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Syncing suggestion


First off, I think you have an amazing program here. I use both the Mac version and the mobile version on my iPod touch. I actually didn’t have an account on this forum until a few minutes ago, although I’ve been following it for a while. I created this account because I was struck with an idea that I thought I would suggest to you for a future version of the mobile app.

In response to your call for opinion on the topic, the idea came from my use of NetNewsWire, which also has Mac and iPhone versions. The way they achieve synchronization is through a server called NewsGator that communicates with both versions and syncs updated stories as well as read/unread status so you never have to read the same story twice.

I don’t know if you have the know-how or the resources available to host a server, but if you do, you should consider this:

You could have iProcrastinate and iProcrastinate Mobile communicate with a server each time you open or close either program. This link would communicate the status of specific tasks, such as completed steps or tasks, added tasks, classes, or smart groups. Also, you could implement a feature where the user would choose a number of days after completion a given task stays in the database, and then after that time is up, the task would vanish from the server, and thus both programs as well. You could code a function that says that if a user manually deletes a task, class, or group, then that get sent back to the server and it gets deleted from the programs counterpart as well, resolving the issue of which device gets the master privileges (you could also implement the ‘prompt the user’ feature you mentioned earlier here if you find that more suitable). Ultimately, the idea is to implement a server to be in control of both programs, rather than have to decide which program controls the other.

By using this method, every time you close one version of the application, it sends the data to the server, and then next time you open the other version, it retrieves this data before presenting it to the user, so both programs are always up to date.

The only draw back I see with using this method, is that with Bonjour you can sync to the computer whether or not you have Internet if it is an AirPort enabled Mac. The server method would require access to the Internet. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I think this delivers a better enough service that I would sacrifice the ability to sync without Internet.

Just something to think about. Keep up the good work!
Hey guys, thanks for the comments and suggestions! :D

Bit of a status update: I sent another email to Apple this morning, asking them again how I should go about uploading my update. (It's getting really frustrating.) When I hear back from them, I'll let you guys know.

Grades are a great idea, they'll definitely be in the next update. (Or maybe in 1.1, if Apple continues to take their sweet time dealing with all the issues they're having. :mad:)

On another note, I need your opinion. Last night I successfully got the app to communicate with itself wirelessly over the network, so synchronization is on its way. :) I have a couple scenarios that I was hoping you guys could help define app behavior for:

First, I want all devices to be "independent." That is, you can synchronize with your Mac at home, your friend's iPod, a stranger's Phone, (with their permission of course), etc. This introduces a bit of an issue. Since there will be no "memory" of previous sync's, the status of two versions of iProcrastinate will be determined on the fly. So take this for example:

1) You create two Subjects on your Mac, "Biology" and "Chemistry." You sync this with your empty iPhone. It will see that the two Subjects don't exist on the Phone, and will create them. But lets say after that, you delete one of the Subjects from the Mac, and sync again. What should happen? Should that Subject be replaced on the Mac? Or should it be removed from the iPhone? Or should the user be prompted?

2) Should there be an option to "wipe" a device with data from another? This would require confirmation from both ends, and I think it's a worthwhile feature.

First of all, I want to say great app. Not just great app though, but great dev!
I've been watching these forums over the last few weeks after downloading iProcrastinate and I'm amazed at how much contact time you have here. If only other devs would do the same thing, I bet their apps would advance as quickly as yours is!

With regard to sync:

Could there not be an option, for example, to add a dialogue box during sync that would have 'merge' or 'overwrite' in it. It could go a little something like the following:

I bring my iPhone (device 1) into a wireless network, and it sees the other device (device 2 - be it an iPod Touch, iMac/Macbook/Pro or iPhone). I select sync. It connects and sees the data on device 2 and asks me whether I intend to:

- Merge - add my data to that which already exists on device 2 without deleting anything already on device 2. This would leave both devices' data intact and add the other devices data to its own (I think that is normal behavior for sync, to update both devices?). You could add/update subjects/tasks on either device and keep them the same on both devices using this option.

- Overwrite - All of the original data on device 2 would be deleted and replaced by the data from device 1. Pretty self-explanatory.

I wrote those explanations out a few times to get them as simple as possible (hope I succeeded, or at least got across the basics of my idea). I think this would be the best behavior for this app, since both options would be used some time or another, and both options cover any situation you find yourself in with regard to syncing the app.

What does everybody think?

Also, I'd love to help out with testing this app if I could.
Thank you again for all your hard work!
Dan Nicholls

I think this system would work for any server sync too. However, if server sync was used the options could be:
- Merge - merge data on device with that on the server
- Overwrite server info - Delete info on server and replace it with that of the device you are syncing from
- Overwrite device data - delete all info from the data on the device and replace it with info from the server

I just got up and running with the desktop version and love it. However, there is one thing that will stop it becoming my normal app.
I currently use 'Stickies' for all my to do's. I can update them just by clicking on them, and they're always on show on my desktop no matter what.
The killer feature for iProcrastinate desktop (for me) would be for it to display something like Stickies on my desktop - an always updated to do list. iProcrastinate could do this much better than stickies ever could.
Please please implement this kind of feature.
First of all, I want to say great app. Not just great app though, but great dev!
I've been watching these forums over the last few weeks after downloading iProcrastinate and I'm amazed at how much contact time you have here. If only other devs would do the same thing, I bet their apps would advance as quickly as yours is!

With regard to sync:

Could there not be an option, for example, to add a dialogue box during sync that would have 'merge' or 'overwrite' in it. It could go a little something like the following:

I bring my iPhone (device 1) into a wireless network, and it sees the other device (device 2 - be it an iPod Touch, iMac/Macbook/Pro or iPhone). I select sync. It connects and sees the data on device 2 and asks me whether I intend to:

- Merge - add my data to that which already exists on device 2 without deleting anything already on device 2. This would leave both devices' data intact and add the other devices data to its own (I think that is normal behavior for sync, to update both devices?). You could add/update subjects/tasks on either device and keep them the same on both devices using this option.

- Overwrite - All of the original data on device 2 would be deleted and replaced by the data from device 1. Pretty self-explanatory.

I wrote those explanations out a few times to get them as simple as possible (hope I succeeded, or at least got across the basics of my idea). I think this would be the best behavior for this app, since both options would be used some time or another, and both options cover any situation you find yourself in with regard to syncing the app.

What does everybody think?

Also, I'd love to help out with testing this app if I could.
Thank you again for all your hard work!
Dan Nicholls

I think this system would work for any server sync too. However, if server sync was used the options could be:
- Merge - merge data on device with that on the server
- Overwrite server info - Delete info on server and replace it with that of the device you are syncing from
- Overwrite device data - delete all info from the data on the device and replace it with info from the server

I just got up and running with the desktop version and love it. However, there is one thing that will stop it becoming my normal app.
I currently use 'Stickies' for all my to do's. I can update them just by clicking on them, and they're always on show on my desktop no matter what.
The killer feature for iProcrastinate desktop (for me) would be for it to display something like Stickies on my desktop - an always updated to do list. iProcrastinate could do this much better than stickies ever could.
Please please implement this kind of feature.

I just wanted to add my two cents to this thread...mainly because I use this app everyday, and it's probably the most useful app on my iPhone. So before I say anything, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication in making this application.

That said, I completely agree with everything 179202 suggested above. A simple sync option to a mac, iphone, iphone touch, etc that allows "overwrite" or "add" would be both highly efficient and extremely "mac-like."

Once again, thank you, and I look forward to the next update!
Very nice work.

I not only applaud your technical skill in actually creating this app, but I also think your attitude is great.

Best of luck to you and thanks for a great bit of software!
oh my gosh, apple's delay with the update is killing me! Anything new on the update status?? x.x
Yeah, the update delay is ridiculous!

It's strange they let you upload new screenshots before they go live with the update. They should allow you to package screenshots with the update, so it all goes live at the same time
Hey guys,

Thanks for being so patient. :)

Apple has been in touch, sort of. The issue with the update is that my bundle identifier for version 1.0 was my entire app ID, in the form So then when they switched to the new wildcard format, your app ID just can be the com.craigotis.iprocrastinate part.

So I'm caught in a catch-22, since when I upload it with the original app ID, the store complains, since it's not a valid format. But then if I try it with the new ID, I still get an error, because the app ID's for 1.0 and 1.1 need to match.

According to an email I got on the 13th, they're making a special change on the back end to let my account recognize both app ID's as being valid, but apparently that change hasn't taken place yet. (It still doesn't work.)

I sent them an email on the 15th if they would kindly let me know when they make the change, and I haven't heard back from them, and it still doesn't work.

On a happier note... If it takes them more than another day or two to get back to me, synchronization between iphones will be in 1.1 as a bonus. :)

Hey guys,

Thanks for being so patient. :)

Apple has been in touch, sort of. The issue with the update is that my bundle identifier for version 1.0 was my entire app ID, in the form So then when they switched to the new wildcard format, your app ID just can be the com.craigotis.iprocrastinate part.

So I'm caught in a catch-22, since when I upload it with the original app ID, the store complains, since it's not a valid format. But then if I try it with the new ID, I still get an error, because the app ID's for 1.0 and 1.1 need to match.

According to an email I got on the 13th, they're making a special change on the back end to let my account recognize both app ID's as being valid, but apparently that change hasn't taken place yet. (It still doesn't work.)

I sent them an email on the 15th if they would kindly let me know when they make the change, and I haven't heard back from them, and it still doesn't work.

On a happier note... If it takes them more than another day or two to get back to me, synchronization between iphones will be in 1.1 as a bonus. :)

Can't wait for Sync.
My iphone died (again) and i lost all the info i put into iProcrastinate!
I am so fed up with entering information only for it to be wiped because the damn phone is flaky!:mad:
Yay! can't wait for the sync!! :)

hmm I just noticed a minor bug with the app, I'm sure other users might have brought it up already, but just in case...
the smart group settings don't save. Or rather, it acts with a mind of it's own LOL I would turn "on" chemistry and biology for the smart group, and the next time I look at the settings, only chemistry is on; afterwards when I look at the settings again, not only are chem and bio both off, but two other random classes are turned on instead..
Yay! can't wait for the sync!! :)

hmm I just noticed a minor bug with the app, I'm sure other users might have brought it up already, but just in case...
the smart group settings don't save. Or rather, it acts with a mind of it's own LOL I would turn "on" chemistry and biology for the smart group, and the next time I look at the settings, only chemistry is on; afterwards when I look at the settings again, not only are chem and bio both off, but two other random classes are turned on instead..
Yep, this should be fixed in the next update as well! :D

Also, new tasks layout. (For now.)

Comments and suggestions much appreciated. :D

I really like this task manager for the iPhone and would be happy to donate some money toward it. However, is there any word on if, in the future, these things could happen?

1. Due Dates: It would be great if due dates could default to "none" or if an option will be forthcoming to have a due date selection of "none" (where "today," "tomorrow" etc. are located?). I rarely use due dates as I use it for lists of DVDs I want, music to get, shopping list, etc. I'm not a student but this task manager really works for me, except for the due date thing, and:

2. Task List Sort Methods: Being able to change the Task Sort Method for individual subjects? E.g., one list I want sorted by priority, a DVD list alphabetically, etc.

3. Over The Air Synchronization: Has this happened? What does everything sync with? I use Outlook to sync contacts and calendar (on Windows Vista). I've read through the forum and if I'm underinformed on this - there is a desktop version of iProcrastinate to sync with? A Windows version?

P.S. - definite yes to have check boxes included!

Great work, and hope to hear back from you! Thanks for a great app!
I really like this task manager for the iPhone and would be happy to donate some money toward it. However, is there any word on if, in the future, these things could happen?

1. Due Dates: It would be great if due dates could default to "none" or if an option will be forthcoming to have a due date selection of "none" (where "today," "tomorrow" etc. are located?). I rarely use due dates as I use it for lists of DVDs I want, music to get, shopping list, etc. I'm not a student but this task manager really works for me, except for the due date thing, and:

2. Task List Sort Methods: Being able to change the Task Sort Method for individual subjects? E.g., one list I want sorted by priority, a DVD list alphabetically, etc.

3. Over The Air Synchronization: Has this happened? What does everything sync with? I use Outlook to sync contacts and calendar (on Windows Vista). I've read through the forum and if I'm underinformed on this - there is a desktop version of iProcrastinate to sync with? A Windows version?

P.S. - definite yes to have check boxes included!

Great work, and hope to hear back from you! Thanks for a great app!

Ignore the Windows sync thing I mentioned - I read previously there's no interest in that. No biggie - love this app anyway!

this thread is so long i can't read all 7 pages, so im not sure if this is mentioned before, but if there's a feature to add Repeating tasks, that would be great (i.e., something to remind me to pay my rent at beginning of every month)

this thread is so long i can't read all 7 pages, so im not sure if this is mentioned before, but if there's a feature to add Repeating tasks, that would be great (i.e., something to remind me to pay my rent at beginning of every month)
Also on its way. :)

Probably not in the upcoming update, but soon after.
Hey all,

Synchronization is *almost* ready to go. It works great in the simulator, but I'm having some issues getting it to work on the actual device. Strange that the simulator and the device should not work the same? :confused:

If anyone has any experience dealing with input streams, check out the latest post here. Getting closer! :D
Another update! :p

Just heard back from Apple, the bundle stuff is all sorted out, and 1.1 is ready to be uploaded. I've added a few things to the list of new features, so here's what to expect so far:

- Email Comprehensive Task List (New!)
- Smart Groups can now show tasks for "Today" (New!)
- Badge Icon with Active Tasks
- Cool new color picker with suggested colors
- Improved the layout of the subjects and tasks views
- Subjects now display overdue tasks
- Quick-complete task items
- Automatically begin editing new items
- Step counter on tasks

- Zoom magnifier no longer freezes (New!)
- Auto-capitalization removed
- Spell check added
- Fixed preferences cell deletion
- Fixed date updating
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a preference item would navigate to the tasks view

So it's up to you guys, do you want the update now, or after the mobile synchronization is ready? (Not mobile to desktop synchronization, that will be a while. Just mobile to mobile sharing.)
I'd like the update as soon as you can get it to us. We can just update again once the next version is ready.

Yes yes I agree with the others :) gosh I can't believe it's finally ready. so excited!! thnx so much craig!
I'm voting for sooner rather than later. The majority of users will only be syncing between iPhone/iPod to the desktop version, so it'd be nice to have the version that affects the majority of users now and the update that provides syncing for users with multiple mobile devices later. But that's just my opinion. :cool:
*sigh* Anyone have a copy of the Application Loader in DMG format they'd be willing to email me?

When I try to download it from Apple's site, it's a .bz2, and then when I open that it becomes a .cgpz, and then back to a .bz2, and then... And so on. And if I force it to decompress at the command line, the DMG reports "no mountable filesystems." :(

Edit: Turns out someone says if you just remove the .bz2, it's actually a DMG all along... I'll report back.

Edit 2: Worked. :)
Happy day! :D :cool:


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