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S orders mean JOD orders
but I didnt do a jump upgrade. I did a regular upgrade with a trade-in. or so I think. here's my order page:
Is the waviness noticeable though? Thanks for taking the time to take that picture? You can kind of notice the waviness there.
It's actually not that bad in person. I also have two different theories on what those are: When you look closely they're almost like tiny indentations. I think that either I overstretched it when I was applying it, or they're just little impact dings from when this thing was getting knocked around inside my glovebox or whatnot. But like I say they're not really that noticeable in person
Jet black, jet black, jet black :(
At this point i'm not even optimistic of Jet Black.. sucks but there hasn't been ANY movement whatsoever... on the tmobile side.. meanwhile some ATT/VZ customers are in fact getting theirs...
For the lazy, the article said shipments of Jet Black are coming sooner than expected, so October dates may move up to end of Sept.
Just received my 7+32gb Black, waiting for my sister's phone to be scanned by ups. (don't know why they were not scanned at the same time, both were charged yesterday and labels created)
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as bad as that is, trust me, you will not be getting it in december. something like this always happens every year. you will get yours in october. remember, they are making and shipping out new phones every day. you will get yours way sooner than you think.
also, since tmobile screwed you over, message them on chat and insist on a monthly credit for being given bad advice. you may walk away with a cheaper phone bill. or maybe work your magic enough to get that hd pass for free on your phone. if you keep insisting, you'll get something for free or a credit. i do it all the time when screws up my order somehow. :)

Thanks for the feedback -- I really appreciate it. It helps sooth my nerves after putting up with their jackassery.
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