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3 years later and still... black

Guys this is the best forum on iphone bugs regarding this black screen issue. It is so good that I actually registered to post my problem.

I have a JB iphone at 3.1.2 and one day connected my iphone on a wall power using a ipod charger. Immediatelly my iphone displayed that usual message showing the charger was not compatible with an iphone blablabla. Next thing I see (after a few hours), black screen. I`m not sure if the charger is even relevant since my phone was only at 13% remaining juice.
Thinking that it just died beause it had no battery, I plugged in the office computer as usual and found it interesting that after the usual first minutes the red lightening charging sign didn`t show up.

When I got home I tried my iphone wall charger (original from apple) and still nothing. Plugged in my retractable generic usb on the back pannel of my desktop and nothing.

That was when I started pannic. :eek:

First thing I thought, normal long home pressing should quit any frozen app. Nothing
Second: a normal rest. Nothing
Third: I tried the home + lock 10 sec reset. Nothing
Fourth: Old school DFU mode by using both buttons then releasing power, etc, etc. Nothing.
Fifth: With Itunes opened, connected the iphone while pressing home. Nothing

As of right now I have a bricked phone as if the battery was completelly depleted and none of the methods here seemed to work. I even tried the computer restart method with the phone connected and nothing.

Since the phone is JB, I dont really want to ask :apple: to help me. Does anyone know how to fix this??
Sorry for the long post...
Yay! I Found Fix!! :)

I figured out that charging the iPhone with an iPad cord instead of a iPhone/iPod cord fixes it! This works because the ipad requires more power to charge, and if your iPhone is having this problem, than it means it thinks it's dead because your iPhone cord charges it at lower voltage than it's supposed to. So basically, your cord is buy an iPad cord to fix your problem FOREVER!!! Hope this helps :)))

No luck guys... maybe you just got lucky as the charger specs are the same as I believe. At least the voltage is the same and he was using the same charger that came with the IPAD to charge his Iphone...
It was worth a try...

Anyone else got it to work?
You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

Thanks for the tip Kamera. I had that exact problem a few minutes ago, and holding down the 2 buttons at the same time solved the issue.

Thank you Kamera

You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

Kamera You saved me with this post. i'm out of town and my phone wouldn't turn on. I thought i was going to have to get a new phone
apple claimed there was nothing they could do for me. I came here saw your post it took two tries but it worked.

Thank You
This morning I pulled my Iphone 4 from it's holster in car, screen came on as normal, then went off as normal, pressed the home key nothing. Pressed the on/off and home key together for about a 30 secs the phone started back up.

This can't be right.

Iphone 4 with 4.1 firmware 6 days old.
I had the same exact problem and I was able to fix it! No need to take it to Apple.

(specifically convenient for those of us that got the iphone 3g on ebay)

This is how it happened:

I was talking on the iphone when it said that my battery had less than 10% so, I went ahead and connected it to the wall charger I have for it and continued to talk. 30 mins later the iphone just turned off completely. I was pretty upset to say the least. I went to turn it on again and found the same exact picture being described. I figured I just had to let it be for a few hours on the wall charger.

The next day in the morning I find out that the iphone had the same picture and had not charged 1 bit!

I restarted it (pressed the power and home buttons to force it to shut down and turned it on again) and nothing, same picture. I took out the charger and put it back, nothing, same picture (it would even turn off if I didn't put the charger back in right away).

I then used my USB dock (a dock actually for the old iphone version, but that still works for the 3g, if you force it in). And nothing my computer would not recognize it.

Finally I thought of something:

I placed in the dock and turned it on, once again giving me the annoying battery screen. However, this time I actually restarted my computer. My rational was that if the device was connected while it was booting up the computer had to recognize it somehow.

During my computer's boot sequence the iphone appeared to had turned off, I didn't touch anything though. After windows loaded, I noticed that still the iphone was black as if it was turned off. Thinking that it probably ran out battery once again, I went to turn on the iphone while still having it on the dock (during this whole time I had not removed it from the dock).

And alas! I saw the apple symbol and my springboard showed up!

It is now currently charging (I can see the charge increase on the screen, when I lock the screen, it is now halfway and green) on my usb dock.

I went to place it back on the wall charger though and it seems that it doesn't work. I will be buying a new wall charger soon.

I am thinking when I was talking on the iphone and connected it to the wall it simply never charged and thus the battery completely drained. As soon as I placed it on something that wasn't broken (ie: my iphone usb dock) it started to charge but still was frozen on that (stupid) battery screen. Restarting my computer while connected did something to the iphone so that now it is fully operational. All without having to resort to apple's communist ways of trying to control all aspects of your life.

Personally I'm not an apple fan. I "gave into" the whole iphone thing when I figured out there was a generation of people my age committed into fighting back the apple empire while still using its technology.


This just happened to my wifes 2 year old(ios4) JB phone.
-Tried original iphone charger charge. Nothing.
-Tried Hard reset, flashed to a white screen then back to the charger screen. Nothing.
-Tried THIS! And it didn't first. I switched the USB cord so it was directly off the PC(it was through a USB extension on keyboard). I then did a HARD reset on the computer and at first...nothing. Once I logged in though and was in the process of opening worked. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am glad I did not have to try and put the phone into recovery mode.

I know this is an old thread but this problem is still happening to random people out there so good to have archived macrumors!
Hello, this is a best forum black screen problem. i live in istanbul and apple don't care about all problems in my area.

let's my problem.

1 months ago, my friend bought iphone 4 on apple store from london. and he gaves me to birthday gift. i live in turkey,istanbul. when i want to open my iphone 4, it doesn't open. i plug to wall for charge, iphone 4 opened and waiting to itunes screen. (emergency call screen) after that i plugged with usb to my computer. when iphone 4 opening, apple logo seems, after apple logo iphone 4 was closed. after closed, 10 seconds later, apple logo seems again, this is cycling. and iphone 4 don't open. How can i open Iphone 4? when i press power and home button, after 10 seconds release power button, itunes detected my iphone for recovery. but when i starting recover process, i get 1611 error on itunes. i think my problem don't relevant system problem


My iPhone 3Gs died and is Stuck on the Dead Battery Screen. No matter how long I put it on the charger for It Would Not Turn On. I’ve used these steps to turn back on in more then one occasion. I don’t know if this works for every device, but it has worked for me several times.

Tip: ( READ this entire posting before beginning the process)

1. Put on Charger for about 30 Mins (to get initial Charge from 1% to 5%) ßStandard iPhone Turn on from Dead Battery Seqence

2. Unplug then (press & hold) HOME & POWER buttons until iPhone tuns off

3. Wait for 30 seconds

4. Plug into Reliable Charging Source (i.e. Computer)

5. (press & hold) HOME & POWER buttons for 30+ seconds Allowing iPhone to turn ON & OFF 3-5 times until iPhone in ON position longer then the first 1-3 (ON & OFF) sequences. See next for further explanation on this…

The first 1-3 ON & OFF cycles show be approximately 5 second intervals.
(5 seconds ON / 5 seconds OFF / 5 seconds ON / 5 seconds OFF / etc…)

Then it will stay OFF for longer then the first 1-3 times (10+ seconds)

Remain holding until it turns back ON
(note: The iPhone will Still be on the Need to Charge Screen.) (empty red Battery)

6. Release (home & power) Buttons & DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING for 20+ seconds

7. Press only HOME button & then Apple Logo should Appear.

8. Once Apple Logo is on the screen DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING

9. Wait until iPhone turns on, it may take up to 5 Mins

10. Now iPhone will be on & will Charge

IMPORTANT: if this DOES NOT WORK for you it might be that you will have to REMAIN HOLDING until iPhone turns OFF after it was in the ON position for the extended time (see Example)

Example: (5 seconds ON / 5 seconds OFF / 5 seconds ON / 5 seconds OFF / 5 seconds ON / 10+ seconds OFF / ON / OFF )

After the last OFF proceed to Step 6.

I’ve had this Defect on my iPhone 3Gs for awhile now & I’ve used this process every time my phone dies before I get a chance to put it on a charger. As far as I know there is No fix for this problem & I don’t think Apple uses this Technique to turn the iPhone back on. So if you want a new phone & are experiencing this problem, just let your phone die again. Then you should be able to take it into the Apple Store for diagnostics and when they cant turn it on you should be approved for a new phone.

This Process is for those who have a Jailbroken device and don’t want to take it into the Apple Store for fear, that if for some reason it does turn on, that it will VOID their WARRANTY

.I’m not sure if this is the exact process I have used seeing I’m normally pissed off to no end during it (lol) But this is the best that I can remember so if it works for anyone please let me know by responding on this Forum OR contacting me @ E-Mail:

Hope This Helps
I just had the same problem, and fixed it!

Unfortunately, my wake/sleep button doesn't work so I couldn't do the thing where you hold that down with the home button to reset it.

I tried everything and nothing worked, except when I put the iPhone on one of those docks to listen to music, the silver apple appeared! I'm so glad I don't have to go the Apple store.
You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

THIS IS AWESOME MAN! I was about to return the phone to where I bought it. As a first time iphone user, and we all know that battery is not removable, we don't know what to do if this thing happens. THANKS A LOT DUDE!!
Don't wish to enter recovery mode

Hi Guys,

My wife has a 3G and I just got her the iPhone 4 as a gift. She has not backed up her iPhone for at least 3 months now and she doesn't sync her photos with iPhoto.

Unfortunately, we now have a situation [WITH THE 3G] where I'm getting the logo screen of death. I turn it on, it shows the silver logo, and about 1 minute later, shuts off.
I can get it to enter recovery mode but I don't wish to go through the process because she'll lose all of the photos she's taken.

Is there any way around this. If I could get the Mac to see the iphone as a disk I could at least get her images back. Any other hardware button combinations to keep from having to enter recovery mode?

Im having the same problem as pedro slim

Guys this is the best forum on iphone bugs regarding this black screen issue. It is so good that I actually registered to post my problem.

I have a JB iphone at 3.1.2 and one day connected my iphone on a wall power using a ipod charger. Immediatelly my iphone displayed that usual message showing the charger was not compatible with an iphone blablabla. Next thing I see (after a few hours), black screen. I`m not sure if the charger is even relevant since my phone was only at 13% remaining juice.
Thinking that it just died beause it had no battery, I plugged in the office computer as usual and found it interesting that after the usual first minutes the red lightening charging sign didn`t show up.

When I got home I tried my iphone wall charger (original from apple) and still nothing. Plugged in my retractable generic usb on the back pannel of my desktop and nothing.

That was when I started pannic.

First thing I thought, normal long home pressing should quit any frozen app. Nothing
Second: a normal rest. Nothing
Third: I tried the home + lock 10 sec reset. Nothing
Fourth: Old school DFU mode by using both buttons then releasing power, etc, etc. Nothing.
Fifth: With Itunes opened, connected the iphone while pressing home. Nothing

As of right now I have a bricked phone as if the battery was completelly depleted and none of the methods here seemed to work. I even tried the computer restart method with the phone connected and nothing."
You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

Thanks so much man, it worked perfectly, i owe you. perfect solution
Omg thank you!

This website helped me so much!
my iphone is cracked, but still works until today when it completely shut off!
I was so scared! but i plugged it into my computer and it worked again!!!!
Iphone 4

I erased all content and setting on my jailbroken Iphone 4 on 4.0 firmware and now it's stuck on the apple logo. I tried holding the sleep and home button thing and all it does is turn it off and then when I turn it on, it goes back to the apple logo. Can someone help?
I plugged my iPhone 3GS into a car charger and it displayed the yellow triangle error telling me the phone was too hot. It then turned off and it no longer turns on. I have tried restarting it (home+sleep/wake), putting it into DFU mode and Recovery Mode. Nothing works. It is still black.
Hey all.
It seems like everyone is whining about there problems here and so shall I hehe...
I've Jailbroken my iPhone and after that it just won't turn on. it just shows that damn apple and some loading thing beyond that. iTunes won't recognize it and it doesn't make any sence when I put it to charge.

I would really like that some smartass could answer me and the rest of these folks.

Regards me...
You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

Hey there. I get so mad because everyone seems to get their toy working by your post but I don't! Could you give me some tips or something please? What did you do additionall maybe? I did exactly what you described but but the damn phone won't turn on. Ey btw my iPhone is Jailbroken, iPhone 3gs 16bg.

OK, so my phone was only halfway charged, it died, and i cant get it to turn back on... My charger doesn't seem to be giving it a charge as well. Should i go to AT&T and try a different charger? I have no clue what to do. Please help me.

Does it charge?:confused::confused::confused:
Totally worked for me.
Thanks sm86.
I registered here today, to thank you for sharing your expereince.
It worked for me, albeit I dun have a dock, just a usb wire connected to my laptop. (not imac)

I was considering reset, but am glad I did not go down that path.


I had the same exact problem and I was able to fix it! No need to take it to Apple.

(specifically convenient for those of us that got the iphone 3g on ebay)

This is how it happened:

I was talking on the iphone when it said that my battery had less than 10% so, I went ahead and connected it to the wall charger I have for it and continued to talk. 30 mins later the iphone just turned off completely. I was pretty upset to say the least. I went to turn it on again and found the same exact picture being described. I figured I just had to let it be for a few hours on the wall charger.

The next day in the morning I find out that the iphone had the same picture and had not charged 1 bit!

I restarted it (pressed the power and home buttons to force it to shut down and turned it on again) and nothing, same picture. I took out the charger and put it back, nothing, same picture (it would even turn off if I didn't put the charger back in right away).

I then used my USB dock (a dock actually for the old iphone version, but that still works for the 3g, if you force it in). And nothing my computer would not recognize it.

Finally I thought of something:

I placed in the dock and turned it on, once again giving me the annoying battery screen. However, this time I actually restarted my computer. My rational was that if the device was connected while it was booting up the computer had to recognize it somehow.

During my computer's boot sequence the iphone appeared to had turned off, I didn't touch anything though. After windows loaded, I noticed that still the iphone was black as if it was turned off. Thinking that it probably ran out battery once again, I went to turn on the iphone while still having it on the dock (during this whole time I had not removed it from the dock).

And alas! I saw the apple symbol and my springboard showed up!

It is now currently charging (I can see the charge increase on the screen, when I lock the screen, it is now halfway and green) on my usb dock.

I went to place it back on the wall charger though and it seems that it doesn't work. I will be buying a new wall charger soon.

I am thinking when I was talking on the iphone and connected it to the wall it simply never charged and thus the battery completely drained. As soon as I placed it on something that wasn't broken (ie: my iphone usb dock) it started to charge but still was frozen on that (stupid) battery screen. Restarting my computer while connected did something to the iphone so that now it is fully operational. All without having to resort to apple's communist ways of trying to control all aspects of your life.

Personally I'm not an apple fan. I "gave into" the whole iphone thing when I figured out there was a generation of people my age committed into fighting back the apple empire while still using its technology.

You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

Oh my gosh. who was this is my hero. you just saved my life. i though my phone was broken. ive only had it two weeks. thank you so much. it works now.:) :D

now my mom wont yell at me. haha.:)
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no "share contacts" button on my contacts screen

i restored my iphone2g because it hangs up. when i try to restored it i lost the "share contacts" button on my contacts screen, the only thing you can see there is "text message" and "add to favorites" buttons. im wondering what might happened during the restore process i made.

i hope someone can help me with this problem.:(
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Blank Screen, iPhone doesn't turn on and doesn't charge

So I went snowboarding and had my iphone 4 in my jacket pocket. When driving back home I realized that my phone just has a blank screen and no matter what I do it just doesn't turn on and doesn't charge. So what I did is:

1)Got my USB cord
2)Plugged it to the phone but not into the computer
3)Pressed home button simultaneously with the power button and waited for the grey apple logo to pop up
4)When the apple logo came up I immediately release the home button and the power button
5)After that I just waited and my phone came back to normal

Hopefully this helps you guys!
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