iPhone 5 wallpaper request thread
Google plus gone
tiggger, would you please remove the text from this pic?
Google plus gone
tiggger, would you please remove the text from this pic?
using photoshop elements, do you want the psd files pm'd to you?
tiggger, would you please remove the text from this pic?
Can I please get the time removed ?
Could someone please make this one into a iP5 Wp?
hey tiggger, would you also make me a rMini wallpaper of this pic without the type?
also, what's the last post about donations? i'd be glad to make a donation for your work.
Sorry, I'm not tigger.....
but here your wallpaper. 2048 by 2048
Here you go
can someone make these into parallax for iphone plz
thanks in advance!
Tigger is there a way to get rid of the words at the bottom and move the wheels down to the bottom of the picture? And also optimize it for iPhone 5s regular Thanks in advance
Pps. Could you add this logo in replacement of the script giants logo. Enlarge it to about the same size. So basically same back grounds. Black. Orange. But instead of script giants logo it's the one in above pic. Enlarged to same size as rest.
Idk if it's possible but would be amazing.