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Help Needed to Revive an iPhone 3GS!

My iPhone recently got water damage at the pool. I did all the thing you are supposed to do to revive it and now iTunes will let me restore it. I restored it and when I unplugged it from my laptop it shows a frozen screen of the connect to iTunes button and an alert saying I need to insert a SIM card. I have tried every possible way to get it unfrozen and now it shows a very dim screen, and when I plug it into iTunes it just says to insert a SIM. What should I do!?!?:eek:
I'm quite not sure what happened to my iPhone but I need help fixing it. Last night I was texting then my phone froze, I didn't have the patience to deal with it so I just turned it off. When I tried turnng it back on, it won't go past the Apple logo screen. Even though the battery was half way, I firgured it died, nope. I tried turning it on this morning, nothing. Same with the apple logo. I tried charging it, same results. I even tried resetting the iPhone, I got the same results of the apple logo and then it shutting off.
Ugh Help! D:
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

"hahaha I thought that it wasn't gona work but it DID!!! I just created an account to THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

Thank u sooooo much

I had to hold down both for almost 10 seconds and then it came out. Maybe try plugging it in and then holding down both.

My Iphone would not turn on and i found this blog through google. Everyone kept saying " simultaneously hold down the home and power button" ( which i did several times) but it was not until i read this post about doing it for atleast 10 seconds that it actually turned back on!!! i counted patiently and on 10 BINGO, the apple popped up!! thank u, thank u thank u for posting!!

P.S oh and Administrator.... the account registration process for this blog is way toooooooo long!! Geeez but thanks for creating it!! ;0)

This happened to me just now. I was sitting in my living room watching tv at like 4am. About an hour into the movie I get up to go back to bed. I turn the light off and started using my iPhone 3GS as a light since I'm quite afraid of the dark. I go to the restroom and turned off the light hitting the power button of my phone. I set my phone on the counter and do my business. A little less than a minute later I grab my phone to doodle around with it. It was off. I had checked it in the living room before I had gotten up and it was on around 37%. I press the power button and nothing. I sorta start freaking out. This isn't my phone, it's borrowed. Once I get a phone of my own I'm giving this one back. I go in my room and plug it into the charger. Nothing. I even plug it into a different wall. Nothing. I go get my mom's iPhone to see if anything was wrong with hers. Nope. I switch sims and my worked on hers but my phone was still shut off. I call Apple and was just planning to go and see of they can fix it. I put the sims back and just leave my phone on the charger. I would of done the whole computer thing but I don't have a computer. Just a wii with Internet. Well I go and take around an hour shower and came back to the phone hoping it would be fix. Nope. So I get on the Wii and start looking stuff up. I found this website and said to Press and hold the homepower for a little bit. And boom iPhone back on. I'm sorry for the major story but I just wanted to get the whole thing out so everythings clear:D
Iphone wont turn on

Ihave a iphone 2G. I recovered it after water damage. it was fine but then i needed to restore the phone. after that i need to go in DFU mode to unlock the phone, but now my problem is that i can not turn on the phone with the power button. Then i got another back cover with power switch. Stil the same. What is weird whet i plug the iphone in pc via usb or wall mount it turns on. and then i cat switch it off using the powe\sleep button. But I can nit turn it on with it. Please help. Thanx
so my friend played my ipod yesterday it went off and i tried 2 turn it on but it showed a usb plug under the itunes with a disc so PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::apple::apple::(
so my friend played my ipod yesterday it went off and i tried 2 turn it on but it showed a usb plug under the itunes with a disc so PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::apple::apple::(

First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. This would fix your problem!
You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

You are the man! This worked for me. You do have to hold both of them down for SEVERAL seconds... like 10-15 seconds. But it popped right back on. Thanks a million. :)

my iphone hasent worked for over a year now:eek:. i dont know what to do:confused:. i got it from my brother and he got it from a friend. i was resseting it when my cuzin graves it and pushes the off button and holds it thinking it would turn on :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: (hes older than me. i told him it was off and resseting but he didnt listen.) but all it does is send him to the screen where the white apple sing come on :apple:. then the apple logo stays there for 10 seconds. then it shuts off again:confused:. ive let it die completely and charged it and it still dosent work. :confused::confused::confused:ive also held the buttons but it dosent work still. i dont know what to do.:confused: im pretty sure they wont want me to take it to the apple store.:apple::confused::(
iphone charging problem

my brother was playing with my iphone and when he gave me back my iphone he didint closed the game and after 30min i was going to check my phone and ther was: BAM!!! on the lock screen says talking rapper(the app) and battery percent was 1% :eek: then i connect it to my loptop for recharge after that my dad disconnect it and connect his iphone , after a short time i was going to check my phone it was out of battery and when i pressed power button a yellow screen appear and then gose black! dead iphone body in my hand! after that i connect it to wall charger it wont charge , connect it to loptop it wont charge . after a time leaving it to charge it still wont turn on , i try holding power and home button and power
i try holding it for long
connecting it to loptop
and every other way that people said on the site BUT!!!! nothing happend
my biggest problem is that my iphone is jailbroken and im in a travel and now im iran theres no way to change it or repair it just internet!

my iphone 3g 16g and ver 4.0
who is going to be my hero???! :mad::(:eek:
i love apple
now i hate :apple:
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Thanks so much!

You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

Thanks so much! This really helped me! You can ask me any questions at anytime. I will help you forever!c;)
That happened to me on the new iPad. It turned out it was the wall charger. If the battery is ZERO to a point that won't do anything only the proper wall charger will work nothing else. Go to apple store and replace it..:)
I need so much help. So last night i charged my Iphone and i left it charging for the whole night and once i woke up It was completly shut off ! i try turning it on and nothing appears its just shut off i tried plugging it in on itunes and nothing appears, and i just got it for christmas what can i do ! Help anyone?:confused:
Looking back through this old thread, which I posted in over 4 years ago, I noticed many people were helped by my advice. Happy to have helped! I suppose the main reason why I'm posting now after all this time is that I'm surprised this thread has been reasonably alive all this time. This trick obviously has worked on multiple generations of iPhones.
so apple support set me up with an appointment at the apple store to see if they can fix it, if they cant they said they will give me a new iPhone. This just sucks cuz i am out of a phone till monday. Thats a weekend. I guess i'll live.

do you have to have your iphone activated and or have insurance on it to get a new one
Thank you so much!

Thank you guys! Pressing and holding the 2 buttons simultaneously was the solution for dead iphone! Thank you again, for saving me money and mostly my time! A stupid technician, told me the first time to change the home button (75 euros) and then the baterry (70 euros) to solve this and that there was nothing I could do by myself to turn on the phone!
wow thanks for the help

Thanks everyone for these forums, I thought I was screwed when my new Iphone 4 woudn't turn on, but thanks to this forum, I'm back in business!!!!
Holding the power and Home buttons worked! Thanks again.
Iphone 4 turned off and won't turn back on iphone 4 was sitting next to my on the couch, with about 60% battery...all of a sudden the screen is black and the phone is off. i did the hard reset turned it back on, its fine. 5 min again. keep in mind, i am not on it, its not warm, i didnt download anything new. i did the reset again, and it came on, flickered off and its been dead since. not doing anything!!! help!!! the hard reset hasnt worked!! iphone 4 was sitting next to my on the couch, with about 60% battery...all of a sudden the screen is black and the phone is off. i did the hard reset turned it back on, its fine. 5 min again. keep in mind, i am not on it, its not warm, i didnt download anything new. i did the reset again, and it came on, flickered off and its been dead since. not doing anything!!! help!!! the hard reset hasnt worked!!

My iPhone 4 died yesterday. I left it on the wall-charger for 12 hours.
I did everything, hard reset, DFU mode, connect to computer and reboot.

Nothing. It's not doing anything.

I wrote a really angry mail on Apple's feedback form.
These high-end products are amazing but they are too fragile for daily use.

I handled my phone with the upmost care, no scratch or anything.
And now it's floating dead in the water.

(18 month, no guarantee, no replacement)
Thanks amigo!

I had the same exact problem and I was able to fix it! No need to take it to Apple.

(specifically convenient for those of us that got the iphone 3g on ebay)

This is how it happened:

I was talking on the iphone when it said that my battery had less than 10% so, I went ahead and connected it to the wall charger I have for it and continued to talk. 30 mins later the iphone just turned off completely. I was pretty upset to say the least. I went to turn it on again and found the same exact picture being described. I figured I just had to let it be for a few hours on the wall charger.

The next day in the morning I find out that the iphone had the same picture and had not charged 1 bit!

I restarted it (pressed the power and home buttons to force it to shut down and turned it on again) and nothing, same picture. I took out the charger and put it back, nothing, same picture (it would even turn off if I didn't put the charger back in right away).

I then used my USB dock (a dock actually for the old iphone version, but that still works for the 3g, if you force it in). And nothing my computer would not recognize it.

Finally I thought of something:

I placed in the dock and turned it on, once again giving me the annoying battery screen. However, this time I actually restarted my computer. My rational was that if the device was connected while it was booting up the computer had to recognize it somehow.

During my computer's boot sequence the iphone appeared to had turned off, I didn't touch anything though. After windows loaded, I noticed that still the iphone was black as if it was turned off. Thinking that it probably ran out battery once again, I went to turn on the iphone while still having it on the dock (during this whole time I had not removed it from the dock).

And alas! I saw the apple symbol and my springboard showed up!

It is now currently charging (I can see the charge increase on the screen, when I lock the screen, it is now halfway and green) on my usb dock.

I went to place it back on the wall charger though and it seems that it doesn't work. I will be buying a new wall charger soon.

I am thinking when I was talking on the iphone and connected it to the wall it simply never charged and thus the battery completely drained. As soon as I placed it on something that wasn't broken (ie: my iphone usb dock) it started to charge but still was frozen on that (stupid) battery screen. Restarting my computer while connected did something to the iphone so that now it is fully operational. All without having to resort to apple's communist ways of trying to control all aspects of your life.

Personally I'm not an apple fan. I "gave into" the whole iphone thing when I figured out there was a generation of people my age committed into fighting back the apple empire while still using its technology.


This guy is brilliant! same problem earlier and I decided to replace the battery. After reading this post, and follows the what he did. My iphone finally charging normally. Thanks a lot man.
This guy is brealeant
Iphone 4 wont power on

Alright, I could really use some help here. My phone has been stuck on this black screen for the past couple of days, and no matter what I do it won't turn on. I had it charging to my laptop in the floor and fell asleep on the couch. My little brother layed his clothes ontop of my phone and I believe it overheated and went into DFU mode. Ive bought a new charger and tried it in multiple USB ports, but my computer and itunes wont recognize it. It is Jailbroken with Redsnow, which doesnt recognize it either. So when I tried to go into recovery mode through redsnow, it just says that it cant find it. I did all the button pushing combinations, since I am sorta experienced with this since my phone got stuck on the apple logo before and I had to force it into recovery mode. I reseated my battery as well, and that didnt seem to help. I dont have a warranty on the phone, since I bought it from a friend awhile back. Im extremely frustrated at the moment, and i've searched a -ton- of forums. my friend's site videos didn't help either. People keep telling me to hold the home and power button at the same time, but it doesnt do anything. I dont care if I lose everything on the phone, I can easily rejailbreak it and get it all back. Someone please help me ;(
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