactly the other way. I am no Fanboy at all and would love to switch to the S3, but don't coz my i4 is still OK, and I use mainly the 'phone' function (which many I guess are unaware of).

Anyway, back to the comment: What I love about the iPhone 4 design is that I can put it on a table and finger the screen - and the phone doesn't move at all. One hand typing with a curved back is not that easy.

IMHO a flat back brings certainly practical advantages.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
To me that's an interesting comment. I go exactly the other way. I am no Fanboy at all and would love to switch to the S3, but don't coz my i4 is still OK, and I use mainly the 'phone' function (which many I guess are unaware of).

Anyway, back to the comment: What I love about the iPhone 4 design is that I can put it on a table and finger the screen - and the phone doesn't move at all. One hand typing with a curved back is not that easy.

IMHO a flat back brings certainly practical advantages.

I agree. The uniform shape, and flat edges are actually something I really like about the iPhone 4/4S.

The design also opens up all kinds of doors for cases and covers


Jun 18, 2010
I have a cousin who told me he saw the Samsung Galaxy S3 just recently at mall. He thought it was pretty slick along with ICS. And he has never been an Android fan.

I was underwhelmed by S3 at first but I might still want to check it out. My 2nd fav phone was made by Samsung. I think they really have turn things around and have the best hardware features and innovations. I hate when Apple fanboys complain about plastic yet Sammy makes alot of components for Apple. Apple goes on altering the chip with minor modifications and then brand it themselves and say here, "Check our A5 chip. But let's make Samsung make it for us anyway!"

I'm open to giving Samsung a chance. That Smart Alert is interesting and their Smart TV looks awesome. They still make the best TV's as of today. The 3rd-5th gen is usually when manufacturers get it right with the product line. Look at the iPhone 3Gs holding up very well after three yrs while you couldnt say the same for first two gens of iPhones. I expect huge sales for S3 like the S2 did. It is now the most anticipated model line next to the iPhones.


macrumors 65816
Jun 25, 2010
I'm glad Samsung has such a beautiful device. Competition is good and hell you never know, we iPhone users might pick one up one day. Maybe to try it out or even own one.

There's nothing wrong with product loyalty if the company continues to deliver great products, being Samsung or Apple. Personally these are my favorite companies and its obvious that I will look to these brands when it comes to mobile devices, televisions, and computers. I just think most people and myself can't stand others that think a product makes them better than others. I know Apple has a lot of "these people".

Again, kudos to Samsung on a great device :)


macrumors 65832
Aug 17, 2011
Well, if you decide you want to hook your phone up to your hd tv and a wireless bt keyboard and mouse and have your phone utilize a pc interface you're golden.

If you want to hook up a ps3 or xbox controller directly to the phone via wire or bt and play games like tekken or super mario kart via downloaded roms, you're golden.

Want to attach an external drive and upload/download files between the phone and drive. No problemo.

Check out the vid. iPhone may have a few issues trying to compare to this. Not to mention every reviewer says this phone is fast and the OS/Touchwiz UI is buttery smooth.

Edit: Forgot to add. If you are a male over 6 feet tall, you'll understand that the 4.5-4.8" screen is perfect. The iPhone is actually too small imo. The whole iphone fits within the S3's screen.

I'm 6'3" and would and have stayed clear of the 4.3 inch wide and wider cell phones. Way too big (Wide wise) and not as comfortable as the iPhone has to offer. To each his/her own. ;)

Sorry but it sounds like your just settling. Everyone thought the iPhone screensize was just perfect. And when the rumor of a longer (but not wider) screen started, most everyone felt such an idea was absolutely horrible. And as this rumor starts gaining momentum, haters of the stretched iphone are starting to warm up to the idea because they have no choice. But I'm betting you're not the first one that has come to the rationalized acceptance that a stretched iphone 4s is what you may be in store for with the upcoming iphone. Visually, it's gonna look ridiculous. Hopefully the rumors won't be true.

Not settling at all. I just like the size of the current or perhaps 4 inch screen that maybe coming out. I use my phones as a phone, email and GPS only and never watch movies, youtube, nor Facebook/Texting stuff, so a good mature looking iPhone is my choice. I have a Mac and Stereo for the other stuff. Since there are plenty of other cell phones out there, there is a choice for all of use. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 17, 2012
This is a much better visual comparison and it has a video



macrumors member
Aug 25, 2011
Oh no- don't misunderstand me. I'm just saying there's a difference. Not trying to criticize you.

It's all good. It was kinda funny seeing all the old cell phones when I looked them up. My grandpa had a brick one and a larger one. A little nostalgia...


macrumors 68020
Apr 17, 2010
people need to stop debating the screen size "issue" and understand that it's just a matter of preference. There is no perfect size. And no big company (Apple, Samsung) are going to make four different screen size versions of their flagship devices. If that is the most important factor than your choice has been made for you. Like it small, go with the iPhone, like it big, go with the S3.

It doesn't matter how tall you are, how big your hands are, if you are a man or a woman, etc. These are all useless variables in an argument that is pretty tired, especially on this forum. A 4 foot tall woman and a 7 foot man might like the same screen size.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2005
Stop it already!!!! Both phones represent the best Samsung and Apple have to offer. S3 is great the 4S is great the 6 gen will be great...competition is good for us, we benefit from it. I appreciate both iOS and Android. Both can accomplish many tasks we never dreamed of doing on a mobile phone. Both Macrumors and Xda are now full of teenager like argumentative threads like this....TO EACH HIS OWN!! Mods need to shut these threads down!!


If I were buying a phone just based on aesthetics I would personally choose the iPhone (I think it's beautiful).

But the larger screen is important to me, somewhere between and e-reader and a phone.

It's a balance but I think they're both great in different ways.


macrumors 68000
Dec 23, 2008
London, UK
The SGIII since it has the curved back makes it much more comfortable to hold than the iPhone 4S. Also the fact that has a back button makes it easy not to go on the top leftmost corner, which is something that I don't like on the iPhone.
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