Then you will be waiting a LONG time. Seriously, why do people insist on thinking that a 330ppi display in a 10" form factor is something trivial that Apple could add any time they feel like it?
Let's be clear here, putting a display of that density on the iPad would require something in the region of a 2.45 increase in pixel density, so somewhere around 2500 x 1880. That's roughly SIX TIMES the pixels that the current display has (786,432 versus 4,700,000). That's more pixels than you currently get in a 27" iMac display. Even if you think that Apple can source an IPS panel with that sort of density at a cheap enough price (which is extremely unlikely) you still have to drive the damn thing. That doesn't just mean it needs more power (although it would) but that you need to have both a CPU and GPU that a) have enough power to deliver a decent framerate on that high a resolution, b) don't generate enough heat to require active cooling, c) are small enough to fit in the space available inside the iPad and d) don't kill the battery in five minutes dead. Oh and you're going to need a lot more memory to handle the increased demands of a screen running such a high resolution.
As for memory, WHY is everyone obsessing over this? The iPad works perfectly well with 256MB. Yes, there's reloading in Safari but let's wait and see what iOS 4 does for that (it certainly seems to vastly improve thing on other iDevices if tester reports are correct). There's no point where the iPad feels sluggish or in need of more memory at all. Sure it's NICE to have more RAM available but it shouldn't influence your decision. Pretty sure the only reason iPhone 4 has got it is for iMovie, editing together HD video (plus themes, sound etc) has always been memory intensive. Well, that and maybe future proofing.
Seriously folks, try to wrap your heads around WHY a device has the spec it does rather than just getting bogged down in raw numbers, it'll work out so much better in the long run.