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So far this looks very good! Thanks a lot. Finally something I can use. A couple of things I wanted to mention.

I'm suprised Apple doesn't mind asking for PayPal donations! They host the apps for free and then they don't get a cut. More power to you, I like the donation idea. It's how many open source apps work. I'm rooting for you if they decide not to allow that in the future. I'm sure you could always make a "Premium version" later for donations.

Also, any possibility of a way to sync tasks with iCal? Maybe even if it'd put them in a .ical file (used by sunbird and gcal and all those) so that you can subscribe to the tasks from any callendar.

It would be really nice if I could click on an item in mail or on my calendar and have it create that as a task in iProcrastinate - but I doubt you have the ability/control to do that.
Frankly, I don't know why Apple didn't do this feature. They have it in Leopard, they let you click on phone numbers, but they have no way to click on an event date and add it to MobileCalendar. Weird...

I don't think 'reminders' or anything should be built in (with notifications etc), too much clutter.
It wouldn't really clutter your interface, it'd be on your home screen. It'd be useful to see that you have something due from your homescreen though. Probably to have an option to turn it off would be nice I suppose.
Thanks again for all the feedback guys, I appreciate it.

I have added notifications on the home screen, that can be turned on and off. Currently it just displays (like the number on Mail, the App Store, etc.) the number of active tasks for today. Do you think this is good? Should the user have the ability to select a range to display? Like the number of tasks due in the next 5 days?

And to whoever asked earlier about the native app, there is one, called iProcrastinate. (Not surprisingly :p)

But, due to the fact that the App Store visitors blew my bandwidth limit to kingdom come, who knows how long it will be until I can get to my files again. :)
I have added notifications on the home screen, that can be turned on and off. Currently it just displays (like the number on Mail, the App Store, etc.) the number of active tasks for today. Do you think this is good? Should the user have the ability to select a range to display? Like the number of tasks due in the next 5 days?

That's good. The only thing is, if it's active tasks (I'm not sure of the meaning so bear with me) if I had any assignment in my agenda wouldn't I always have a badge showing? I generally have something due every week, maybe the option to chose how many days ahead you want? (0 would be today I guess) Some people with a lot of things each week would be overwhelmed with 5 days, and others with not enough things would have no use for something with one day. Just a suggestion.

If only Apple had a better method of pushing out updates. I rather like the idea of Apt for unix (And jailbroken phones ;) ) where I can just get updates as they are done.
If only Apple had a better method of pushing out updates. I rather like the idea of Apt for unix (And jailbroken phones ;) ) where I can just get updates as they are done.

I know. It's incredibly frustrating that most developers have the ability to roll out application updates pretty quick of the requests are moderately simple, but then apple delays it for weeks at a time. It's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure apple has one guy sitting in a room playing Super Monkey Ball and every hour he reaches over and presses "approve" on an app. Considering for the first few weeks most crashed the iPhones and iPod touches, and the Aurora Feint issue where it had access to Contacts information it shouldn't have, they don't appear to truly be testing them much. IMO that is. :cool:

ANYWAYS though...yay for iProcrastinate. I keep telling myself that my iPod's screens will be organized by app type, but I don't think I'll be able to avoid keeping this on the main frontpage. Can't wait!
No, he's stating that his website where the desktop version is housed (as seen in his signature) is over it's bandwidth because people probably viewed or downloaded the app and then went to his site to see more. I can see why too. :cool:

oh, I see, I hope you get a lot of donations!
First off, great app :) As soon as I get some money myself i plan to donate because this will be a life saver come September.

One thing I did notice was that in the settings screen if you do the 'delete' swipe, it shows a red delete button over the controls and you can delete them, crashing the app. I actually did it by accident over the "Link Task/Step Progress" switch and deleted it.

Not a huge deal and now that I know I'll be sure to never do it again but I though it might be something you'd want to be aware of.

Cheers and keep up the great work!
I ran into a bug as well. I'm not sure what I was doing... I think I was editing a task, and I hit the back arrow and it didn't go back to the previous pane... So I was stuck in one task.
First off, great app :) As soon as I get some money myself i plan to donate because this will be a life saver come September.

One thing I did notice was that in the settings screen if you do the 'delete' swipe, it shows a red delete button over the controls and you can delete them, crashing the app. I actually did it by accident over the "Link Task/Step Progress" switch and deleted it.

Not a huge deal and now that I know I'll be sure to never do it again but I though it might be something you'd want to be aware of.

Cheers and keep up the great work!
Yep, I definitely fixed that bug too. That was one of the first ones that I started getting feedback for.

I've also (in the latest build) improved the UI quite a bit, with a different layout for the task list.

I think I might add a type of checkbox to the tasks so that you can check them off without having to go into the task. Yay or nay? :D
Thank you for making this. It is installing now. I am a big fan of the desktop version (it has its own spot on my dock) and was really looking forward to be able to add and edit my homework on the go! Thanks again!

I'll post with more comments later, but here are my first impression bugs / feature requests / Comments.

However, I've already found one bug. If you go into settings, and swipe one of the settings like you are trying to delete it, you can delete it... I don't think this should happen.
When making a new Subject, the note is preset to say Note. You have to delete that text to put in your own.

Feature Requests:
When making a new task, in Team Members give the option to make a new person.

Great User Interface! Love ease of use. It will be an invaluable tool for me!

EDIT: Yay to the checkbox, definitely. I'm looking forward to the latest build now! But right now, I'm just glad it was released before school starts. I start school back in a few days, so this came just in time! Curious, though, do you have any clue as to when the next build will be available to download? Thanks again!

EDIT 2: I have another feature request which is iCal Integration. It isn't that important, but it would be nice as an optional feature.

EDIT 3: How about spell-checking? Apple uses it in many of their applications, so I assume that they give you the necessary code to use it in iProcrastinate.

Been meaning to get around to checking this out, thanks.

Maybe tomorrow? ;)
I'm going to watch this flourish.

I love when a simple idea gets developed into an application and then evolves into a great application.
i agree, iCal integration would be cool for the future. but sync with iProcrastinate desktop version is more important!

by the way, anyone see the review on the app store by wiseman, where someone said to change the name, cos he couldnt pronounce it or something, and obviously doesnt udnerstand irony

but yeah this app is going to be sweet, i can imagine using this for more than just uni work when sync is added, probably replace the
Glad I checked this thread. I can't wait to get home and install this bad boy.

To the OP... Do you know when your website will be back up? Would like to also get the desktop version.

Will post back.
All I can say is that I'm going to be much more organized at school this year.

So simple, but so ****ing useful. I mean, yeah, you COULD use the built in Calender app, but this just seems so much more tailored for students who used their phones as organizers.

Great app man, damn. I feel bad not paying for it! :D

Looking forward to future updates. Any idea when your bug fixes/features are going to be pushed as a new version? anytime soon?
I have a very important question.

When this update comes, we won't lose our currently entered data, right?

Hi, and great app!

As a fellow procrastinator, I really need to be reminded!

Since you are a computer guy, I would ideally ask for CRON type scheduling, in a GUI of course ;-)

In addition to the basics on reminders, it would be great to have a diff set for M-F and S-Sun.

Some tasks I want to be reminded every hour if on a M-F, and not on S/S.

The more options the better for reminders!!!

As I said, I am a procrastinator ;-)

If we start putting stuff in the mobile version , but we also use the desktop version, what will happen when you implement the sync feature? Will it replace, merge, or what?

I have the desktop version, but I don't want to take the time to put a bunch of stuff into the mobile, only to end up with a bunch of double-posts after the first sync.

How long do you think until the updated version with sync comes out?

Thanks for a great app! :)
Howdy again!

To answer a few questions:

(Updates) Plan to release the first update by the end of this week, maybe early next week. It won't have synchronization, I hope to have that finished by the end of the summer. Bonjour is trickier than Apple makes it out to be. :) (Not to mention it needs to be implemented twice, once on the Mac, once on the iPhone.) Updates will not cause any user to lose his/her data. I've run into this issue on the Mac version, and I'm being very careful to make sure all data is persisted.

(Synchronization) Again, by the end of the summer, hopefully. It will be a merge. There might be an additional option to completely overwrite a device with data from another. If anyone has any good Bonjour tutorials or examples that are more simple than the two iPhone samples Apple has listed, either post them here or PM them to me please! I'm very busy (work full-time, getting scuba certification!!, summer, and eventually class this fall) and a primer would be much nicer than struggling line-by-line through code.

( Yea, it definitely got hammered. It has a 10GB bandwidth limit, was at 3.67 Sunday night, and hit 10.3GB last night. I've been in touch with the support guru's at, my hosting company (who are amazing, by the way, I'd recommend them to anyone), and it should be back on either tonight or tomorrow. Sorry for the outage!

(Things I have finished, and will be in the next update)
  • There's a setting to automatically edit an item once it's created. (Reducing the number of taps.)
  • Turned off word capitalization for item names
  • Auto-correction added to all fields
  • Clearing the note requires a first tap, then a second to confirm. This is represented visually, so you don't have to guess. :)
  • Badge the application icon with the number of active tasks for a day range
  • Fixed the settings swipe delete issue
  • Color picker comes with some defaults, but you can still choose a custom one

(Things I plan on hopefully implementing soon)
  • iCal Export
  • Recurring Items
  • Reminders? Yay/nay?
  • Ability to export task list via email
  • Checklist ability on tasks (once I find a good way to implement this)

As always, I'm open to suggestions, comments, and questions. Hope you guys continue to enjoy it. :D Thanks for the support so far, you guys are amazing.
i'm really glad that i stumbled upon this app. it's the perfect app that i need for school so that i can easily add when all my art projects are due so i don't turn them in late like usual.

i look forward to the future improvements you've listed! thanks a lot for a great app! i'll donate when next paycheck comes.
Dude, i have to say that out of ALL of the task managers, this seems to be the MOST usefull. I always woondered why people didnt just use their calender as a task manager, because most are just LIKE a calender, but yours is WAY more!

I was just wondering, when syncing to ical, will that then be able to be put into your iphone calender? I would love an app that you can export your list directly to your iphonbe calender so that you can have each iProcrastinate list on each day, this way the native app can do all the reminding for you. (since your app can not run in the background.)

Also, and i KNOW this is asking a lot, but if you can add a little VOICE NOTES section, i would be THRILLED. i have NOT found a good voice notes recoder that also has a decent task manager (reQall sucks)
can't figure it out

This app seems great but I can't figure it out. I'm sure my brain is just fried as I've started school this week, but when i type in a task it doesn't save it. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
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