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[ 1 ]: Abbreviations
[ edesignuk ] --> You need MORE RAM, STAT!
[ cubist ] -- >What is that, JOOC?

Somebody explain STAT and JOOC to me...:rolleyes:

[ 2 ]: That picture
cubist, I'm not too sure what the pic is. I found it here:

[ 3 ]: "A$$" is not circumventing the profanity filter.

At one point the word "ass" was censored until conflicts arose with typing the word "classic." It's not censored anymore.
I think the picture is a cuttaway diagram (maybe a model) of the Earth Simulator building in Japan.

The Earth Simulator is the fastest super computer in the world but needed a special building just to put it in!
It's defiantly because you still have 10.3.1... probably. iPhoto actually got faster with the 10.3.2 update.
Originally posted by 7on
It's defiantly because you still have 10.3.1... probably. iPhoto actually got faster with the 10.3.2 update.

I disagree mine is fine/ great on 10.3.1 ... my machine doesn't get along with 10.3.2
Unfortunately perhaps, there has never been and will never be a time when buying the most RAM you can afford will not be the smartest decision you can make. If Apple currently sold these things with 512MB or a gig, people would be hollering about price gouging. You can't have it both ways.

When I bought my Performa 460 in 1994, I think it was, it came with 4 romping, stomping megabytes of RAM and - get ready - a 20MB hard drive! You're NEVER gonna fill that baby up, they said!

Then a month later a friend bought a new Performa that had - gasp - FIVE megs of RAM. He was the envy of everyone in our little Mac society, and there was a bunch of us.

So my current 15" Al PB has 512 - I bought the extra 256 when I got it, and I know that it's only a matter of time till I spring for a gig stick. It ain't gonna change, it's just the way it is with these things.

The improvements in performance are well worth it. For the record, if you've only got one available slot, I wouldn't horse around with another 256 stick but go for 512. You won't regret it.

Upgrade to OS X 10.3.2. Then reinstall the WHOLE iLife 04. Repair Permissions!!! Restart your computer. Any better?
Well, I'm in agreement with both sides of this argument. I too am running with just 256mb RAM. I do see a good improvement with iPhoto, but it hasn't knocked my socks off.

I'm on a 1ghz 17" iMac with 256mb and 10.3.2.

Scrolling is pretty responsive, but the thumbnails are pixelated when scrolling. Was it always like this? I never noticed it before. Maybe now that the scrolling is keeping up with me I can actually see the pixelation?

Image rotation is a mixed bag. It seems like the first rotation happens instantly but if you rotate an image again the lag is back.

I've been looking to upgrade the RAM in my iMac but adding 512 to get me to 768mb doesn't thrill me. I want one of those 1gb modules that Trans International sells ($400)!

Or I need someone who can get to the factory slot and throw a 512mb module in there, then I can at least get to 1gb.

Anyone in NJ want to come do that for me?

I agree that Apple was a bit aggressive in the advertising. They really need to put more RAM in these machines stock. Also, there is nothing wrong with putting "256mb Required, 512mb Recommended".

256mb was standard 2 years ago. We need to realize that even consumer apps like iLife now require more RAM. Apple should also realize this and put more RAM in the machines and charge market rates for that RAM.
I agree with titaniumducky and "Upgrade to OS X 10.3.2. Then reinstall the WHOLE iLife 04." make sure this is in the proper order as stated in the readme. You can always delete the apps after you restart and repair permissions.
apple was right, 256 is all you need, and it opened didn it? garageband runs on 256, but throw more than 2 software instuments on there and it will stop playing, even on a g5. go get youself some ram or deal with the speeds, simple as that, apple hasnt lied to you at all.

Originally posted by King Cobra Somebody explain STAT and JOOC to me...

JOOC - Just out of curiosity
STAT - Not sure what it actually means but you hear it a lot on medical shows/movies in the operating room and such that they need something STAT (quickly, right now). Not sure if they say it in a real operating room as I've never been in one... thank goodness..
I'm running iPhoto 4 on a PB 667 with a gig of ram.

Faster, yes. But not fast enough for $50, and all the hype. I'm disappointed.

Yes, it's a good app. Yes, it's better. But paying $50 to make an app what it should have been in the first place...

I've been mighty impressed with Apple up 'till now. Let's see if it gets better. I'll bet it will.
Originally posted by bubbamac
I'm running iPhoto 4 on a PB 667 with a gig of ram.

Faster, yes. But not fast enough for $50, and all the hype. I'm disappointed.

Yes, it's a good app. Yes, it's better. But paying $50 to make an app what it should have been in the first place...

I've been mighty impressed with Apple up 'till now. Let's see if it gets better. I'll bet it will.
the problem is that you are a minority. you keep referring to iphoto as 50 dollars. to you it is, but technically its 5 apps that are very supurb and would probably sell at a much higher price if it was brought on.

iPhoto is dramatically faster on my iBook 800 and DP 867. It's finally usable on the iBook, about as fast as the previous version was on my DP. Apple finally got it right.

Why anyone would try to run OSX on 256 MB is beyond me. 512 is the usable minimum, and 1GB the minimum if you want to use it how it's supposed to be used (i.e. multitasking many apps at once, never quiting out of apps unless absolutely necessary, more than one user logged in at a time, etc.).
Anything at 512 will do you pelnty fine ... you don't need a gig of ram o enjoy osx, i ran it at 256 for a few months and it was fine. I also don't count multipel users as a essential feature of OSX ... seing as its a stolen feature
Originally posted by SilentPanda
JOOC - Just out of curiosity
STAT - Not sure what it actually means but you hear it a lot on medical shows/movies in the operating room and such that they need something STAT (quickly, right now). Not sure if they say it in a real operating room as I've never been in one... thank goodness..

"Stat" in medical parlance is actually not an acronym; it's short for statim, the Latin word for immediately.
iView MediaPro

If you really want to keep track of your pictures and need to do a lot of work with them, go and check out iView Media and iView MediaPro. They offer a lot more features than iPhoto, but of course that comes at a price.
(Un)fortunately one of the things I learned from the wintel world was the system requirements are pretty much the bare minumum needed to get an app working. m$ was "kind" enough to put minumim & recommended system requirements on their boxes. That Apple still puts 128 Ram as a RAM requirement for OS X is pretty lousy; it should be 512. (my 14" 800Mhz iBook crawls along with 256. I can hear the HD grinding away.)

If all other apps are running fine except for iPhoto, I would take it in and say what the Apple guys say.

I'd also buy more RAM just to speed the entire machine up.
I run iPhoto on my 550 TiBook (512RAM) no problem, and my 800Mhz iBook (640Ram) no problem. I'm pleased with it, but I'm sorry that it's not working for you.

p.s. I'm running iPhoto on 10.3 with no updates .. it makes no difference here.
Originally posted by iJon
the problem is that you are a minority. you keep referring to iphoto as 50 dollars. to you it is, but technically its 5 apps that are very supurb and would probably sell at a much higher price if it was brought on.


Since Apple is not offering each of the iLife apps seperatly, iPhoto IS $50. If you bought iLife for iMovie, iMovie is $50. To reverse your comment, there are plenty of people who bought iLife for ONE app (weither it be iPhoto, iMoive, iDVD OR Garage Band). In fact, I bet there are alot of people who bought iLife JUST for Garage Band.

The world of these apps has changed. Apple is now charging for these apps, which means that it's longer 'wow, this is a cool app, I just wish it would do this' it's 'I just PAID for these apps so it SHOULD do this.'

Now that I PAID for iDVD, it SHOULD work with non-Superdrive DVD Burners.

Apple should not advertise speed improvements if it won't be noticed on a computer bought off the shelf.
iPhoto 4 is still a dog on my iBook 900. If RAM is the problem, I might as well start looking to spend $2000 on a new Mac, cause my RAM is maxed at 640MB. But I just bought this thing 8 months ago!!!

A disappointment, but it wasn't my $$ so I'm not all that pissed.

Overall, still a disappointment even for a free program.:rolleyes:
I used 256MB RAM in my PowerBook 12" 1GHz for 3 months until Christmas. OS X and everything worked fine, even Final Cut Express (even though they reccommend 384 at least).

I'm glad I maxed out at 768 a few weeks ago but I have not seen the dramatic improvement that others have said. But I suppose that is because it ran fine with 256. I do notice the difference the more apps I run though.

I just think that saying "OS X only runs on 512MB+" or "you need at least 1 gig of RAM" is not true unless your expectations are unrealistically high. OS X runs fine on a 256 machine. Apple would not sell machines with 256MB RAM (128 on the eMac) if it did not think it was acceptable.
Originally posted by iJon
the problem is that you are a minority. you keep referring to iphoto as 50 dollars. to you it is, but technically its 5 apps that are very supurb and would probably sell at a much higher price if it was brought on.


I don't think I'm a minority, and iLife '04 is NOT 5 apps. It's 4 (iTunes is free) if you've got a superdrive, 3 if you don't. I find it hard to believe that a "majority" of Mac users will find GarageBand a part of their life/"iLife." While music is a large part of some people's lives, it's certainly not a big part of mine - I just don't have the time to fool around with it.

So I'm down to 2. Movie editing is great - but again, I just don't have the time/hard drive/processor to deal with it (plus, I find we take far more stills than movies). I do intend to play with it, though...

And so that leaves us with iPhoto - which, aside from GarageBand, covered above, was the most hyped part of iLife '04. And, quite frankly, it's disappointing.

My personal thought is, GarageBand should have been a separate release, for, say, $30, with the rest of the updates for $20 or so. Would have made more sense to me, and I wouldn't squawk so much. Oh, well.

In the end, I'm still extremely happy with my TiBook, and Apple in general. I'll certainly continue to tell everyone I know how good Apple is, etc...
so what youre saying is:

A: You bought software you do not need, and have no intention of using, and
B: You're dissappointed by a piece of software because it didnt meet your expectations.
C: You're computer meets the min requirements, but the app isnt as smooth as butter.

Well, you knew that you would never use garageband, so I cant help you there. For example, I have no use for Adobe PageMaker. So guess what? I dont buy it.

As for the second one, well you must have not bought a lot of software before (especially video games). 95% of the Game Boy Advance games out there arent even worth turning on, yet they cost almost as much as you paid for the entire iLife set.

And about the last one, you just have to realize whats going on. You can run the program, and thats what min requirements are all about. This is why people buy new machines every two years.

Just to let some of you know, a G3 is the tech equivalent of a Pentium II. Sorry to say that, but check it out for yourselves. You cant be surprised if iPhoto cant scale 10,000 thumbnails fluidly in realtime on a Pentium II. I have a dual 3Ghz Xeon machine as my workstation at work, and it probably cant do that. It has as much to do with you're video card as it does anything, and you cant do much about the video card in a laptop. With a fast enough machine, iPhoto is significantly faster than what it was. Thats all they said, and its true, as long as you dont run it on a lime green clamshell iBook.
Originally posted by Engagebot
Just to let some of you know, a G3 is the tech equivalent of a Pentium II. Sorry to say that, but check it out for yourselves. You cant be surprised if iPhoto cant scale 10,000 thumbnails fluidly in realtime on a Pentium II. I have a dual 3Ghz Xeon machine as my workstation at work, and it probably cant do that. It has as much to do with you're video card as it does anything, and you cant do much about the video card in a laptop. With a fast enough machine, iPhoto is significantly faster than what it was. Thats all they said, and its true, as long as you dont run it on a lime green clamshell iBook.
Yes but Apple was selling G3 iBooks up until October. Pentium IIs stopped being sold well before that (1999/2000?)
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