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is 4000 photos really that much?
I've 16000+ over a 2 year period, and pretty early stopped using iPhoto for default due to its 'sluggish' nature.
At every update it was given another chance to impress me but alas not as yet.

iView Media does much more than iPhoto IMO, and at lightning fast speeds. I can't understand why Apple can't optimise iPhoto enough to match the speed iViewMedia gives me. Plus, it cant deal with 70 different types of file formats-

"iView Media supports a more than 70 media formats. As most media importers/exporters are QuickTime-based, the exact list depends on the version of QuickTime installed in your computer. Here's some of the formats, iView supports:

Still Images
JPEG, JPEG-2000, TIFF, TIFF-FAX, PNG, Adobe Photoshop (3.x and higher), BMP, Targa, SGI, FlashPix, PICT, GIF, QuickTime Image, GE Medical CRI.

MP3, AIFF, Windows Wave, Standard MIDI, Compact Disc Audio, Sound Designer II, System Sounds, GSM Audio, AIFC

QuickTime Movies, Windows AVI, DV (Digital Video), FLC, MPEG, MPEG-4, QTVR Movies, Flash, Animated GIF"

Which is a godsend when browsing media files, having a multitude of QT's, AVI's and Flash movies running in thumbnails at the same time is very handy.

I'd suggest anyone who is thinking of buying iLife 4 just for iPhoto should try the free download before wasting their money.

<edit: oops Crenz beat me to it earlier in the thread, but iVeiwMedia($29) is way cheaper than the Pro version and does all of the above and more :D >
RAM is NOT the solution

More RAM is not the solution. I bought ILife 04 (as well as buying last years ILife) and neither solve the speed issue.

ILife 04 decreased the time that iPhoto takes to launch but individual operations, such as changing to edit mode, adding a title, rotating or removing from an album - all take just as long as before. Which is were the real speed issue lies.

I have nearly 8 thousand photos in iPhoto.

My Machine specs:
15 inch Powerbook (Aluminum Firewire 800)
1.25 GHz PowerPC G4

Ok, is that enough RAM to quell the "you need more RAM" folk? I can't get anymore RAM into this powerbook.

Originally posted by Engagebot
Well, you knew that you would never use garageband, so I cant help you there. For example, I have no use for Adobe PageMaker. So guess what? I dont buy it.

As for the second one, well you must have not bought a lot of software before (especially video games). 95% of the Game Boy Advance games out there arent even worth turning on, yet they cost almost as much as you paid for the entire iLife set.

And about the last one, you just have to realize whats going on. You can run the program, and thats what min requirements are all about. This is why people buy new machines every two years.
With a fast enough machine, iPhoto is significantly faster than what it was. Thats all they said, and its true, as long as you dont run it on a lime green clamshell iBook.

Sorry to say it, but your comparisons are flawed. Your pagemaker example would have been more comparable if you said you didn't buy the Adobe Creative Suite because you didn't need Pagemaker (this is STILL not entirely accurate because you CAN buy them seperately).

As for your Game Boy comparison, it is also flawed. In this case, Apple is advertising something that they didn't provide.

Telling people to buy more RAM is a copout, epsically coming from Apple. Any app can be faster with more RAM. The fact that they are claiming that their app is "lightning fast" makes Apple responsible for much better response times without having to modify my machine. By saying "Oh yeah, this app is MUCH faster now.... but you have to upgrade your machine to get it."

Bottom line: Don't advertise what doesn't work.
Don't believe advertisements. It's that simple. Do your research, find out what works from reviews from reputable sources and make your decisions based on solid information, not what advertisers promise. We all love Apple, but I don't let that affect my buying judgement, and I don't pretend that Apple is somehow more moralistic when it comes to truth in advertising.

It sounds like you bought the new iLife without any research on your part other than what SJ told you at the keynote. Sorry, but that's just asking to be taken. If you aren't willing to be a guinea pig, wait until you can get some unbiased reviews and THEN make your purchasing decision. I bet you would have spent your money on another program and been much happier had you waited.

A healthy dose of skepticism is required when listening to vendors hawk their wares.
what i meant was that iLife 04 might have just as well been called 'Garageband and stuff'.

you bought a piece of software, the majority of which you never planned to use.

So you have an outdated machine. here's news for you: the computer industry's brand new apps dont necessarily cater to those with outdated systems. You say 'dont advertise what doesnt work', and i'm saying IT DOES WORK, just not with a system that squeezes past the minimum requirements... (you said you have 256MB ram, and might i remind you that that is the min requirement for iLife 04)

I dont try to run Halo on my 266 Pentium II, and i'm not going to be ticked because Bungie didnt work miracles to make it happen.

software development isnt just magic. it takes horsepower to do really big stuff. Scaling thousands of images in realtime on your screen is one such thing.
For me iPhoto increased tremendously from the last version. I is ast as fast as it was in the keynote. I can now turn off film roll view now that it opens faster :p

Though I only have 880 photos.
Originally posted by mactastic
Don't believe advertisements. It's that simple. Do your research, find out what works from reviews from reputable sources and make your decisions based on solid information, not what advertisers promise. We all love Apple, but I don't let that affect my buying judgement, and I don't pretend that Apple is somehow more moralistic when it comes to truth in advertising.

It sounds like you bought the new iLife without any research on your part other than what SJ told you at the keynote. Sorry, but that's just asking to be taken. If you aren't willing to be a guinea pig, wait until you can get some unbiased reviews and THEN make your purchasing decision. I bet you would have spent your money on another program and been much happier had you waited.

A healthy dose of skepticism is required when listening to vendors hawk their wares.

Yessss! :)

I'm glad to see someone thinks about things.

As far as RAM goes, it can do a lot of good. No machine running Mac OS X should be without at least 512MB--the more the better.

Laptop computers have an additional problem--slow hard drives. A lack of RAM compounds the performance issue on a laptop computer because of frequent hard drive access.

I've found iPhoto to be speedier, but at $49 for the iLife package, it's not meant to be the end-all software. It's a bargain and it works well, especially for what it is. All of the iLife applications do.

I can't say that it's wrong to have unfounded expectations, but that doesn't help anyone's reality.
On my computers (dual 1 gig G4 and 700mhz I haven't noticed an improvement--but I also didn't notice a problem with the previous version. On my mom's 333 iMac (256MB) it's night and day. She can't have more than a couple hundred pictures and doing anything (scrolling, rotating, moving from edit to organize) was painfully slow. Even given the age and specs of the computer it was too slow. iPhoto 04 is great on that machine.
well.. its worth using it if you dont pay it.. :D

it is really better then iPhoto 2, not the best, but much better no waiting when rotating, less waiting when moving from pic to pic... People should not pay if they only want iPhoto, but thats Apple's game, play it or not..

I dont usually share everything on my "shared folder" in kazaa, but this is worth to share with other people.. thats all I say..

I think you're confusing me with the person that started this thread. I've got a TiBook 667 with 1GB of RAM - far above the minimum requirements.

I knew what I was buying, and what I wasn't. I also knew what I paid for it.

Someone above mentioned that perhaps iLife '04 should have been called "GarageBand and stuff." That's true.

You mentioned that I bought software I had no intenetion of using - that's right. But, Apple didn't give me the choice to just update the apps I needed to, now did they? I do believe I mentioned that in my post above. In fact, had they charged $20 for just the iPhoto update, I wouldn't be unhappy at all. It is faster - just not lightning fast. Even on my older system, which I expect slower performance, and "lightning fast" doesn't mean what it does on a G5.

In fact, I gave serious thought to buying the software that someone mentioned above (iFolder photo? or something like that). But, I do like Apple's product better - and still do. I think they make a fine product, all the way around.

And finally, I'll move towards resolution. I'm not furious, I'm not going to give my PB away and run out and buy a Dell. I simply think that this was a mistake on Apple's part - I wonder if they'll fix it?
Yes but if it was called garageband and stuff what about those who only want iMovie. What apple needs it seperate boxes:

iTunes + Stuff
iMovie + Stuff
iDVD + Stuff
iPhoto + Stuff
GarageBand + Stuff
iLife '04

then just ask the buyer whic box they want. now thats thinking different - oops - wreong campaign - thats 'hip and cool'
Originally posted by benixau
... What apple needs it seperate boxes: iTunes + Stuff...

:D You reminded me of the Benny Hill skit where Benny is the waiter, and the customer says no to the wine, Benny puts another label on it and the customer approves it then.
Originally posted by toughboy
well.. its worth using it if you dont pay it.. :D

it is really better then iPhoto 2, not the best, but much better no waiting when rotating, less waiting when moving from pic to pic... People should not pay if they only want iPhoto, but thats Apple's game, play it or not..

I dont usually share everything on my "shared folder" in kazaa, but this is worth to share with other people.. thats all I say..

I'm not sure that sharing is the way to go (or at least admitting it) but I generally agree with you (regarding your other posts on this topic in the past).
I'd probably buy single bits of iLife but so much has less function outside the US and costs more.

ps. Hows the weather in Izmir
Man, i'm really ticked off. i bought this new iLife 04 package from apple, and its really good for nothing.

first of all, it wont even install on my Apple IIe (which, might i remind you, THEY sold me only a few years ago...)

i am not a musician, so i have no intention to use this new garageband thing or whatever its called. come to think of it, i dont even like music at all, so i dont know why they assume i want this iTunes thing either. Apple really stinks too because they didnt include a DV camcorder with this $49 package, so i have absolutely no use for iMovie, therefore no use for iDVD.

I dont understand how SJ gets off claiming its so 'lightning fast' when the apple developers cant even invent measley time travel to go back to 1986 and put an optical drive in my mac so i can even install the thing.

i hope you guys get my drift. for somebody who has spent the last several years in college to be a developer, i really just cant stand listening to this stuff anymore. i really dont feel like posting to this site anymore...

Exactly the correct response. As a fellow developer the general "user" whining that goes on here winds me up to but I wouldn't stop posting. You can still have a good time and learn a lot by hanging out here.

To all those not satisfied: Uninstall it and take it back if you hate it that much. Don't want to do that? Then top whinging.
Originally posted by robbieduncan

Exactly the correct response. As a fellow developer the general "user" whining that goes on here winds me up to but I wouldn't stop posting. You can still have a good time and learn a lot by hanging out here.

To all those not satisfied: Uninstall it and take it back if you hate it that much. Don't want to do that? Then top whinging.

Except they won't take it back. We're not whining to the developers, it's more to the marketing people who give you false impressions.

And, despite Engagebot's dive off the deep end, most of us who are complaining are running practically brand new machines. If you 'developers' really want to stop complaining, talk to your marketing departments.

If you really don't want to listen to complaining, don't click on such topics. Why do you think Apple did anything with iPhoto at all (at least in adressing speed)... because people complained!!!

There are three reasons I started this thread:
1) The topmost was to serve as a warning to those, like myself, who are buying iLife just for iPhoto because of the speed increase.
2) To see if people could give me some helpful suggestions.
3) And yes, to blow of some steam. If you couldn't tell by the title of the thread what kind of tone this was going to take, well that's not my fault.

If nothing else, this thread has taught me two things:
1) I am not alone in having problems.
2) Some really good places to get cheap RAM.

To all those who have offered their non-critical and honest advice, I thank you.
Originally posted by Chappers
I'm not sure that sharing is the way to go (or at least admitting it) but I generally agree with you (regarding your other posts on this topic in the past).
I'd probably buy single bits of iLife but so much has less function outside the US and costs more.

ps. Hows the weather in Izmir

it has been raining in Izmir for 2 days, and all I hope is that it will not stop until my final exams will be over, so that I'll stay home and work :).. have you ever been here?

I dont know what makes these friends angry, because I dont even have a desktop mac (which would provide a faster harddrive then my 12"PB) but iPhoto4 is much better then its 2.0version.. I had copied all my photos back to my desktop PC when I saw how bad iPhoto2 was, and now I am copying them all back to my mac because it is really worth it.. I have 4000 pics or more and you can move around them with no waiting, rotate'em, edit them in ease.. even rate them!.. All my expectation was carrying around my pictures with my PB, showing them to friends and etc without pain.. and I'm quite satisfied..

I'll say what I said before:
its worth using it if you dont pay it..
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