Wow, that went hostile quick! I don't understand hostility. Android NEEDS Apple. Apple NEEDS Android. Competition stirs ________. Fill in the blank. Without competition, we'd all be on the iPhone 3 (or the Droid 1 for the Android analogy).
I guess as someone who likes Google more than Apple but believes that Apple has better hardware and software I tend not to be 100% one or the other. I almost always have an Android device and an iOS device (with iOS being primary).
To make the statement that Android is terrible is wrong. To make the statement that iOS is terrible is wrong. Is one better than the other? Yes. If I think it is better does that make it better for everyone? No. Freedom of choice.
I'm glad some people think Android is better because if they didn't, there would be no competition. Do I agree with them? No. Does that make me treat them differently? No. I'd still help them put a spare on in the rain or buy them a beer if that was their cup of tea (that doesn't quite work....).
I think forum titles like this invite a lot of hostility because I think it's wrong to make a statement: ________ performance is far less reliable than ________. If it was it would be getting 0 sales and be history.