So ... I don't understand what the serial number is for? Is it just a unique identifier, or is there a particular reason you're using SNs ?
So ... I don't understand what the serial number is for? Is it just a unique identifier, or is there a particular reason you're using SNs ?
I'm sorry, I don't understand what advantage this has over IM with BeejiveIm. The primary difference seems to be that it will only work with other iPhone users, an exclusivity which, it seems to me, would make it less useful. And the use of serial numbers makes it more difficult to exchange than an AIM screen name. Even Facebook has gone to usernames, now.
Good question.
As you may now. Blackberry generates a PIN number for every blackberry device. Users use that to communicate with their friends and family. I have created a way that my app uses your serial number off of your device to communicate with friends. Its on the device already and no need to generate anything!
Basically the serial number is like an AIM screen name that allows you to communicate with others.
So this is just an IM app, right? What protocol are you using? Jabber?
This works with the iPod Touch as well. Not just iPhone users.
Well, that answers one small part of my concern. It doesn't explain how this is any more useful than AIM or MSN, using which one can chat with users on any number of devices and platforms without the need to exchange serial numbers. Is this just a way to feel part of an exclusive club?
I will answer your question with a question.
Why do blackberry users use BBM as opposed to AIM or MSN?
Because BBM is close to instant IM's and I guess you could say that it feels fun to be part of a cool BBM club.
Also you can talk to people on other networks without costs.
My app is as instant as possible if not faster than BBM. It saves money if you are not on a unlimited texting plan. I hope to develop the same app so that you can use it on BB and Google Android.
Why do blackberry users use BBM as opposed to AIM or MSN?
I mean, I'm sure this is a good one, I'm just saying there's nothing that makes it more like BBM than any of the other apps out there already.
SAG3194: Are you sure you're going to be able to fund the servers you'll need to run to make this work indefinitely on $.99?
BBM sucks...why because people need blackberry sorry ass data plan to use it. Blackberry data plan is only good for check email and use BBM. You can't surf the web with a sorry browser.
Iphone sms is nice. Why didn't you post a picture of iphone sms with MMS picture and see which one is can search it here on the forum.
Used to have a blackberry bold. Some of my friend who didn't pay Blackberry data couldn't use BBM so it was stupid.... Suck ass....the only thing good was the screen res. which was nice...everything else is like others had said....old 1990 UI....
But why would anyone want a Blackberry without a data plan? Same goes for an iPhone... I don't think that's a valid argument. Plus, you can't get an iPhone without a data plan anyway...
The nice thing about BBM is that it's free/unlimited including to/from overseas. Plus, you get delivery conformation and you can set a status much like an IM app.
Edit: Additionally, if you're set up with a business-issued Blackberry, the IT department can log and audit your BBM messages (and SMS/MMS and call logs if they so choose). This is part of the reason BBM is used as much as it is - businesses have full control over it.
To the original OP, keep on doing what your doing. I hope you get approved. You have at least one customer. Screw all these, but I don't understand post. If they don't understand by now they never will. You've explained it all well and there will be the more sophisticated user who gets it. Don't worry about the ones with the Apple bar code tattooed on their ass.![]()
You've explained it all well and there will be the more sophisticated user who gets it.
No, he has not "explained it all well." All I'm asking for is one way in which joining a new iPhones-only chat network will be superior to utilizing an existing IM network. I am honestly looking for an explanation, and I would be happy to hear one. I'm not being rude (or unsophisticated), just asking a simple question. It seems to me that if someone is trying to sell me a new product which appears to have the same features as a product I already own, the burden is on him to explain how it is better.
I don't mind answering questions.
It was explained in three pages of post. If you don't get it by now, you should move on because it appears your nit picken.
Well I guess we differ which is fine. It was explained in three pages of post. If you don't get it by now, you should move on because it appears your nit picken. No one is forcing you to understand or buy the app. This is just not for you.
Edit: And at 99¢ what's the big deal, its another app that looks better than ifart.