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iPhone Voicemail (Not Deleting) Work Around

Call your voicemail by holding 1
Listen to your voicemail
Delete individually by pressing 7
Then delete and clear voicemails from phone

All gone!
Mine has problems connecting, or defaulting, to my home wireless network. Most of the browsing, actually all my web browsing to date has been over the Edge network. I set up the wireless correctly and it is "checked " as my preferred network, but the phone never defaults when browsing or checking e-mail.

The wireless router is D-link 802.11g/2.4 GHz. Next I'm gonna try my airport base station and see what happens.

I have had this issue as well just since upgrading to IOS7 when it came out.
iPhone AirPort Extreme verizon Fios
Still no fix for battery drain ios7.1 iphone 5s? Planning to replace this on easter
Still no fix for battery drain ios7.1 iphone 5s? Planning to replace this on easter
Have you tried some of what's suggested at ?
iPhone 5s not sending messages to GALAXY S4

I have an iPhone 5s and my wife had an iPhone 4.
She recently switched to a GALAXY S4 and now cannot receive my messages.
I can receive hers. Anyone have this problem?

Hello everyone.
I have noticed since I upgraded to ios7 whenever there is a word where a & e come together in chats, messages etc., they get attached to each other. Is there a way to get rid of it?


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Hello everyone.
I have noticed since I upgraded to ios7 whenever there is a word where a & e come together in chats, messages etc., they get attached to each other. Is there a way to get rid of it?
What app is that?


I have an iPhone 5s and my wife had an iPhone 4.
She recently switched to a GALAXY S4 and now cannot receive my messages.
I can receive hers. Anyone have this problem?

Did she turn off her iMessage on her iPhone before switching?
Apologies if this has already been raised here but if you take a Panorama and apply a Filter, the filters are listed but show black squares instead.
My phone keeps going crazy I think it's a bug....

I keep getting a flashing green screen and then my phone won't turn on for hours. It will then work again for a few weeks and then start up again. Is his a write off do I need a new phone?
iphone deleting music

Hi all -

I have a CD at home that I imported to my MacBook Pro a long time ago. Recently my iphone has been deleting this album from my music. It has happened again, and it's super annoying - it's actually the music my daughters use to go to sleep, so when it's missing I REALLY notice!

Can anyone tell me if this is a legit bug? I've searched around everywhere...

iPhone 4, 28 GB, 7.1.2
Gmail not sending from iPhone 5

Hi there,

My iPhone 5 is not sending emails from my gmail account as of this morning. I have checked the password, reinstalled gmail, turned on the other smtp servers, tried to change the second smtp server to port 25 without success (gave an error message, and the password entered was correct).

Any help is much appreciated. :apple:
Hi there,

My iPhone 5 is not sending emails from my gmail account as of this morning. I have checked the password, reinstalled gmail, turned on the other smtp servers, tried to change the second smtp server to port 25 without success (gave an error message, and the password entered was correct).

Any help is much appreciated. :apple:

What is your default account? Even then, try reboot.
a Bug I have noticed for a while that I thought was reported as fixed is..

when Im on a website and want to forward the site to a friend as a message its a 50% chance it may or may not send. It will load up, Ill add the address and it will freeze up my phone for a second then send to no where. I honestly dont know what happens to the message. I have also tried fowarding the site to myself to no avail.
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