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I've tried to get refunds in the past from Apple on apps and it never works out. I bought an application through apples App Store for my iMac it was 30 dollars and was suppose to be a video encoder. The app constantly crashed at startup and wouldn't even open to try and use it and apple told me no refunds and wouldnt refund my money. So it was like I took 30 dollars and set it on fire. I haven't tried to get a refund from the iOS store yet but I'm not to confident on getting a refund. Plus I've had duet display for a very long time. I just never used it for drawing until recently. I am using the latest photoshop cc and the only way I can use it to draw is if I mirror the display in duet

I've never tried to get a refund in either App Store so I can't give you any advice on that, sorry. But maybe you can get something in return. Not necessarily a refund but maybe a gift card. Maybe if you go to Duet directly, they will give you free Pro subscription next year if they find they can't help you.
Currently using duet with a Surface Pro 4. I find it works pretty good. I work off a Surface Pro 4 all day long, when in the office it is docked with dual displays. When working from another location or from home, I find I need a second display sometimes. I was contemplating buying a small USB powered monitor, if you search Amazon you can find a lot of them. However I really didn't want to carry another device with me. So after some research I pulled the trigger and bought duet. I am using the new 2017 iPad and find it works best when I put the iPad in Airplane mode first so I do not get message notifications on my iPad when I am using it as a second monitor. It works pretty good and I find you just need to play around with the display properties within duet to get it to your liking. I mostly use it to keep my email displayed while working in other apps or sometimes I will open a Remote Desktop session and keep it open while working in another Remote Desktop session. All in all it works pretty good for what I do. However my Surface Pro 4 does not keep it charged, it gives it more like a trickle charge but the iPad uses more power than what the Surface Pro can give it. The last time I worked from home I was able to use my iPad the entire time, which was nice.
Ew surface pro
A lot of help!

The Windows drivers seem to mostly suck even now. I haven’t tried in a month or so, but whenever I have it installed, it messes with the hardware acceleration so my browser doesn’t run in 144Hz, so the scrolling is only 60hz (yes, it’s very noticeable). I uninstalled it and am not using it due to that. Sucks cause it can be really useful at times.
I had issues with the Duet display not being useful due to resolution even though I played with it. It was a nice thought but it was so crappy I haven't used it at all. I have a USB Lenovo display I can hook up if I need an extra screen...just plug and play. I'm hoping they can update the Duet software to make it work - would be nice to have a second display when I travel for work
I have given up on all these stupid workarounds after years of trying to use iPads and iPhones and other tablets, and finally realised that Mobile OS will never represent anything but a load of workarounds..
Galaxy Book windows 10 and Surface Pro is what Macbooks should do (touchscreen with a desktop operating system, trackpad and cursor) but they didnt due to greed of selling devices.. mobile os tries to approach desktop functionality, and desktop tries to go mobile. Anyway evenb if Duet did a good job, Apple would be sure to xxx it up with every new update, as happened with the Sierra Update which made Duet stop working for a while.
its obvious that the only think i can do all jobs on without getting frustrated, is a laptop
I like touchscreens but in truth, many things like image upload dialogues, fb comments, posting blogs in wordpress or wysiwyg editors and a 1000 other things won't ever work in a mobile operating system, and a mouse and cursor, is a bit like samuel oreily's 1800's tattoo machine.. its now 200 years later and the best tattoo machine design is still the coil driven oreilly based design.. despite millions of new fandangled stuff on the market.
The wheel was invented almost 10,000 years ago or at least 5000
we are stll rolling around on wheels because it is an invention there is nothing you can improve on
the same goes for a trackpad or mouse and cursor, and touchscreens aint ever gonna change that.
so to heck with duet, remote desktops, and vilc streamer (wont stream half the video files i try).. and back to basics and stop trying and trying to do all this wierd stuff that is anyway just inferior to a laptop with an external screen as extra..
fiorget it and be at peace with what we once knew, and dont believe the hype. As to updates.. we used to update an operating system every 5 years or so in the old days.. now, just as your apps work again with the OS, the OS updates and breaks the apps.. and vice versa.. and its an update every week or so lately.. sick of it.. just elave us with one system for a year or two and update once in a while. the world is gfoing too fast and not keeping up with each other.. screw mobile
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I have given up on all these stupid workarounds after years of trying to use iPads and iPhones and other tablets, and finally realised that Mobile OS will never represent anything but a load of workarounds..
Galaxy Book windows 10 and Surface Pro is what Macbooks should do (touchscreen with a desktop operating system, trackpad and cursor) but they didnt due to greed of selling devices.. mobile os tries to approach desktop functionality, and desktop tries to go mobile. Anyway evenb if Duet did a good job, Apple would be sure to xxx it up with every new update, as happened with the Sierra Update which made Duet stop working for a while.
its obvious that the only think i can do all jobs on without getting frustrated, is a laptop
I like touchscreens but in truth, many things like image upload dialogues, fb comments, posting blogs in wordpress or wysiwyg editors and a 1000 other things won't ever work in a mobile operating system, and a mouse and cursor, is a bit like samuel oreily's 1800's tattoo machine.. its now 200 years later and the best tattoo machine design is still the coil driven oreilly based design.. despite millions of new fandangled stuff on the market.
The wheel was invented almost 10,000 years ago or at least 5000
we are stll rolling around on wheels because it is an invention there is nothing you can improve on
the same goes for a trackpad or mouse and cursor, and touchscreens aint ever gonna change that.
so to heck with duet, remote desktops, and vilc streamer (wont stream half the video files i try).. and back to basics and stop trying and trying to do all this wierd stuff that is anyway just inferior to a laptop with an external screen as extra..
fiorget it and be at peace with what we once knew, and dont believe the hype. As to updates.. we used to update an operating system every 5 years or so in the old days.. now, just as your apps work again with the OS, the OS updates and breaks the apps.. and vice versa.. and its an update every week or so lately.. sick of it.. just elave us with one system for a year or two and update once in a while. the world is gfoing too fast and not keeping up with each other.. screw mobile

agreed. I bought a portable USB-C display (Asus) and it does exactly what I need it to do.
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agreed. I bought a portable USB-C display (Asus) and it does exactly what I need it to do.
I’ve been looking at one of those. How do you like it? I have a 24” external monitor that I use when I work from home but I don’t keep it set up on the desk and having something that was more portable/storable would be ideal.
Anyone had (lots of) weird glitches and bugs since updating to High Sierra and iOS 11? I'm using a '15 MBP and 12.9" iPP. Worked pretty well before updating but now it seems pretty damned janky to me...
I'm using Duet on iPad Mini with a MacBook Pro 2015 with El Capitan installed: works like a charm.
I tried it on a Mac Pro 2013 with Sierra: unusable, super slow and stuttering. Did Sierra ruin this app?
Anyone had (lots of) weird glitches and bugs since updating to High Sierra and iOS 11? I'm using a 15" MBP and 12.9" iPP. Worked pretty well before updating but now it seems pretty damned janky to me...

I have exactly the same setup and issues since the update to High Sierra and iOS 11. Just send a note to developers, I hope the will fix it soon enough.
2016 MacBook Pro 13" on 10.13.1 (High Sierra) and iPad Pro 10.5 on iOS 11.1.1 w/ latest version of Duet Pro on both. Essentially unusable with all but the simplest of apps. It will render at high resolution + retina fine, but performance is so janky it's like fingernails down a chalkboard. Even turning the resolution down and disabling retina, it's still unbearable. It causes WindowServer's CPU to spike so high that it drags down the performance of everything else regardless of what screen it's on.
So I've been disappointed by the quality of image that Duet displays on my 12.9" iPad Pro. I came across this thread and for some reason I decided to go "Display Arrangement" in Duet....which takes you to the Display preferences pane in the OSX settings. From there, you need to set one of the HDPI screen resolution options on the iPad. Selecting the Resolution in the Duet settings was not enough for me. It looks unbelievably better now. Hope this helps someone!
For what it's worth, the latest version is **much** improved. Really! Lower lag, no more (visible) compression smudges. On the iPad Pro II 12.9 (connected to a Kaby Lake 2017 MBP 15.4), everything looks right!
For what it's worth, the latest version is **much** improved. Really! Lower lag, no more (visible) compression smudges. On the iPad Pro II 12.9 (connected to a Kaby Lake 2017 MBP 15.4), everything looks right!

Totally agree. After updating to the latest version it has single-handedly solved every issue that I was suffering from before. Like, every one. Runs like an absolute dream now.

The thing is, the version I'm on just now ( was not available when I hit 'update' in DD, I had to recieve a link from their support team first. It's as if it's some kind of next version beta, or something. Anyone else on this version? If so, did you update through the app?

So, I've been having issues with my iPad Air 2 for the longest, and it was frustrating. I've dealt with supper laggy Microsoft Word and webpages that just stopped displaying HTML within their window. I've used duet for typing school papers, or as a notes/calculator pad for homework for about two years now, but the bugs were frustrating and lately meant not using it more than using it.

I have a mid-2015 15.4 MBP and always keep my stuff up to date. Still... constant issues. I've come to this forum a couple times previously to read new comments, and some Duet-ending issues caused me to do that again this morning. It helped me fix my issues, for what I hope is the long term. Here's what I did:

1st - resetting the privacy on iPad helped with the constant connect/disconnect issue. If that's a problem, do that (settings>general>reset>reset location & privacy).

2nd - make sure you're iPad AND computer are up to date. I kept checking for updates on my Mac version, and my Duet app kept saying version 1.6...whatever was the newest version. I went to the duet site and downloaded the newest Mac app off of their page (, and - boom - as the others above mentioned, it was

3rd - and MOST importantly - after I did the above, the app worked great for about 45 seconds before disconnecting. Talk about FRUSTRATED! In a random move of desperation and complete and total luck I looked through the "help" button on the iPads white screen, with Duet pulled up, but not connected. What it said under connection issues was that one of my other favorite apps (I won't say it, because it's amazing and I don't want to disparage it) was a known conflict. I turned that app off (didn't need to uninstall it), and here we are - it's working. No issues. When I'm not dual-app'ing, I'll still use my other loved app.

I hope this helps someone else. I love great apps when they work, and know how frustrating it can be.
Like a lot of you I ended up removing it. I was having horrible lag with expose even when not using it. I had assumed it was just crap macOS optimization but nope. Removed it and everything went back to being smooth again.

It's a shame because I really liked the idea of it.
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