Just curious, do you get extended warranties on all your electronics?
I have never purchased an extended warranty on any electronic - yet. Most of them (for me) have been on the verge of being "disposable" (various P&S cameras, iPods, consumer video camera, previous PC's, etc.), with the exception of our three new computers (a 20" and 24" iMac and a Toshiba laptop) and my DSLR (Nikon D300). I will probably get eBay Apple Care for both of my iMacs, but probably not for the laptop as it was (relatively) cheap and can be replaced (relatively) cheaply.
As I do video and photo production on my iMac, I need something with some decent processing power. My 24"/2.8 iMac has been my most expensive electronic purchase to date, even more than my DSLR. The fact that it is an all-in-one excaberates the issue; I have replaced power supplies, fans, NIC cards, RAM, etc. on my prior "beige boxes", but really don't want to go poking around inside my iMac. Plus, as everything seems to be integrated, it's not as user friendly to work on.
My company puts service contracts on all the laptops and desktops we lease, especially for remote users like myself. It has been well worth it. I have had to use these service contracts more often than I have would have expected. For just my 2-1/2 year old Dell Latitude alone, it has had 2 mobo's replaced (integrated NIC failures ), 1 keyboard replaced, 1 RAM stick replaced, and the bezel around the screen replaced. I think I have had to have had work done on every laptop I have gotten for work (3 Dell Latitudes, an IBM Thinkpad, and some other IBM laptop over the past 12 years), so the service contracts definitely were worth it.
Major appliances are another area where extended warranties are often pushed and debated; I have never purchased one with the exception of getting one for a new fridge. The retailer had a deal on a 5 year warranty and the cost of entry was $50 for a $2400 fridge. Although statistics have no memory (ha ha!) I have had 3 fridges in a row fail before 5 years, so to me it was worth it. They even had a clause that insures the food inside the fridge!