Don't worry when j get home from work I'll post a pic of mineAHHHH so jealous
Don't worry when j get home from work I'll post a pic of mineAHHHH so jealous
I am sure it won't be that long. But for the frustration, don't stop at $59. Bug them enough and the will give you much better deal than this. You just have to keep bugging. If they don't budge, ask for retention department. Crib and complain there. They usually have more leeway. Also tweet @johnlegere on important tweets/announcements. Yes you probably won't get your phone any sooner now than you would have if you had not cancelled but don't let this opportunity go to waste.
Me neitherI have not gotten any update fir my 32gb mb +
No charges today. What happened to those 7 planes that landed last night?
For the lazy, the article said shipments of Jet Black are coming sooner than expected, so October dates may move up to end of Sept.[/QUOTE
What about those of us who have Sept dates for the Jet Black? I highly doubt mine will be here by the end of the week, as was forecast.
I'm a little confused on how to use the MYUPS - do we still need a tracking/reference number or should it just show with my address?
Does this work in the app to? Or just the delivery planner on the websiteIt automatically shows when any label is created with your address on it.
the very last one was ordered first at 11:30am pst. the rest were ordered together the nest day in the afternoon, 2pm pstDid you order all those phones together in one order or seperately?
I ordered four phones and its showing one date for all of them, so wondering if I will get it together or one by one
I first found out about my label on the app.Does this work in the app to? Or just the delivery planner on the website
you got 2 more hours before get start charging for 32gb mb 7No charges today. What happened to those 7 planes that landed last night?
works on the app too. app is better evenDoes this work in the app to? Or just the delivery planner on the website
Me neither
CIHU orders are done in store on a different application we generally use it when doing non jump/jod upgrades. That doesn't mean you can't do a jump upgrade through it. T-Mobile just made a newer application for jump/jod upgrades that gives you the S order number.I was just wondering that.
Are people getting UPS shipping notifications via MYUPS before their CC gets charged?
Does this work in the app to? Or just the delivery planner on the website
I don't understand how I can have an order date before the 9th and still be backordered until November?
I've been waiting for my phone for so long I am finally at ease! It comes when it comes lol 7+ 32gb black . 11/01-11/30