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macrumors 603
Oct 31, 2010
Hamilton, Ontario
I don't know what Apple's rules are. All I have to go by is what actually happened.

So if Apple took the machine back without a cord then I have to assume that Apple takes machines back without cords.

If this is wrong, then someone can point me to something saying so and we can change our minds on this. But until that happens I can only go with the evidence I have been presented.

And currently that evidence points to yes, yes it was a gift.

Which is why I worded it as "should I be charged for the side?"

No, they can't get the potatoes back. But they can charge me for them. So answer that one. Would you charge for those potatoes?

Did I get his story wrong? I really thought that's what happened

not sure, usually with computers/phones they send the replacement and a the packaging to return the defective

Lord Appleseed

macrumors 6502a
Nov 7, 2010
Apple Manor
Yes op should give back the charger because he should have returned it with the computer from the start on.
No he didnt steal, he just didnt know it and asked for advice. Stealing implies you know that you are unrightfully taking someone elses stuff.
It is right to retun the changer.
But it is wrong to act like he broke into the Louvre and stole the Mona Lisa.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
It seems like the OP really already made up his/her mind. He just wants to know if he'll get in trouble if he keeps the adapter. If yes, he'll return it, if no, then he'll just keep it; regardless of what others think.

I WILL say that if it were me I'd have called Apple and asked instead of posted here.

Really, my only point is that I'm nearly positive that that phone call would result in Apple saying "don't worry about it."

Yes, I'm not saying checking to be certain is a bad idea. I would.


macrumors 603
Oct 31, 2010
Hamilton, Ontario
Here's how I understand the story:

1) Bought laptop / came with charger

2) Laptop doesn't work

3) Apple says "send us laptop, we'll send you back a new one"

4) OP sends laptop

5) Apple sends new laptop, it contains a charger

If I have any of this wrong, let me know. Given all that, I don't understand your comment. So perhaps I'm seeing the story differently than you.

you might be right and in that case apple hasnt provided a way to return the now extra charger thats why in the past ive seen companies send the replacement first and say you have x number of days to return the defect or be charged for the replacement


macrumors 65816
May 30, 2009
Which is why I worded it as "should I be charged for the side?"

No, they can't get the potatoes back. But they can charge me for them. So answer that one. Would you charge for those potatoes?

Moot point. It's not a consumable good. The scenario doesn't apply in this situation.

You're also trending on social customs (i.e. it would look bad if they scrapped the new potatoes off your plate) which don't apply to the matter at hand. Think of a new example.


macrumors 65816
May 30, 2009
Here's how I understand the story:

1) Bought laptop / came with charger

2) Laptop doesn't work

3) Apple says "send us laptop, we'll send you back a new one"

4) OP sends laptop

5) Apple sends new laptop, it contains a charger

If I have any of this wrong, let me know. Given all that, I don't understand your comment. So perhaps I'm seeing the story differently than you.

I think 3-5 might be out of order. I think it goes

3) Apple sends replacement laptop, along with packaging to return the old defective laptop.

4) OP sends laptop back (without charger?)

That's what I'm basing my opinion on. Otherwise, if he already sent it all back and Apple said nothing. Then it probably means you can keep it without worry. They would have said something if they wanted it back.

Still, I might in good faith return it to the Apple store. You'd want Apple to show you good faith when it comes to your Applecare, no?


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
It seems like the OP really already made up his/her mind. He just wants to know if he'll get in trouble if he keeps the adapter. If yes, he'll return it, if no, then he'll just keep it; regardless of what others think.

It's amazing how much abuse Apple takes from its consumers. There are so many threads of people buying and returning 2, 3 or 4 computers just to try out different specs. Some even order two at a time with full intentions of returning one.

I've also seen this on the iPhone and iPad side. When the iPhone 4 was launched there were 4 or 5 threads of people buying and returning black iPhone 4's while they waited for the white iPhone 4 to come out. Every 2 weeks they'd take an iPhone back to the store and exchange it for another one.

I'm not insinuating the OP is single handedly responsible, rather pointing out a continuing trend.

It doesn't seem like anything will be done about it, so maybe we should all just partake in these acts. Personally, I'm waiting for a tax holiday in mid-August to get my rMBP. I guess I should just go to the store and buy one now and just return it every couple 2 weeks until the one I really want comes in the mail (tax free).

The problem here is that I am not abusing Apple. I did not request a replacement because I wanted an extra charger. I had a replacement sent because my first machine was faulty. At no point am I trying to scam Apple. I was just wondering if I needed to send back a charger, as I now currently have two in my possession, along with the computer.

To defend the steak and potatoes analogy: There is no way in hell a restaurant would ask for potatoes back. There is no way in hell a restaurant would charge for more potatoes. If a restaurant messes up an order for whatever reason, they will give you what you ordered regardless of if you may have already eaten some of the old order. The other day I was at a Mexican restaurant when they accidentally made an extra chips appetizer. They just gave it away to one of the tables and got to work making the correct food.

Edit: I'm on the phone with Apple now and they said they should have sent instructions with the replacement, which they haven't, so I am waiting to talk to somebody who can specifically tell me exactly how they want it sent back (which is how it will be sent back).

Edit 2: Apple said they do want a charger put back in, so I will be sending a charger back.
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Oct 31, 2010
Hamilton, Ontario
The problem here is that I am not abusing Apple. I did not request a replacement because I wanted an extra charger. I had a replacement sent because my first machine was faulty. At no point am I trying to scam Apple. I was just wondering if I needed to send back a charger, as I now currently have two in my possession, along with the computer.

To defend the steak and potatoes analogy: There is no way in hell a restaurant would ask for potatoes back. There is no way in hell a restaurant would charge for more potatoes. If a restaurant messes up an order for whatever reason, they will give you what you ordered regardless of if you may have already eaten some of the old order. The other day I was at a Mexican restaurant when they accidentally made an extra chips appetizer. They just gave it away to one of the tables and got to work making the correct food.

did you return the defective laptop minust the charger before they sent the replacement, or did you have at one point both the defective and replacement laptops with all the accessories for both?

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
You're also trending on social customs (i.e. it would look bad if they scrapped the new potatoes off your plate) which don't apply to the matter at hand. Think of a new example.

It wouldn't look bad to pick up the plate with the steak and potatoes. They specifically pick UP the steak and put it on a new plate. (I've had this happen.) The choice to leave the potatoes is a conscious one.

But choice.

I buy an IKEA table. It's missing 1 out of 26 pieces. I call them and ask them to mail me the 1 piece. They say ok.

2 days later an entire new box shows up with all 26 table pieces. Turns out IKEA thinks that's easier than stocking replacement pieces.

Ok, do I have to take the 25-peice set back to the store? I doubt they want something they can't sell. Did I ask for all 26 new pieces? No. Should I be forced to pay for a whole new table when all I wanted was one piece? Certainly not.

In this case it's clear that IKEA wants me to throw the old table away. It's not stealing because this is clearly just how IKEA does business.

IF the OP is telling hte story right, it seems to me that this is Apple's idea too. Rather than keep a stack of replacement Macbooks they'll just send out the next one from China. Yeah, they lose a few boxes and chargers, but that's still cheaper than keeping a stack of spare laptops in some warehouse somewhere and paying someone to watch them and send them out.

Just like my imaginary IKEA example, Apple has decided to do business in a way that is more efficient and saves money, even if it wastes a few little things. Since Apple made that choice the OP isn't responsible for telling Apple they're wrong to run their business that way. Apple decided it's better for the OP to have an extra charger than to maintain that imaginary warehouse. That's their call.


I think 3-5 might be out of order. I think it goes

3) Apple sends replacement laptop, along with packaging to return the old defective laptop.

4) OP sends laptop back (without charger?)

That's what I'm basing my opinion on. Otherwise, if he already sent it all back and Apple said nothing. Then it probably means you can keep it without worry. They would have said something if they wanted it back.

Still, I might in good faith return it to the Apple store. You'd want Apple to show you good faith when it comes to your Applecare, no?

This changes my opinion.

If he decided to keep the 1st charger before he got the 2nd one, I'm on the OP's side.

If he decided to keep the 1st charger after getting the second one, I agree he should send it back.


macrumors 65816
May 30, 2009
The problem here is that I am not abusing Apple. I did not request a replacement because I wanted an extra charger. I had a replacement sent because my first machine was faulty. At no point am I trying to scam Apple. I was just wondering if I needed to send back a charger, as I now currently have two in my possession, along with the computer.

Again it depends upon what order things happened. If you sent Apple the defective unit first, and they were OK with not getting the charger too, then they won't charge you. They would have contacted you already.

If they sent you the replacement first, and you neglected to include the charger, then they may or may not act on it. Again, good faith says you should include it in the return or take it to an Apple store.

This is just like when you get good and bad stories about Applecare. Some people get free repairs outside of their warranties and some get hosed for $200. Is it karma? You decide.

To defend the steak and potatoes analogy: There is no way in hell a restaurant would ask for potatoes back. There is no way in hell a restaurant would charge for more potatoes. If a restaurant messes up an order for whatever reason, they will give you what you ordered regardless of if you may have already eaten some of the old order. The other day I was at a Mexican restaurant when they accidentally made an extra chips appetizer. They just gave it away to one of the tables and got to work making the correct food.

This is what I was leading too. You've now entered into a social situation in which behavior matters. The restaurant would look rather petty scraping off the potatoes. No they're not going to do that. But again, that doesn't translate to this situation. Dealing with Apple is not a social situation in which proper restaurant etiquete matters.


It wouldn't look bad to pick up the plate with the steak and potatoes. They specifically pick UP the steak and put it on a new plate. (I've had this happen.) The choice to leave the potatoes is a conscious one.

But choice.

I buy an IKEA table. It's missing 1 out of 26 pieces. I call them and ask them to mail me the 1 piece. They say ok.

2 days later an entire new box shows up with all 26 table pieces. Turns out IKEA thinks that's easier than stocking replacement pieces.

Ok, do I have to take the 25-peice set back to the store? I doubt they want something they can't sell. Did I ask for all 26 new pieces? No. Should I be forced to pay for a whole new table when all I wanted was one piece? Certainly not.

In this case it's clear that IKEA wants me to throw the old table away. It's not stealing because this is clearly just how IKEA does business.

IF the OP is telling hte story right, it seems to me that this is Apple's idea too. Rather than keep a stack of replacement Macbooks they'll just send out the next one from China. Yeah, they lose a few boxes and chargers, but that's still cheaper than keeping a stack of spare laptops in some warehouse somewhere and paying someone to watch them and send them out.

Just like my imaginary IKEA example, Apple has decided to do business in a way that is more efficient and saves money, even if it wastes a few little things. Since Apple made that choice the OP isn't responsible for telling Apple they're wrong to run their business that way. Apple decided it's better for the OP to have an extra charger than to maintain that imaginary warehouse. That's their call.


This changes my opinion.

If he decided to keep the 1st charger before he got the 2nd one, I'm on the OP's side.

If he decided to keep the 1st charger after getting the second one, I agree he should send it back.

Refurbished or floor model. Yes they could resell it, and in my opinion they would ask for the 25 pieces back. But again this doesn't apply. What would you equate the 25 pieces closer to, the laptop or the charger?

25 pieces of a 26 piece package is basically the entire package which equates it towards the laptop in this case. Not the charger. If it were say a screw missing, and they sent you a small pack of screws (<$1), that would make sense. Otherwise, you should equate ~96% of the purchase as closer to the laptop (~95% of the purchase price) rather than the adapter (~1-2%).

Note the %'s are approximations.

Your restaurant experience is an atypical one to say the least. I've never seen a waiter come out with another plate just to take the steak off.

What chef would want their meal eaten piece-meal? (Get it...piece meal?...What a HORRIBLE PUN:D) Needless to say, that's not how most chefs imagine their dishes served.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
This is the full story, completely accurate.

I received my rMBP, and loved it. It had dead pixels. I called Apple and they agreed to send me a replacement. During this time I was allowed to hold on to the faulty rMBP. The replacement came as a brand new computer. At that point I possessed essentially two brand new computers. I, a college-bound (aka no more money left), kid (living between two houses of divorced parents), was wondering if Apple wanted me to send the old charger back too. I wrote a post on here to get people's opinions. Got them. Then last night I was lying in bed, and decided to watch a tv show on my laptop. Me, being lazy, grabbed the faulty laptop (because it was sitting right next to my bed with the box and all ready to be shipped back) and started watching the real world on I had it plugged in with the original charger. It like sorta shut off and I couldnt boot in anything besides windows in safe mode. I was like, "WTF", and got kinda worried. I unplugged the charger and it worked fine. Then, this morning I called Apple and asked specifically how they wanted it sent back. They said they wanted the original charger back (I'm assuming they wouldnt care if I sent the new one back instead). So i will be sending the original charger back, especially because it was acting up last night. I will take the new one, use that, and send back the old one. There is the full story, not sparing any details. Feel free to judge.

TL;DR (or whatever but I think that's it): Apple confirmed they wanted a charger back, so I will send a charger back.


macrumors 604
Sep 17, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
OP - you know candy bars at supermarkets are free right? You just go in and pick one up and put it in your pocket.

It only costs them a few pennies so it's not a big deal. Nobody cares. And anyone who calls you a thief is just a drama queen.

Feel free to take a box. They're only candy bars.

There's a difference between going out of your way to intentionally steal something and unintentionally stealing something but not going out of your way to give it back... It's just like putting a candy bar in your pocket, meaning to pay for it, but forgetting, and when you get home and realize you didn't pay for it and not going back to the store to pay.


macrumors 65816
May 30, 2009
This is the full story, completely accurate.

I received my rMBP, and loved it. It had dead pixels. I called Apple and they agreed to send me a replacement. During this time I was allowed to hold on to the faulty rMBP. The replacement came as a brand new computer. At that point I possessed essentially two brand new computers. I, a college-bound (aka no more money left), kid (living between two houses of divorced parents), was wondering if Apple wanted me to send the old charger back too. I wrote a post on here to get people's opinions. Got them. Then last night I was lying in bed, and decided to watch a tv show on my laptop. Me, being lazy, grabbed the faulty laptop (because it was sitting right next to my bed with the box and all ready to be shipped back) and started watching the real world on I had it plugged in with the original charger. It like sorta shut off and I couldnt boot in anything besides windows in safe mode. I was like, "WTF", and got kinda worried. I unplugged the charger and it worked fine. Then, this morning I called Apple and asked specifically how they wanted it sent back. They said they wanted the original charger back (I'm assuming they wouldnt care if I sent the new one back instead). So i will be sending the original charger back, especially because it was acting up last night. I will take the new one, use that, and send back the old one. There is the full story, not sparing any details. Feel free to judge.

TL;DR (or whatever but I think that's it): Apple confirmed they wanted a charger back, so I will send a charger back.

Thank you for clearing that up OP. You did the right thing calling Apple, and now you don't have to wonder whether or not they'll charge you.

We can all remember this thread when dealing with issues such as this again.

edit: OP, you might want to edit the title to include "RESOLVED"


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
Thank you for clearing that up OP. You did the right thing calling Apple, and now you don't have to wonder whether or not they'll charge you.

We can all remember this thread when dealing with issues such as this again.

edit: OP, you might want to edit the title to include "RESOLVED"

I actually wanted to do that last night when I decided to call Apple, but I can't find where than option is. Help please?


macrumors 65816
May 30, 2009
I actually wanted to do that last night when I decided to call Apple, but I can't find where than option is. Help please?

I'm not sure myself how to do it, maybe edit the first post specifically? Otherwise, PM a moderator?


macrumors regular
Mar 11, 2011
Hull, UK
Theft is theft. Theres a such thing as mitigating circumstances. However, there is no mitigating circumstances in the OPs case. He's stealing, not because he can't afford to eat, but simply cause he wants something for free.

Yeah if we're talking legally. Morally though this isn't too bad. He was asking whether Apple care about getting the charger back or not. When I had my PS3 replaced under warranty they specifically told me to keep all peripherals that came with it including power cable.

Different companies have different policies and this guy was just asking if anyone knew what Apple's MO was.


macrumors 6502
Nov 27, 2010
Yeah if we're talking legally. Morally though this isn't too bad. He was asking whether Apple care about getting the charger back or not. When I had my PS3 replaced under warranty they specifically told me to keep all peripherals that came with it including power cable.

Different companies have different policies and this guy was just asking if anyone knew what Apple's MO was.

Thats some messed up morals if you think this isn't morally wrong.


macrumors regular
Mar 11, 2011
Hull, UK
Thats some messed up morals if you think this isn't morally wrong.

Asking if Apple care is morally wrong? If Apple are happy for people to keep them then how is it wrong? If they specifically said all peripherals should be returned then fine, you should return them. From what I can see he was just seeing if anyone had any experience with how Apple treats these kind of things.


macrumors 6502
Aug 13, 2002
Asking if Apple care is morally wrong? If Apple are happy for people to keep them then how is it wrong? If they specifically said all peripherals should be returned then fine, you should return them. From what I can see he was just seeing if anyone had any experience with how Apple treats these kind of things.

Oh be quiet.

He clearly just wants to keep the charger when it should be returned. We're not talking if apple wants the twisty ties that come with the cord.

Stop trying to justify the question.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2010
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
I'd just have asked Apple.
If they said keep it, great. If they said return it, send it back.

Morals doesn't come into this.
With Apple's permission he can keep it. His soul will be fine.

Goodness. People on here are... well pathetic really. Too much time, too little to do clearly. :rolleyes:


macrumors 604
Aug 10, 2010
I'd just have asked Apple.
If they said keep it, great. If they said return it, send it back.

Morals doesn't come into this.
With Apple's permission he can keep it. His soul will be fine.

Goodness. People on here are... well pathetic really. Too much time, too little to do clearly. :rolleyes:

And you're posting here because you're so busy? :p :D


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2011
Edit: I'm on the phone with Apple now and they said they should have sent instructions with the replacement, which they haven't, so I am waiting to talk to somebody who can specifically tell me exactly how they want it sent back (which is how it will be sent back).

Edit 2: Apple said they do want a charger put back in, so I will be sending a charger back.

I'm just curious why it took me and others suggesting you *gasp* phone Apple, and you two days, before you actually picked up the phone to get an accurate answer to a simple question.
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