But that works both ways. This means more casual followers of the Mac Pro are attracted to these boards and are not then these "sourpusses", but rather people interested in something new. To me, it seems logical those people would be more likely to vote for the new design rather than against it.
That is not what I was saying at all. There may be a relatively small inflow of causal Mac Pro folks but there is at least as many non Mac Pro folks coming in as well. Just because it where the action is. The Windows zealots can easily score brownie points here because large box with slots is a sub-segment that Windows/Linux isn't moving out of. [ They certainly would be less successful in harping on the Ultrabook like class leading MBA. Rationally they will go, if out looking for trouble, to where have more traction. ] They have relatively interest in a Mac Pro at all. If they could vote down both ( which isn't in these polls) they would if being honest and given an option ( classic , new form , was going to buy (or already on ) a windows box regardless anyway). In fact you can see that present at the core of several of these complaint threads. Go back far enough and similar folks were complaining about how the 2009/2010/2012 Mac Pro were not more like the HP 800 /Dell 7000 /etc offerings. Instead of outside of Mac Pro line much of the same content thrown again different Mac models now that the difference is larger.
That's why I think its quite impossible to even know the direction of the bias relative to the possible mac pro customer base. While there are a number of people that resist change, which you would like to call "sourpusses" floating around just to complain, there may be equally as many if not more people being drawn in from the front page and mac mini/macbook pages, just reading about something new, that they will likely never be in the market for anyway.
I think you fail to account for much of the pissing matches that occur on front page stories. They are far more entrenched in holy wars of Apple faithful vs. other dogma ( Windows fanboys ) . Those both sides of the dogma are likely to pile into the old design. Non apple because it is closer to generic PC. A fraction of the Apple dogma crowd because raised on 90's era Macs and or need box-with-slot to play feature war with the Windows folks. It isn't use of the Mac Pro but furthering their agenda that will draw the vote.
I don't like to call those resistant to change sourpusses but that is how they commonly present. It is rare that people who are highly resistance to change also are not highly resistant to complaining. All the folks complaining are not change resistant ( some are mad because the dual CPU package variant has been terminated).
As for elitism, LOL. That is one of the common arguments for the Mac Pro. Apple can't cancel the Mac Pro because they "have to" keep making it because it counts more than the other Macs and Mac users do. If you have another more descriptive adjective than that other than elitist it probably won't be a commonly used term.
Neither your view point or mine on this matter has any facts to back its side up either. So it all comes down to how you weigh the logic from each side and your own person biases in which you want to believe.
Not really. There is quantitative data that was best ( minimized bias) sampled before the announcement. In context of the "sneak peak", the level of noise is basically going to drown out much of the precision could achieve without the distractions.
The methodology and tactics to blow smoke here on these forums and especially the front page articles do follow basic patterns that appears in most internet discussion groups. My FUD is bigger than your FUD is a classic pattern. If haven't baselined the normal level of BS before the announcement both in front page and here it isn't going to be as apparent as if just show up in the middle and try to measure.