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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
I'm just curious why it took me and others suggesting you *gasp* phone Apple, and you two days, before you actually picked up the phone to get an accurate answer to a simple question.

I'm just curious why you needed to "add" to this thread after the issue was clearly *gasp* resolved.

Also I'm pretty curious where you learned to count, because I posted the thread one night when it was too late to call phone support. I called the very next day. I'm not really sure how you got two days out of that, but there is your answer. I also wouldn't refer to the question as simple, because it sparked pages of debate. Also, I'm not sure if you actually read the whole thread, but Apple forgot to send me the instructions on how to return it.

Anything else you are curious about?

Snesley Wipes

macrumors regular
Jun 29, 2009
This whole thread is stupid and the OP was knowingly trying to steal. It's like buying a car, then returning it to the dealer within your 3 day return period, but taking the spare tire out and keeping it for yourself.

mac jones

macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2006
Are people actually this bored to still post in this thread?

Maybe we should make it a sticky?. Every time someone has a PC moment we can bump this thing and say: "Let's add to this thread some more" .

Maybe we should grade threads. Certainly this is a grade C thread. Useful during slow times. Not totally mindless, but close.


macrumors 6502
Mar 12, 2012
Are you all SERIOUS? It's a charger....

Is OP also trying to steal if he doesn't send back the Apple stickers that came n the box?


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2011
I'm just curious why you needed to "add" to this thread after the issue was clearly *gasp* resolved.
It's a discussion forum. I was discussing.

Also I'm pretty curious where you learned to count, because I posted the thread one night when it was too late to call phone support. I called the very next day. I'm not really sure how you got two days out of that, but there is your answer.
The problem with reading without my glasses, unfortunately. I stand corrected. No need to attempt to insult my intelligence.

I also wouldn't refer to the question as simple,
"Hey, sent me I need to send it back? If so, how do I do it?"

Yep...difficult question, alright. :eek:

because it sparked pages of debate. Also, I'm not sure if you actually read the whole thread, but Apple forgot to send me the instructions on how to return it.

Read that, but once again...a simple toll-free call would have resolved the issue.

Anything else you are curious about?

Nah...I'm good. :rolleyes:
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