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Keyboard Clicks..gone...but now back!

"i am on my 2nd iPhone (first one had battery issue/thats all). my new one has a good battery so far BUT NOW MY SOUND SETTINGS DON'T WORK? LOCK SOUNDS/KEYBOARD CLICKS NO LONGER WORK? Anyone know how to fix?

I had the exact same problem. Had to plug my headphones in and unplug them to fix."

I too had the same problem. I plugged in my headphones and unplugged them and it worked! THANK YOU!!!!
camera bug

Started a thread about it here ... this is how to replicate it:

1. Go into the camera
2. From the camera, go to your photo library
3. Select a picture that was taken in landscape
4. Rotate iPhone so you're viewing the picture in landscape
5. while *still* holding the phone in landscape, touch the screen to bring up the controls and touch the camera button to go BACK to the camera.
6. More times then not, going back to the camera like this will cause the display to split. Still takes pictures okay, but the camera display will be cut in two. Harmless but odd none-the-less.

Have fun.
To those that experienced the song title on lock screen bug, I wanted to chime in and say I've been experiencing it as well. Is there any way to replicate this? I'm wondering what might be causing this as well as whether or not if there's a fix for this since it gets kind of annoying as I like to keep the phone on without having to reset it every so often.
iphone on 1.1.2

I have a iphone with version 1.12 on O2.
I have noticed that in settings, usage it shows 'Time sincelast charge' shows 'usage and 'stanby' time.

Last night before turning off the phone it showed 2 days 2 hours on the standby section but when switching it back on this morning it shows only 1 day and 6 hours stanby?

Has anyone came across this glitch?


undelete mail on 1.1.2

Haven't seen this one mentioned.

If you (accidentally) delete an email, then go to the trash and 'move' the email back to the Inbox (seems like the only way to 'undelete') then the email is gone from both the Inbox and the Trash.

I tried reproducing this and it happened 3 times. No trace of the emails.

Is everyone else having the same problem?
Did anyone else notice that the headphone jack is irregular. The hole is very deep and standard headphones did not fit into the hole (I tried 5 kinds). For all the headphones the insulation around the pin prevented it from fitting in the headphone jack. Did apple put out any special converters for this? I remember steve saying that the headphone jack is a standard 3.5mm at macworld..... it is 3.5mm but sure isn't standard if it can't fit any headphones other than the ones that come with the iphone. :mad:

Belkin makes a converter. It was designed that way intentionally for exclusivity purposes. You can buy the Belkin converter at an Apple store. I actually bought one at the airport out of desperation!
1.1.3 bluetooth bug

Hi all, newbie with a new problem...

Post 1.1.3 update, I've got a bluetooth problem. I'm paired with a Garmin nuvi 680, no problems before the update. After I updated with 1.1.3, the phone's bluetooth turns itself on and off every 15-30 seconds or so. I rebooted both devices, re-paired each device also.

Anyone out there with the same problem? Any answers?

Unreliable iPhone

Guys, I'm experiencing lots of bugs with my v.1.1.1 iPhone, which has been unlocked with anySIM and is running on O2 Ireland Pay-As-You-Go.

(1) Incoming text messages often do not get through. Especially this is the case with Webtext.
(2) SMS sent from my service provider to notify me that I have voicemail are never received.
(3) SMS sent from my college via some kind of mass-SMS-sender are received but without content (ie I get empty messages)
(4) Outgoing SMS are sometimes held up for 6-7 days before they get through.
(5) Sometimes incoming calls are not shown, and I can't even find them under missed calls

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I know that my warranty is voided from jailbreaking/unlocking, so unless anyone has any suggestions on how to fix it I'll have to go back to my old phone and use my iPhone as an overprized iPod Touch?
WiFi and BT both greyed out

My Wi-Fi won't option is grayed out and wont even let me chose a network

ps: I was using my iPhone on this network earlier today :confused:

Runninmac, I have the same problem with wifi plus bluetooth. Both worked before my iPhone upgraded to the 1.1.3 firmware version.

I've tried every possible combination of restore/recover/reinitialize... numerous times, and the problem remains. It seems like a lot of people are having conflicts between 1.1.3 and specific bt devices, but this is more wide ranging, since you can't even get into the bt device or the wifi network if they are greyed out.

Any help would be appreciated.

SMS Text Message Conversations Out of Order.

Recently i've noticed that my iphone displays my SMS Text message conversations out of order. It takes MY last message that I sent, and places it above the message I just responded too. And continued to do so after every message sent. I tried restoring my phone, but the issue hasn't gone away.

Anyone else having this issue? Any suggestions?
When I send a SMS message to one person then close out of the conversation then go back into it the convo, it does not appear in the same order they were sent and received. It is very annoying because I'll read the same text twice and think I've lost my mind because I've replied but my reply is above the received message. It never did that until the 1.1.3 update.

Does this happen to any one else?:confused:
Recently i've noticed that my iphone displays my SMS Text message conversations out of order. It takes MY last message that I sent, and places it above the message I just responded too. And continued to do so after every message sent. I tried restoring my phone, but the issue hasn't gone away.

Anyone else having this issue? Any suggestions?

I have the same problem. Didn't think it was going to bother me as much as it does. :(
Crashing Web Pages

ever time I try to go to the page almost finishes loading and the crash! back to the main menu. Anyone else?

* Tap Settings on the home screen. Tap General. Tap Auto-Lock. Set to “Never.”
* Tap Settings on the home screen. Tap Brightness. Turn Auto-Brightness off.

Also, leave some space on the iPhone..... don't overfill to the Max

This tends to fix web site crashing in general.
Jack Adapter

SHURE makes an iPhone headset jack that converts any headset into an iPhone compatable set AND it has a built in microphone On/Off ;)switch
Did anyone else notice that the headphone jack is irregular. The hole is very deep and standard headphones did not fit into the hole (I tried 5 kinds). For all the headphones the insulation around the pin prevented it from fitting in the headphone jack. Did apple put out any special converters for this? I remember steve saying that the headphone jack is a standard 3.5mm at macworld..... it is 3.5mm but sure isn't standard if it can't fit any headphones other than the ones that come with the iphone. :mad:
Speaker not working

I'm having the same problem. I keep getting the message that 'the device is not compatable with the iPhone do I want to go into Airplane Mode EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT CONNECTED TO ANYTHING and then I can only get sound from my headphone jack. I have Reset my phone but this doesn't fix the problem. I have tried plugging and unplugging the headphones without success. I can't get this problem to stop.:eek:
I've had a couple occasions now where I will get or try to make a call, but I will not be able to use the iPhone's built-in speaker or microphone. However, if I switch to speakerphone, it works.

The only way I could get the sound back was to insert the iPhone headphones, and remove them again. My inkling is that when I had the iPhone headphones in previously, the iPhone did not detect them being removed. When I tried to make or receive a call, it put the output through the headphone jack thinking the headphones were still there.

Contact lost, when retored, photos jumbled

Yesterday, when i pulled out my phone to use it for the 1st time, i realized all my contacts and music had disappeared from my phone. My photos remained in tact, as did all my favorite numbers, resents, voice mail and text messages... however, no names were shown, just the full photo numbers. My Contact page was empty. When i got home, i synced my phone again, and got all my contacts back... later on i noticed when some people called me, the wrong contact photo would show up.... upon going thru most of my contacts, about half of them are mixed up to the wrong person... so iv lost a lot of the contact photos that i took as a contact photo, and didnt choose from my camera roll. A sync didnt fix this problem.
Just got my iPhone, I too have had the problem where the screen flickers off and on in Voicemail, seemingly in response to the accelerometer. Can't replicate it anywhere else so I don't think the phone itself is faulty. Weird.

Edit: Also happens through dialling Voicemail the normal way. Doesn't happen in any call other than Voicemail. Seems to be the ambient light sensor or something - if you cover the earpiece area at the top of the phone with your hand, the screen goes blank!
Once, my iPhone still thought the headphones were plugged in after I unplugged them. As a result, it turned off the mic and speakers on the phone itself, so that it was impossible to hear anything or speak to it. Plugging and unplugging the headset once fixed it, but I had to go home and get the headset first.
more bugs...

1. Custom ring tone does not work if phone is sleeping. Works when the phone is awake but uses default ringtone when asleep and receiving a call.
2. wifi network cannot have a hidden ssid. not sure what the purpose of the Other option in wifi setup is. Works fine if ssid is shown...
3. calendar sync with outlook 2007 does not update updated meeting requests.
Ticking coming from iPhone this my second iPhone they replaced the first for this tic

this is my 2nd iPhone, 1st replaced for the same ticking noise. Anyone else experiencing this?
The visual voicemail issue, it seems, is a light sensor at the top of the phone. When you're in a call, it detects when you're holding the phone to your face and shuts off the screen. However it also does this in the voicemail screen, where it's a little less appropriate. Explains that anyway! More of a design flaw than a bug...

As for Safari, I've never seen anything crash so much since Windows 95. Pre-Beta.
Calendar sync missing feature?

Just noticed today that syncing with outlook calendar does not bring in meeting information like Attendees or meeting requestor. All I have is the event name, location and the text. By looking at this info I cannot tell who invited me to this meeting or who else is going to be in there. Very inconvenient really. Perhaps a feature overlooked?

My external speaker wont play for the iPod music, videos … but it will play on PHONE calls and ring tones….
And to make a phone call the ear speker wont play…
In other words the iPhone acts like if the earphones are plug in but they’re not…

haaaaaa i fix it.. i did what the 7 previous post said (to pug and unplug the headphones and it work!!! cool thanks now my next situation is not with the iphone but with At&t their service SUCKS!!!!!
huge problem with mail

After i jailbroke my phone now my mail don't work and youtube doesn't work eigther. can some please, please help me i need my mail it's the only reason i got my iphone. im on 1.1.4 firware. thanks
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