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Wonderful App

I would just like to say thank you for developing a great app that I personally was looking for, and doing so while not being greedy. You have taken a nice approach to developing a piece of software that you are committed to making good before charging. For that, I have sent you a small donation via the PayPal link in your app.

I look forward to seeing your improvements in the future developments of this app...


I realize I might get flamed for this one, but just to appease the complete dunces out there, will you offer instructions for your app. I've been playing with it for a little while today and I love it, but there are questions I have and I don't have time to list them all and/or read this forum over and over. When you get your website up and running again will there be instructions or tutorials?


PS- Great app! I can't wait for the updates so I can use it w/ iCal.
Definitely not. :D I never expect donations. That way I always get excited when I get one.

Well, I'm just a college student, so nothing to jump up and down about ;) but I would definitely have paid for this and I love the direct support and quick turn around of updates. Thanks!

PS: It'll have my old email address so if you get that it won't send anything to it, I won't get it.
Yea, I plan on redoing the site a little bit, and adding some quick FAQ's. I should have had the site done months ago, but I just got swamped with the App. :) Unfortunately I seem to be doing things backwards?
Just wanted to let you guys know I haven't been goofing off. :p


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Also, new tasks layout. (For now.)

Comments and suggestions much appreciated. :D

So far it looks good. Just wish Apple would let you push the updates a little quicker! Oh well. I don't start classes for a couple weeks, I can wait. I was just doing some thinking, I haven't had a chance to get your desktop version of the app, but is there an integration of that into iCal? If not, I've got an idea on how it could work.

I come up with ideas but have yet to learn anything other than Java, so I'm stuck. :D

What I was saying with saving things as .ics, if it would save a copy of each todo as a calendar in the .ics form locally (like in Documents or something) you could subscribe to it via iCal and then have a 1 way sync. :D Not too epic, but would be useful.
i haven't downloaded it yet, but in case its not an option, can we get pop up notifications?

and can we set them for days/hours ? i want to check my bank account biweekly at 7am on fridays.. that kind of thing. but i forget, i want notifications!

Just a quick message to say "Damn you are a quick worker".:D
I only suggested the Overdue thing today (or yesterday depending on your timezone) and by the looks of it you have it implemented already.
New screen shots look great.
I honestly think you are close to having a REALLY first class app here, it has a great feeling to it and with a few more of the "pro" elements (syncing with desktop version/iCal intergration) you should consider launching a paid version, you clearly have put in the time/effort so you should get your rewards.
Thanks for keeping us all informed of progress, it's so refreshing to see someone who has a passion for their art.

ToDo has notifications. just not pop ups ( and some apps have pop ups )

push = server

you don't need to connect to servers for todo lists so i'm not sure what your reply was for.
Those types of "notifications" are not dynamic. They're set when the app exits, or *while it's running.*

See my screenshot above; iProcrastinate has this feature, but again, it's not dynamic.

For example, if you wait a couple days without opening ToDo, I would be blown away if that number changed.

In addition to this, apps do not have the ability to post any notifications to the screen or run any alarms while the app is closed. If you want to leave iProcrastinate running, then sure, alarms would work fine.

Unless I'm severely mistaken, we're waiting until September.
this is probably one of the most useful apps I have anyway, I was wondering if u knew when the update would come? It looks great
this is probably one of the most useful apps I have anyway, I was wondering if u knew when the update would come? It looks great
The update is (for the most part) finished. I'm running it through some tests right now. It probably won't be out tonight, I'm going to see the Dark Knight. :D

Once I've submitted it, I'll let you guys know. Then we'll play the waiting game. :rolleyes:
ow quick response anyway thanks for being on macforums I love talking to someone who knows what there talking about :D anyway have fun seeing the dark knight, and if you'd ever would like me to test it out :D I'd gladly do it even though you probably have your own group of testers
ow quick response anyway thanks for being on macforums I love talking to someone who knows what there talking about :D anyway have fun seeing the dark knight, and if you'd ever would like me to test it out :D I'd gladly do it even though you probably have your own group of testers
Ya, we're pretty excited to see it. :D One of the guys I'm going with has seen it twice already, this will be his 3rd time! :eek:

Man... I WISH I had a group of testers. It's just me. Between coding, answering emails, working on the site, and then testing, I'm usually kept pretty busy. :D
wellseriously if u want me to test it, I'm a fellow student and I could test it

Yeah I'm gunna go c it 4 my first time tom. hopefully so excited
wellseriously if u want me to test it, I'm a fellow student and I could test it

Yeah I'm gunna go c it 4 my first time tom. hopefully so excited
If anyone has experience with the development environment surrounding the iPhone, particularly the ability to let testers run your app, I'd really like to know. :)

It would be great to have you guys helping test, if anyone would be up for it. :D
well I think in your profile as a developer you can put in someone unique device ID aka UDID and then it shares it with that device but idk I could try and find out for you?
Backup tasks to PC and Smart Group by Person

I totally love this app. Kudos to the developer!

Have a couple of questions though:

1. How do I backup my tasks to a PC? In case my phone locks up and needs to be restored (which happens a lot - I heard), do I loose all my tasks?

2. Is there a plan to do smart groups by person? (the person that the task is assigned to).

Thanks a lot...
There's supposed to be a way to do Ad-Hoc distribution, where you can distribute yourself to a specified iPhone. I would have to read the documentation when I get back to my other computer, but it's one of the methods covered in the keynote.

Also... I'd love to test for you if given the oportunity. Once classes start for me I'll be using it fairly heavily... Or iProcrastinate enough that iFail...
love it

I am loving this app, but really looking forward to a desktop sync!

It's funny, I, too, probably wouldn't have paid for it on the App Store. But since I'm already loving it, I just sent you 5 bucks. Go figure...

keep up the good work!
Hey Craig,

Awsome app! It's really great, it will be so useful when school starts up again...

Anyway, I know you have a desktop version for the Mac but is there any chance you have (or might be working on) a PC version of the software? Or would there at least a way to backup the app data to a PC?

Keep up the good work!
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