Finally, I have to emphasize the point about "commonality." thejadedmonkey provided that info about Apple trying to make some of its applications more Windows-like. This might have show us why Apple is moving away from white. The general population likes black and silver when it comes to electronics. Most laptops, desktops, DVD players, phones, cameras, and non-iPod mp3 players incorporate these two colors extensively. It only makes sense for Apple to bring those two colors in and do a better job with them (yes, even black and silver can be butchered, just look at Dell or HP laptops). I also don't like the loss of white in one area: the iPod. I am a fan of the white iPod. For some reason, I find it better looking than the black one. I know I'm in an extreme minority here, but I would have loved a white Nano. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to wait until they make one again in...oh about seven years
Actually, Apple can use poka-dots and pastel flowers and they'd still make it look awesome (oops, they actually did!)...