This thread is really fun in September every year. My 7 JB 128g delivered today @3:22pm Arizona time but haven't open it yet. I just want to say Good Bye to everyone in this thread and see y'all next September.
This thread is really fun in September every year. My 7 JB 128g delivered today @3:22pm Arizona time but haven't open it yet. I just want to say Good Bye to everyone in this thread and see y'all next September.
That is usually what happens when you order 2 days after they go on presale.....I ordered on last Sunday and my delivery date is so late (oct 5-11) and its STILL in "processing" mode. What the hell Apple?
I ordered on last Sunday and my delivery date is so late (oct 5-11) and its STILL in "processing" mode. What the hell Apple?
Well, my shipping estimate just updated to a lot sooner. AT&T Black 7+ 256GB was originally scheduled to arrive between Sept 26 - 29, but when I woke up this morning, it's already shipped and will be here Monday the 19th! I was not expecting that.
Last check before I sign-off. As of 1:10 AM PST, status still says Import Scan. But it is still scheduled to be delivered on Saturday, 9/17.Just checked mine, and it's now showing Import Scan as well.
See my pic above - the weather is crap. Hard to say if our flights will get out in time to make the local truck.Last check before I sign-off. As of 1:10 AM PST, status still says Import Scan. But it is still scheduled to be delivered on Saturday, 9/17.
Guys, it was great fun reading and posting in this thread. We went through typhoon, many many flights, guessing and tracking. It's virtually like waiting in line 9 years ago for the first iPhone!
I have 1 more jet black coming on Monday, currently in HK. I'm going to stick around until then.
Cheers, and good luck for those who are still here! Remember to post a picture before you leave!
Mine just updated on UPS scheduled delivery is 9/17. There's also a new second import scan just now at KY.
I had 3 iPhones scheduled for oct 4-10. All jet black, 2 128 gb and 1 256 gb.
All Verizon unlocked.
Changed to preparing for shipment some time today.
Anyone know how much longer from this point?
I did but just about every Apple Store from DC to NC only had 7s, no pluses...Anyone trying the 12:01 reservations?
My order is still processing. Delivery date is sep 20-22.Seems to be different for every person. Looking through the different threads, some people are going from PFS to shipped within a day and others are sitting in PFS for multiple days with no action. I am curious as to whether or not Apple is truly getting ready to ship these phones right now or if they are simply charging the cards well before being ready to ship just as a way to reserve the phones in their system. I have been in PFS now for about 27 hours or so without any movement. I was hoping it would ship today so I could maybe get it Monday or Tuesday, but at this point those of us still in PFS are probably looking at a best case scenario of Wednesday, at least in the US.