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macrumors 604
Sep 17, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Keep it if you want to. It is your morales that suffer. Be the better person...

What, from not giving back a few bucks to a company who has billions of dollars in the bank & whom profits greatly from your business? Personally if Apple didn't miss a charger that I didn't send back I would keep it and not lose any sleep over it. If it belonged to an individual person or a non-profit organization then it would be a different story - But it doesn't. It belongs to a rich company that makes handsome profits off you and me.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
What, from not giving back a few bucks to a company who has billions of dollars in the bank & whom profits greatly from your business? Personally if Apple didn't miss a charger that I didn't send back I would keep it and not lose any sleep over it. If it belonged to an individual person or a non-profit organization then it would be a different story - But it doesn't. It belongs to a rich company that makes handsome profits off you and me.

Theft is theft, whether it be from a Billion-Dollar company, the local farmer or the poor vagabond.


macrumors 68030
Jul 13, 2007

Lots of people on this forum think they're the force of determining right and wrong, and in truth they sound like idiots. Use common sense.


macrumors G3
Aug 3, 2006
I just received my replacement retina macbook pro, which came as a brand new computer in original box with all accessories. So if I don't send one of the two chargers back is it free or will they charge me for it or something?

Depending on the situation they may have taken a credit card number when you arranged the exchange. If they did, they could end up charging you for any missing accessories. I know people have had this happen in the past.

Orange Furball

macrumors 65816
May 18, 2012
Scranton, PA, USA
Well... what you could do is pack everything except the charger up and ship it back. Then call Apple and say "I thought I packed everything, but I forgot the charger.. what should I do?" See what happens. They may figure it'll be more confusing to have two packages than the charger is worth.

I always keep the accessories when I send phones in, mainly because that's what the guy at AT&T told me to do :D but I have never returned a laptop and don't know the rules. But shipping can be a huge hassle for big businesses.

mac jones

macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2006
Uh, what happened to all the low-lifes that are usually vocal here? Their absence makes me nervous :eek:


macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2012
Mobile, AL
I just received my replacement retina macbook pro, which came as a brand new computer in original box with all accessories. So if I don't send one of the two chargers back is it free or will they charge me for it or something?

Honestly, people on here are making this out to be wayyy to big of an issue. I probably wouldn't return the charger if I was you. Not even really for the gain, just not really worth the effort of having to go through another return process. Now that being said, I've returned 2 MacBooks total. 1 in-store and 1 online, I sent everything back. But you were getting a replacement so the scenario is different. If I were you I wouldn't bother though.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Coast, USA
I just received my replacement retina macbook pro, which came as a brand new computer in original box with all accessories. So if I don't send one of the two chargers back is it free or will they charge me for it or something?

Just do the right thing & contact Apple. We're already paying high premium pricing because Apple is greedy & people scam them for way too much.


macrumors 68020
Feb 19, 2011
So what? I took $50 from Apple after giving them thousands in profit.

First off, I'm not commenting on the OP, just this argument.

What if the same scenario applied to a brick and mortar store? If you've shopped at a store every week for years you could have made them a lot of profit. Would you walk out with a $50 item one day? "It's fine, you've made loads of profit off my business!". It's the same thing, you've decided that something of theirs belongs to you, except you're not dealing with anyone face to face.

I guess people have this mindset because
  • You're dealing with a faceless corporation. You're never going to speak to the person who you arranged the exchange with on the phone again. You also can't see the item flying off the shelf, it just turns up at your door.
  • Worst comes to the worst, they will bill you for the item or ask for it back, you can't get 'caught'


macrumors 604
Sep 17, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
First off, I'm not commenting on the OP, just this argument.

What if the same scenario applied to a brick and mortar store? If you've shopped at a store every week for years you could have made them a lot of profit. Would you walk out with a $50 item one day? "It's fine, you've made loads of profit off my business!". It's the same thing, you've decided that something of theirs belongs to you, except you're not dealing with anyone face to face.

I guess people have this mindset because
  • You're dealing with a faceless corporation. You're never going to speak to the person who you arranged the exchange with on the phone again. You also can't see the item flying off the shelf, it just turns up at your door.
  • Worst comes to the worst, they will bill you for the item or ask for it back, you can't get 'caught'

Well it'd be hard to walk off with a $50 item unintentionally at a physical store... But if by some hypothetical way it did, and the company was a big business chain, then yeah, I wouldn't return it if I found out later on that I shouldn't have it.


macrumors 68020
Feb 19, 2011
Well it'd be hard to walk off with a $50 item unintentionally at a physical store... But if by some hypothetical way it did, and the company was a big business chain, then yeah, I wouldn't return it if I found out later on that I shouldn't have it.
I meant intentionally, since you said "I wouldn't care too much if it was from a billion dollar company." in regard to theft, not forgetting to give it back.


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2009
Redford, MI
Lots of people on this forum think they're the force of determining right and wrong, and in truth they sound like idiots. Use common sense.

Wouldn't it be using common sense to send the charger back? They sent a completely new unit, including the charger. So to me, common sense would be that since they gave you new everything, you should return the old everything.


So what? I took $50 from Apple after giving them thousands in profit. Does that give me serious ethical issues?

This argument drives me crazy. Apple is a business, just like any other. Their profits have nothing to do with whether or not you should steal something from them. Stealing from anyone should give you ethical issues, whether it's your neighbor or a corporation.

If the OP really wants an answer, it seriously takes a 5 minute phone call with Apple. They'll tell you what they expect. Seems like that would be the easiest way to deal with this whole thing, instead of posing the question to a bunch of strangers on an internet forum that are bound to have differing opinions.


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2012
I wouldn't worry about it I am on my 3rd replacement of the rMBP and Apple Store didn't even take original packaging just the laptop and said it was fine to keep the charger / packaging /etc.

You could ask the rep/agent you are talking to to make sure, but like I said the (many) agents I've talked to the charger and what not has been the LEAST of their worries especially considering I paid ~$4,000 for my custom built rMBP. --k


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
So if I don't send one of the two chargers back is it free or will they charge me for it or something?

Stealing is stealing, doesn't matter of the cost. You probably have a better chance of getting away with it, since its a charger and not a laptop, but the last time I checked. Morality is not based on whether you can get away with it, but doing the right thing.


macrumors 604
Aug 10, 2010
What, from not giving back a few bucks to a company who has billions of dollars in the bank & whom profits greatly from your business? Personally if Apple didn't miss a charger that I didn't send back I would keep it and not lose any sleep over it. If it belonged to an individual person or a non-profit organization then it would be a different story - But it doesn't. It belongs to a rich company that makes handsome profits off you and me.

Robin Hood? Is that you?
:D ;)


macrumors regular
Mar 8, 2012
OMG, how can people react so dramatically to this? It's a freaking charger that cost nothing to Apple, a megahipergigantic corporation that won't go bankrupt even if this was a widespread issue among its returning customers. Go take a walk and chill out.


macrumors regular
Apr 30, 2009
Don't worry bro
Keep it, enjoy it.
Apple is sending free SuperDrives to some delayed shipping mbpr
If you accidentally forgot to send back the charger with a defective computer and got an extra one back, it's just good luck.

Don't let these people on their faux moral high horses get you down before they go back to pirating, porn, and the like.

Next time drama queens please include the caveat
"I think it's taking advantage of the system a little, but I've done a lot worse in the past."

Or if you all are really that perfect
Then just write "I--without sin--cast the first stone!"
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