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"First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. Good Luck!"

OMG THANK YOUUUU I was about to take my phone to apple thought it was a goner when the screen wouldn't go passed the silver apple.....but this worked!! :):)
First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. Good Luck!

Huuuugggeeee Thanks to y ou TomWatson53!

I had the same problem and was so frustrated with it. Nothing was working!
I tried your steps and it worked like a charm!

I'm testing it today. Battery is charging up fine. It was at around 59% this afternoon and when I was using an app, it just crached. I've charged the phone to 100% again. Used the same app. Nothing happened this time. will post updates if I find somethign wierd!
Thank You Thank You Thank You

Just joined this site to thank all you for helping me get my iphone working again...

Holding down both buttons count to ten and back on....

Thank you....:):):):):):):):):)
jailbreak iphone with no service

ok i had my iphone for a year now and no problems i jailbreak my phone when i ended my service and then about two weeks ago myson broke my cord so i went on ebay got a new one for $2 and now it will not come on call apple and they said let it charge for 20 min and still nothing now it is a week later and still not working i did everything on here and still not working i need help cause nothing working HELP!!!!!!!
Fix for dead iphone

First of all, I want to apologize if this fix has already been posted. I wanted to post my experience, but I have not read every post in this thread.....

Second, thank you big time for all your help.

Woke up and iphone was plugged into the computer. The batter symbol had a thin red line, and under it, as the plug symbol with the lightning bolt symbol. I tried all the suggestions on the first page of the thread. Then I tried something similar to what one of the post said.

What I did:

1. Unplugged the phone from the computer.
2. Powered off using the home key and the power button.
3. Plugged the power cord into the wall socket (Not the usb on my computer.) I did not plug the power cord into my phone yet.
4. Held down the home key, and while holding the home key down, plugged the power cord into my phone.

Instantly, the power cord symbol disappeared, leaving only the lightning bolt symbol, which was now centered in the screen right under the battery. When I turned the phone on, it said I had low battery, and asked if I wanted to dismiss or not (the usual response for low battery). There were other post advising to hold down the power key while plugging the phone into my computer. For some reason this did not work for me. I don't know why it worked when I did the same procedure, just using the wall outlet as a power source. Geez, that was scary. It is the middle of the night here, and we are getting the biggest snow storm in years. I would not have been able to get to Richmond to go the the apple store for days. Thanks again to you all.
Does anyone realize that this thread was started three years ago?

Interesting observation. Funny though. I just got my iphone about a month ago. I googled and found this thread. It helped me. Three years old and still helping people solve this issue.
im sorry if this has been posted already. not been threw them all
i had the exact same thing happen phone went dead and wont turn back on all i did is pluged it into the comp let it charge for a min holded the power and home key, got the bolt and bat sybal in the middle of my screen and just resarted the computer with the iphone pluged in still, and the phone turned on with the computer. it seemed to work for me
First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. Good Luck!

Thank you Tomwatson! Your suggestion was the only thing to get my iPhone working again this morning. Appreciate it.
My iphone wont turn on or charge

You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. Good Luck!

Thank you so much... you are a lifesaver!!!
i have this iphone 3gs and i have put it on charge but all it shows is the red symbol and goes to the silver apple icon and its stuck there i have done most of these posts like hold down the home button and lock key but nothing, can someone please give any other suggestions?
WTF is Apple waiting for??

The first post with this problem is Nov 2007 - three years ago.
Why the heck is this problem still showing up? I just got a new 3Gs for Christmas and this morning had the same problem. Apparently the damn thing is charging now after messing around pushing combinations of buttons, etc. but why should this still be happening? If Apple's tech expertise is so outstanding, why are these phones still going belly up because of something bound to happen from time to time with any battery powered device - the battery running down. Or apparently, at other times as well judging from the comments in this thread. I am not happy that a device I've come to depend on so completely, may go dead at some inopportune time and in a place where I cannot go through the rituals and incantations necessary to resurrect it.
Come on Apple - get this fixed!
wont turn on after a few tried read my problem..plss!! if u don't understand what i'm typing about..pls tried to understand because my grammar is suck!!
ok my salesman told me that i can't turn off my phone and my mistake i didn't ask him why.maybe excited to get new phone..after few days ,because of tired have to be extra careful with it.i want my iphone to be normal. can shut down and turn on whenever i i take advice frm afriend im reset the setting but then really!! i can't turned it on..its display an image usb connect to itunes..after connect it says "itunes has detected an iphone in recovery must restore this iphone b4 it can be used"..

but the problem is it just restore half way then i have to restore it again for a 5 times and till took a long process. but guys why the salesman told me earlier that i can't turn off my phone?..what is exactly my iphone problem is? am i only facing this problem? iphone still display the image of stupid usb connect to itunes :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::apple::apple::apple::apple:
This happened to me 3 times so far. Once last year and twice this year in one week. Ridiculous!
I actually have been having this problem for a while. Eventually, for whatever reason, it always comes back on, but sometime it takes a day or two (so frustrating). My solution so far has been to avoid letting it power down. I got a replacement Iphone about a month ago and I am still experiencing the same problem.

I tried restarting my computer and holding the power and home button and every other fix on here with no luck. One person suggested on here about removing the sim card and that actually worked for me right away (thanks by the way).

My take on this problem is this. There is a software glitch that only some of us are experiencing and it seems to survive the updating process. The best reason I can think of as to why I have the same problem with two different phones is that I carried this problem over to the new one when I connected it to Itunes and synced to get my old apps. Removing the sim card removes the glitch.

I am guessing the only likely fix to the problem is to do a complete restore (which will erase all your apps and hopefully the glitch permanently) and getting the newest update. A friend of mine had to do this for a different problem, but with that was similarly persistent I am not a programmer, but this seems reasonable. I haven't done it yet, because I don't want to download and pay for all these apps again, but if I break down and do it ill let you know if it solves the problem completely.
mine sorted...thankssss 2 u lot


i ONLY JOINED to say THANK YOU to all of you for your posts.

this actually fixed my problem.

i held down the off/on key and the home key for about 10secs and the apple come on and the phone booted up and is working fine

with mine, i did not let it run low on battery. for some reason it just turned off...

i believe i will be back again with another problem in the future im sure but i just wanted you guys to know that it worked for me and i got my phone working again...

iphone 3gs big problems

so i was at work and battery on my new iphone 3GS completly drained, didntthink anything of it as the batteries are a disapointment anyways, i got home, put it on charge, 30 mins later went to my iphone and it was just "off", turned it on and it brings up the apple start up logo but 10-15 seconds later it switches itself off again! have tried to master reset(holding both buttons) but it just repeats bringing up the start up logo and then switches itself off again!

tried everything on this site that people have said but i also cannot se on this site anyone else who has the same problem as me? really stuck on this! had my iphone 5-6 weeks now so no reason for it to be doing this, really really need this phone up and running again,

look forward to any replies i may get regarding this problem, thanks, Ben
so i was at work and battery on my new iphone 3GS completly drained, didntthink anything of it as the batteries are a disapointment anyways, i got home, put it on charge, 30 mins later went to my iphone and it was just "off", turned it on and it brings up the apple start up logo but 10-15 seconds later it switches itself off again! have tried to master reset(holding both buttons) but it just repeats bringing up the start up logo and then switches itself off again!

tried everything on this site that people have said but i also cannot se on this site anyone else who has the same problem as me? really stuck on this! had my iphone 5-6 weeks now so no reason for it to be doing this, really really need this phone up and running again,

look forward to any replies i may get regarding this problem, thanks, Ben

I have this same problem. I've had a 3G for a couple YEARS now and I am having this problem now.

Left my phone sitting (unplugged for the first time in a while overnight) on my nightstand for my alarm to go off in the morning. I suspect that I didn't hear it and the vibration slid the phone off tumbling to the ground. I woke up and found it on the floor turned off. I plugged it in and got the logo for about 15 sec then black screen.

Tried all the "solutions" on this thread with no help. My chargers are working. I even plugged into my FM transmitter in my car which still didn't give a charge.

Once I get some money, I'm getting rid of this ****ty phone and going Android.
Warranty Info

Just read my paperwork (purchased at a Best Buy) and I bought it in June of only last year. Can I go to an Apple Store and get an exchange/repair for free/small fee?
It Wored

Thank you so much. My phone had exact same problem, ran out of battery power and would not turn on, reset, connect to itunes etc. So I restarted my computer with phoneplugged in to it and it works and is charging!!!!! THANKS A BUNCH:):)
I joined also to say thanks, resetting my phone worked amazing, tho my phone died at 50% battery, and when I tried this trick not 30 minutes later, it said my battery was dead.

My iphone randomly turned off too

You might try holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. Wait until you see the silver apple. Thats what I did when mine wouldn't turn back on. :)

this TOTALLY worked - thank you SO much, saved me a trip to apple store and nights panic.... love the phone but hate it for this stuff!
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