It means the application "Address Book" that comes free with all Macs. Check your applications folder.
Is here any way to get pics that people text me w/o having to go to
I've called iPhone and they say you can't delete the autofill from safari, but you can. I have done it by,going into settings, then safari, then hit-clear history, hit clear cookies, hit-clear cache. Then go to search engine- check yahoo then goole. Your done. If you also want to your web pages gone turn iPone off then back on. Hope this helps someone. Apple surport should read this. Dave
Hey, Does some one here Knows how do i put my name on The status Bar of my Iphonee.. i've seen people with their name on the status bar.! HOW CAN I DO THAT..! Need Help Please..
to expand on your keyboard tip above, the iphone is smarter than you think. you can type a space after the punctuation and it returns to the alpha keyboard automatically. if you are typing a sentence and want a period (or anything else on that keyboard) and then to continue on, you hit the key to toggle to the new keyboard, type your period and then a space and it automatically returns to the alpha keyboard.
i actually prefer this to the "easy" punctuation multi-touch drag thing that is going around. once you know this trick, punctuation is no problem.
i sent it to david pogue this morning and now he is sending me a free book!
When shooting video with the iPhone 3GS in a horizontal position (camera lens on left side), the video on the iPhone shows like it is supposed too. But, when you view it on a PC or upload it to You Tube... it doesn't retain the horizontal aspect. Reverts to vertical. What am I doing wrong?
I use macs at home etc. What is the EASIEST way to import my contacts onto the iphone? would it read them from my vodafone sim and import direct (Phone is unlocked) I have also got them stored in my "Address book" on the mac.