(Things I plan on hopefully implementing soon)
- iCal Export
- Recurring Items
- Reminders? Yay/nay?
- Ability to export task list via email
- Checklist ability on tasks (once I find a good way to implement this)
As always, I'm open to suggestions, comments, and questions. Hope you guys continue to enjoy it.

Thanks for the support so far, you guys are amazing.
Definitely add reminders, I tend to always forget my tasks. This is one of the key features for which I like using Calendar for school.
So far this apps seems great, and I'm sure that by the end of the summer it would be the best Organizer in the App Store.

But I do have some suggestions:
1- I haven't found a way to organize my subjects. They are not on alphabetical order, just in the order they were created. Am I missing something?
2- I tend to prefer cleaner and plainer looks in the iPhone/iPod Touch apps. In the home screen (were subjects appear) you use a gradient for each subject. I think that maybe using only one color (white?) would make it easier on the eyes. I like the black look of the app, but I don't like how the blue letters contrast with it and with the gray gradient.
3- When stating the due date, putting an actual calendar would be much better. The actual way is a little more unpractical. Tho the quick buttons for Next Week or Tomorrow are great.
4- Another layout suggestion: when you enter a subject and are seeing the tasks, the days pending for it to finish are in a bright green tone. I know this is not very important, but using another tone could help in making the color scheme more constant. Using gray or black might be a good idea.
5- Not sure how many users use the "search box". At first I thought it was a way to enter quickly a new task. I think this would be more useful.
6- This might only be useful for school students. When seeing all the subjects you put there how many tasks are for today. And tasks for school normally need to be made at least one day before, so if I ever see that one tasks is due for today there, chances are I won't be able to finish it, but if it says there is a task due tomorrow, at least I might have a chance to do something.
7- One tip for a better functionality: when you click the + sign to add a task, it immediately creates the task and leaves you in the tasks window, and then you need to click the task and add a name, etc. I think that it would be better to first introduce the Task Name (immediately after clicking the +), and then take the user to the following pane were you add the extra information. Also, having the notes box at the top might be useful, as well as the due date.
8- Not sure if is my iPod, but the scrolling is a little unresponsive.
9- When making a smart group, it also adds the already completed tasks. Having an option for ignoring this might be useful.
10- This point is only an idea that you might want to implement someday. A calendar that can show all your tasks and make it possible to add tasks. Like in the Calendar app. It gives you an idea of how busy you'll be certain days and let you get organized beforehand. And if one day you make this work with iCal, then I am sure many would be saying good bye to the Calendar app.
So these were my first impressions. The App is great and has a great potential. I'll make sure to post once you release the update and give you my impressions. I do believe that polishing the layout is very important. Not that the current layout is bad, not at all, but it could use a little to make it look more clean. Some good apps to get ideas from are Contacts and Calendar, they are very easy on the eyes and are logically organized. Notes, in the other hand, is terrible.
I hope this is helpful.