My bad. Let's count that one as close to end of Apple Care. So you're insuring something $400-640.
You are missing the point. You are not insuring a kilobuck or more machine. When Apple Care kicks in, your computer has already depreciated by 50%. Most of its value is in the first year, when there is already warranty.
Or you can buy that same Mini on ebay for at least 50% off what you paid for it, and sell your broken one for parts that are still working. That's worst case scenario. Best case scenario is you save 65 bucks.
For AppleCare to be profitable, they must make more than they spend on repairs (and it is extremely profitable or else they wouldn't offer it. It is a business).
In the long run, you are guaranteed to lose money. Maybe you haven't hit the "long run" yet, but if you keep buying AppleCare your whole life, when you are 80 years old, I guarantee you will lose much more money than you save.