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I'm sure someone is going to complain about scratches from manufacturing...
Wow, wasn't expecting that. Looks pretty horrible imo. QC fail.
Alrighty folks, time to get analytical...

This survey is to gather information about everyone's orders so we can see exactly how they have prioritized they shipping of everyone's phones. I must stress ***PLEASE DO NOT ENTER YOUR ORDER NUMBER IF YOU WERE NOT AN EXISTING T-MOBILE CUSTOMER AT THE TIME OF YOUR ORDER*** as existing customer order #s can only be looked up by the account owner in their online profile so your info is safe. But as a new customer, the rest of your information is important to analyzing the data as well.

Got 65 responses so far but nothing telling yet. Really need more data on anyone who has already received their phone!

And I know it's a stretch but order #s are going to be a big help too! Thanks to all who have responded so far!
I fully expect to come home and my iPhone be delivered , without any change to the T-Mobile order processing or ups update.. But who knows , I've seen tons of people on here say this.
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lol that's so cute...

No seriously; SERIOUSLY?!

No way to check my order status. Sold my phone this afternoon, and nothing shows up on my.tmobile. The only way to see my order was to use the app which I haven't checked using my wife's phone because I figured it'll take time for them to update it. I'll wait till i get a UPS alert.

Unless you see a tracking number with scheduled delivery for tomorrow. You're not waking up to anything lol.

I was joking :)
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Okay, so I ordered my rose gold 32gb 7 at 1:45 AM central on the 16th, my card was charged like 3 hours later. I went to bed afterwards and woke up with shipping info in my mailbox, the time stamp indicated that it was sent out at around 11 AM. Checked UPS My Choice, label was created at 5 AM. Then no activities from UPS for a whole day (Friday) but showing ready for UPS. Got to the destination city on Saturday 7:45 AM but didn't deliver until Monday. If this timeline is somewhat correct, the labels for orders that are charged this afternoon should already be created (about 2 hours after getting charged). Notification email about getting shipped should be out somewhat tomorrow early morning. Just not really sure if they'd make it tomorrow. For the rose gold the initial scan for UPS happened at 1 AM Saturday and ended up in my city (Texas) at 7:45 AM which potentially could be right in time for same day delivery. Hopefully we'll see something soon ;-;
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