JUMPINTHEGUN- you can hold down 1 to hear vm until they fix it.
Since I upgraded to 1.1.4 my iPhone seems to be having issues with Javascript "confirm" boxes in Safari.
A test page is here: http://www.sesmale.co.uk/confirm - you can choose "OK" or "Cancel" from the confirm box, and it then pops up an alert box to tell you which you chose.
On my iPhone, the confirm box box pops up and immediately goes away again, to be replaced by the alert box "You pressed Cancel", then when you acknowledge that, the confirm box returns for long enough for you to answer - but the response is then ignored and the confirm box just silently goes away..
It's like it immediately returns "Cancel" before you can press anything, then lets you make a selection anyway, but ignores the response...
Does anyone else's iPhone do the same thing on the address above or is it a special feature mine has developed?
my phone is getting too hot while i am using it for browsing for about 1 hour !!!
i am afraid the electronics inside will not live longer....![]()
bug: occasionally when i'm listening to music it just randomly quits and returns to the home screen it really bugs me as i had the same problem on my ipod touch
My calendar is not correct. Can anyone suggest a way to get my calendar to be accurate?
Turn the iPhone into landscape mode and it shows the correct album art as well as the correct artist, song name, and album. Now I return the iPhone to portrait mode and go back to the Artists screen and scroll down to The Offspring. Same thing here, click shuffle and still looks great. Now turn the iPhone into landscape mode and something is wrong. It shows the correct cover art for The Offspring Greatest Hits, but the Artist is displayed as Boston, and the album art is in the wrong order.