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God, that preorder was soooooo bad.

Everyone is pissed about seeing far off dates. Back in my day, we didn't have no expected dates, they were all backordered... lol

I remember that, I ended up receiving my phone a week later but I had no idea when it was coming lol. Fun times
Did anyone else see on twitter that the trade-up offer is paired with Tmobile ONE now? Does that mean my current trade in offers are not eligible for the bill credits. I have the family share 6gb plan....
I assume that if they already gave you the offer, it's valid. That's what I'm counting on. That's why I ordered through t-mobile.
For everyone checking package weights, I hear the black and jet black adds .2-.3 lbs, so if you're under and have a package coming they probably shipped you the wrong color by mistake

Everyone here has phones sitting at UPS and worried about getting them at release day and I have a November date and no charge on my credit card. Seriously? Let's put things in perspective here. If your phone is sitting at UPS and is shipping, or preparing for shipment, or you had a charge on your card, please be mindful of the people who have much later ship dates and be grateful you are getting your phone sooner. I have a 16GB iPhone 6S Plus with constant "Storage Almost Full" messages with limited apps, no music or photos downloaded that I have to put up with until potentially Thanksgiving.

If anyone should be pissed, it's people like me. You guys with phones sitting at UPS I could not be more jealous and I regret ordering the Jet Black.
T-mobile site down can't go into MyAccount maybe that means something exciting is about to happen...
By the way, i know this doesn't apply to us. But on the ATT thread, they were the same as us with the 7 black/jetblack pluses. No updates, no charges. Now they just started getting shipment notifications. Maybe we can expect the same from T Mobile.
6 shipments scheduled for Louisville tonight; surely my Jet Black Plus is there!


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