Concerning the 5 days I put into this, the fact that I even gave it a shot was a huge move for me and I believe it will be for most of us similar to my situation. My 5 days with this device was intense, I put a lot of hours into this thing. I didn't need to risk another day of possibly dropping or damming the unit therefor disqualifying my return with Att. I learned what I had to learn.
This post was about my experience and geared for those that are iPhone users thinking about switching over.
Allow me to quote the President of the United States of America, 'LET ME BE CLEAR'
I don't dislike Android, if you are super geeky or love tweaking technology to conform with your individual needs you are going to love that aspect of the Android/S3 experience. If you don't own other Apple devices that are more then lets say 2 years old or are not thinking about purchasing any Apple devices such as an Apple TV or near future gadget of theirs then this makes your move to Android even easier. What I've got out of this whole thing thanks to those of you that have posted here and beyond is that
Android can, will do everything and yes, even more then the iPhone does on a task for task, basis. I have already complimented S3 on the technology.
It's the
Basics of the S3 that came up short for me. The following 3 points are
not debatable, in comparison to an iPhone 4 and above:
1) S3's screen does not cut the mustard for bright outdoor use, especially if you wear dark sunglasses. If you are outdoors a lot, or in a bright environment (high VLT for geek talk) the screen of the S3 WILL PRACTICALLY DISAPPEAR on you especially when comparing it to what we are use to. Although you may like that the colors of the S3 are more intense, this for me was a non issue because I do spend a considerable amount of time outdoors, I live at the beach!
2) Poor, poor, poor and did I mention poor? Battery Performance. We know it's removable. This is not a benefit unless the original battery can perform as good or better then the iPhone. It's just another moving part, a design flaw for any Apple enthusiast.
I suspect these are some of the main considerations why you don't see most of these additional technologies included on any iPhone and I personally agree with that assessment assuming it's true. So maybe it's not the battery of the S3, it could be because they cram so much stuff into it. Apparently, for millions of others this is a plus, unfortunately for me it's not.
3) Apple's Ecosystem is an important layer of high consideration for those that are considering switching over, this too is not debatable. Apple's closed system assures us of this tight/streamlined compatibility with all their products. They control the whole experience, software/hardware, this we all know! This may not be important to some but it is for me and millions of Apple customers.
You will lose integration with iCloud, Airplay, iTunes, AppleTV, iMessage, PhotoShare the list goes on.
In my case, I temporarily lost that tight integration with my incredible girlfriend (she really is) as she owns an iPhone 4s. iPhone to iPhone communication along with every thing I just mentioned above was a noticeable lost to me, so consider your personal circle, your social network, do most of your friends and family have Android or iOS?
I believe it's Mr. Wonderful and his constituents that have coined the phrase, 'For that reason, and for that reason alone', I'm out.