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so that night after pretty much giving up and waiting for the weekend when i could travel 120 miles to the closest mac store..

i left my phone plugged in to the wall. when i got up the next morning, i tried turning it on just for ***** and giggles and it came on! i guess it needed power for hours before i could turn it on again for some reason.

now im just waiting for the newest jailbreak and ill be all back to normal.
Sounds like patience is key

I actually have been having this problem for a while. Eventually, for whatever reason, it always comes back on, but sometime it takes a day or two (so frustrating). My solution so far has been to avoid letting it power down. I got a replacement Iphone about a month ago and I am still experiencing the same problem.

I tried restarting my computer and holding the power and home button and every other fix on here with no luck. One person suggested on here about removing the sim card and that actually worked for me right away (thanks by the way).

My take on this problem is this. There is a software glitch that only some of us are experiencing and it seems to survive the updating process. The best reason I can think of as to why I have the same problem with two different phones is that I carried this problem over to the new one when I connected it to Itunes and synced to get my old apps. Removing the sim card removes the glitch.

I am guessing the only likely fix to the problem is to do a complete restore (which will erase all your apps and hopefully the glitch permanently) and getting the newest update. A friend of mine had to do this for a different problem, but with that was similarly persistent I am not a programmer, but this seems reasonable. I haven't done it yet, because I don't want to download and pay for all these apps again, but if I break down and do it ill let you know if it solves the problem completely.

After spending over a day trying any iphone remedy I could find on Google, YouTube, Apple etc...including these thread tricks. I was still not ready to accept the inevitable of calling Apple, mailing my phone to an Apple Store (because there isn't one in my city) just to recieve a new one and start from scratch losing my 100+ contact numbers and iTunes etc...
I am quite sure a stores solution would be to replace the phone instead of fix mine so, allthough still very frustrating, I am going to continue these remedies throughout the weekend now knowing that you yourself have indeed experienced this problem over 1 day or 2.
I just tried the (removing the SIM card) routine as you did to no avail. Last night I tried leaving it plugged into an outlet all night. Now I will try charging Via USB on my laptop overnight.
To be honest I am still very much expecting just a blank black screen in the morning. But hope not.

So the other day I went to uninstall "Push Fix" by sinfull. After uninstalling in Rock it said it had to do a reboot. So it did.

Now it will not turn back on.
It will load to the apple screen then shut off!

I have tried everything. I tried to restore it, Pwnage tool will not even reconizge that it is connected. And I've tried to put it in DPU or whatever it's called to restore from iTunes and nothing!!

I've tried all the tricks on here and nothing works.

I really don't want to have to get a new iphone when the iphone 4 is coming out in june

So the other day I went to uninstall "Push Fix" by sinfull. After uninstalling in Rock it said it had to do a reboot. So it did.

Now it will not turn back on.
It will load to the apple screen then shut off!

I have tried everything. I tried to restore it, Pwnage tool will not even reconizge that it is connected. And I've tried to put it in DPU or whatever it's called to restore from iTunes and nothing!!

I've tried all the tricks on here and nothing works.

I really don't want to have to get a new iphone when the iphone 4 is coming out in june

Since you don't know what DFU mode is, I question whether you did it right. Look at my sig and try again.
Since you don't know what DFU mode is, I question whether you did it right. Look at my sig and try again.

Dude really? Just cuz I couldn't remember the exact name means I have no idea what it is? BS.

I've tried it multiple times and I tried it again before posting this! I'm telling you it doesn't work, hence my huge problem.

I've already got this posted on another site but they haven't bee able to figure out what is wrong with it. I was hoping the ppl here would be smarter and could, stead I get hassle.

EDIT: if it helps I have a 3G with 3.1.2 and 04.28 baseband using ultrasnow for service. I really do think the problem was uninstalling that app cuz that's when the problem started.
Dude really? Just cuz I couldn't remember the exact name means I have no idea what it is? BS.

I've tried it multiple times and I tried it again before posting this! I'm telling you it doesn't work, hence my huge problem.

I've already got this posted on another site but they haven't bee able to figure out what is wrong with it. I was hoping the ppl here would be smarter and could, stead I get hassle.

EDIT: if it helps I have a 3G with 3.1.2 and 04.28 baseband using ultrasnow for service. I really do think the problem was uninstalling that app cuz that's when the problem started.

I deal with people on here everyday who don't know what they're doing. I don't know you, you're new, so I'm going to assume you don't when you use expressions like that. Don't be so touchy. No one's giving you a hassle.

You HAVE to get the phone in DFU mode. Also, you should redsn0w to jailbreak and not use Rock EVER.
I deal with people on here everyday who don't know what they're doing. I don't know you, you're new, so I'm going to assume you don't when you use expressions like that. Don't be so touchy. No one's giving you a hassle.

You HAVE to get the phone in DFU mode. Also, you should redsn0w to jailbreak and not use Rock EVER.

Okay I can understand where you are coming from so I apologize for snapping at you. I'm just very frustrated cuz this phone is sadly my life.

Now what I am saying is it will not go into DFU mode. I open itunes. I connect my phone and I do that whole holding down thing. And nothing comes up. My phone just continues to go to the apple screen and shuts off.

As for using redsn0w, I have to use ultrasn0w for another carrier than ATT I was told redsn0w might mess that up. Is that true?
Thanks for the help
So not to double post but:

DrkShadowSonic said:
dsg said:
your not following the link I posted to get in to dfu mode are you thats to get out if you don't want to restore,

here's how to get in, you need the iPhone plugged into your computer to do it.

if this doesn't work try just plugging the phone into your computer while holding the home button

try a different cable, different computer, if these don't work Soz

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That worked! Well DFU mode didn't work but I had to hold the home button before I plugged it in and it worked. Thank you!! Now let's see if I can get it up and working again.

I got it up and running again. It was holding the HOME button before plugging it in that made it work. Cuz I tried DFU mode like over one hundred times.

So now I just wanted to know will redsn0w mess up my unlock to use another carrier besides att? Thanks for the help!
So not to double post but:

I got it up and running again. It was holding the HOME button before plugging it in that made it work. Cuz I tried DFU mode like over one hundred times.

So now I just wanted to know will redsn0w mess up my unlock to use another carrier besides att? Thanks for the help!

I was more worried about getting you into DFU mode than your unlock. BTW, you used Recovery mode to get your phone up. It's the next suggested fix if you can't get DFU mode.

For your case, you need to use PwnageTool to jailbreak and ultrasn0w to unlock.

See this thread by thelatinist:
I was more worried about getting you into DFU mode than your unlock. BTW, you used Recovery mode to get your phone up. It's the next suggested fix if you can't get DFU mode.

For your case, you need to use PwnageTool to jailbreak and ultrasn0w to unlock.

See this thread by thelatinist:

So I've now run into an intereting secario. iTunes says its in restore mode. But the screen is black and I was trying to do something called iRecovery so it will be taken out of DFU mode but it says my iphone isn't connected.

So pretty much I'm gonna have to restore it huh?

EDIT: I have 04.26.08 base but when I upgraded to 3.1.2 it went to 5.11.07 and I downgraded it to 4.26.08 to use ultrasn0w cuz otherwise it didn't work. So you suggest pwnage or redsn0w?

EDIT 2: So at this point I just want to restore it AND IT WON'T WORK!
I try to use Pwnage tool but everytime I get to the DFU mode part it says it fails. Tried several things like unplugging it and holding the home button while I plug it in like I did before to get it to work and still nothing.

I open iTunes to load the custom ispw I made and everytime I do it loads a bit and then says iTunes error 1600. Any suggestions? I just want to restore this damn thing!!
First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. Good Luck!

Hi, your method absolutely works! I've been trying to find a solution since last night and was just about to give up and trudge down to the telco service centre and be charged a hefty sum just to restore. Thanks to you, I'm able to restore it on my own.
So I've now run into an intereting secario. iTunes says its in restore mode. But the screen is black and I was trying to do something called iRecovery so it will be taken out of DFU mode but it says my iphone isn't connected.

So pretty much I'm gonna have to restore it huh?

EDIT: I have 04.26.08 base but when I upgraded to 3.1.2 it went to 5.11.07 and I downgraded it to 4.26.08 to use ultrasn0w cuz otherwise it didn't work. So you suggest pwnage or redsn0w?

EDIT 2: So at this point I just want to restore it AND IT WON'T WORK!
I try to use Pwnage tool but everytime I get to the DFU mode part it says it fails. Tried several things like unplugging it and holding the home button while I plug it in like I did before to get it to work and still nothing.

I open iTunes to load the custom ispw I made and everytime I do it loads a bit and then says iTunes error 1600. Any suggestions? I just want to restore this damn thing!!

How are you loading the .ipsw? By option-restore? Since you got the 1600 error, it may be because you're in DFU mode. Try recovery mode.
I have exactly th same problem, cannot turn my phone on and it will not charge. I have tried everything suggested here (DFU, Plug into laptop, hold both home and power, etc...) but nothing works!

I have left it plugged in, I have tried different chargers, etc...

My phone is totally dead, it will turn on no more!

Has anyone got any other ideas? Please?

If not, then it looks like it's going back to apple.

Well im having the same issue sort of you see my phone was working just fine one day and i had to reboot my device and well when it was at the apple logo it just stays there and it wont turn on past that i've tried putting it into recovery mode it doesnt work i've also tried putting it into dfu mode and still no dice i havent connected it to my PC yet to see if itunes will pick it up but im certain it won't due to the issue at hand and i dont think i should take it to apple because my iphone is jailbroken and whatnotl...anyone care to share some thoughts oh and also i have the first gen iphone the one before the 3G and 3Gs

How did you solve the problem. I am encountering the same problem
I have exactly th same problem, cannot turn my phone on and it will not charge. I have tried everything suggested here (DFU, Plug into laptop, hold both home and power, etc...) but nothing works!

I have left it plugged in, I have tried different chargers, etc...

My phone is totally dead, it will turn on no more!

Has anyone got any other ideas? Please?

If not, then it looks like it's going back to apple.


Originally Posted by tomwatson53 View Post
First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. Good Luck!
Greeting to everybody here, I am new in the forum and it is my first post.

I have had the same problem with my daughter's Iphone 3 GS since 17 April. I tried out all the tips here except DFU but did not manage to get it work,

Yesterday we tried to put it in DFU mode and GREAT it worked and the Iphone was restored and updated,

So thank you, you are really great people. I'm lovin' you!!!!!
iPhone played dead

I had just checked the time on my iPhone and noted the battery was just under half charged. When I went back to it minutes later, it was dead. No amount of pressing buttons or charging either from the wall charger or PC charger did was completely dead, no battery sign, no Apple sign, not a single thing; I honestly thought it was broken! This went on for over an hour while I mulled over what could have happened to it, and what I was going to do about it. I found these wonderful forums and this is what worked for my phone:

Held down on/off simultaneously with the home button for a few seconds (whilst plugged into PC) - nothing appeared to happen, but just seconds after giving up, the PC rang its hardware detection bell - iTunes loaded - and the phone came alive!!! BIG sigh.
so about two weeks ago i was in church and i was using my iphone and everything was working perfectly. but when i got done with church, i took my phone out and the screen was black, and no matter what i did.. it wouldnt turn back on. so i figured it was dead. so when i got home, i put it on the charger thinking maybe it was dead.. a couple hours later i went and checked on it and it still wouldnt do anything. so i just waited until i could take it in.. but yesterday my step dad told me that if i let it charge for a while and then hold down the home button and the power button for 30 seconds it should reboot. so i tried that and it worked, but it said i had to connect to itunes. but everytime i try unplugging it from the wall to put it into the computer it turns black again and wont do anything... i need help... im thinking i need a new battery, but i dont understand why because i just bought it at christmas time. :confused:
Iphone won't turn on or charge

I too had this same problem but what i did was switch the cord i use to charge my iphone with a similar one and my phone started working again. Hope this helps
slightly different to the others

Hiya, this is my first post, I found you guys on Google and you seem pretty switched on.
I had problems with my facebook app, it would log me out after posting comments and I couldn't update my status from it. After deleting it, the phone went really slow then wouldn't come out of hibernation at all.
I held down the wake/sleep button and it switched off. I tried all the previous options in this thread and I've got it to the restore stage but I assume it's a system restore type tool and it will delete all my pictures, 200 of which are of my newborn son when he was in hospital and I'd really like to keep them.
In summary, When I power the phone on, I get the silver apple logo for 30 seconds and it switches itself off. This happens regardless of being connected to a charger or the sequence of buttons I hold down.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
iphone wont charge or turn on :(

So I have the original iphone ( 1G ) its been a great phone for the time that i've had I was out on my boat this past weekend. The phone was in the center consol of the boat, it was in the boats GPS case where i would always stay dry. The seas were a little bumpy...The phone was half charged as i went out. I went on my facebook app when the boat stopped. I logged out of my facebook and the phone died. I didnt have my charger available to me so i just left it. When i got home i put it on the charger right away. The start up apple logo shows up ( the silver apple ). after a few seconds the logo goes away and the phone turns off....Ive tried the hard restart a few times and no effect. Ive tried putting it on the dock and plugging into my computer and no effect. all that happens is the apple logo shows up and the phone shuts off... I NEED HELP. some please help me :)

will be getting the iphone 4 soon hopefully. but until then i need some assistance :)
So I have the original iphone ( 1G ) its been a great phone for the time that i've had I was out on my boat this past weekend. The phone was in the center consol of the boat, it was in the boats GPS case where i would always stay dry. The seas were a little bumpy...The phone was half charged as i went out. I went on my facebook app when the boat stopped. I logged out of my facebook and the phone died. I didnt have my charger available to me so i just left it. When i got home i put it on the charger right away. The start up apple logo shows up ( the silver apple ). after a few seconds the logo goes away and the phone turns off....Ive tried the hard restart a few times and no effect. Ive tried putting it on the dock and plugging into my computer and no effect. all that happens is the apple logo shows up and the phone shuts off... I NEED HELP. some please help me :)

will be getting the iphone 4 soon hopefully. but until then i need some assistance :)

First open iTunes and Conect your iPhone cord to your computer, but do not plug it into your iPhone. Then press and hold the home button on your phone while conecting the iPhone cord into your iPhone continue to hold down the home button. Then click restore in iTunes. Good Luck!
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I think I know what I have to do but here's my problem:

My power button stopped working a few months back on my 3G. I was waiting for iphone 4 to come out, thank god it just did. My problem is like others, my phone died, and i put it on the charger and i just have a black screen. Its not like I can hit power/home either.

I imagine my only solution is apple/At&T store. But I'm free for any other help/suggestions.
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