I wasn't trying to sound elitist and I apologize if that's how I came off. I just don't think people should sacrifice the quality of their life for a computer.
Everything we do is ultimately to improve the quality of our life. We only have one life and we want the best life possible.
If people are saving 4-6 months for a computer, how are they doing it? Are they going out with friends less? Are they eating lower quality food (Ramen, McDonalds)? Are they working longer hours? Are they traveling less? There is a hierarchy of needs and food, sleep, friendship/intimacy, financial security, all rank higher than material things. If you need to save 4-6 months, most likely you are sacrificing at least one of the most essential needs.
Back in college, I saved for big electronics purchases all the time. Looking back, I regretted it. I wished I ate better and had more fun. Now, I only get electronics/computers that I afford to buy on impulse. If I need to think a long time about the purchase financially, then I'll probably sacrificing my quality of life if I get it.