I Googles iPhone SDK Windows to see if it was available, and was really shocked to come accross this thread. Some of the posters here represent the worst components of the Mac cult. I'm a Network Security Engineer, with 13 years of industry experience, and am sick of the stupidity happening in the Mac culture.
First, OS X is a great OS, but so is Vista (and 7 is shaping up to be a killer app). You are into a Coke and Pepsi argument that will never end. Macs do get viruses, they do crash, and they are not fundimentaly better than a PC. Additionally the problems with a Windows is typically not OS related, but stems from the fact that Windows is designed to support a larger hardware base than OS X. If Microsoft only allowed their OS to be run on a hardware platform they specified then it would be just as stable, and cost just as much as a Mac. However if they did that then they wouldn't hold the vast majority of the market like they do.
Realize when you are spewing your hatefull dogma that people without a dog in the fight are turned off by it. Literally it makes me embarassed to have just purchased an iPhone 3G S...
Mike Skembo