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The 16" MBP has a huge battery and should have excellent battery life that's only bested by the more efficient M2 version. You have the storage and memory you need on that, and you can run Logic with all your plugins (the iPad version does not currently support plugins AFAIK).

What I am saying is, that Mac can do nearly everything you need, I don't think you need the best iPad Pro just for a few iOS apps. The M1 Air still supports USB-C and USB hubs, though without Thunderbolt support, or the smaller iPad Pro since that has more storage. If your iPhone can handle this, surely a cheaper iPad would suffice... the 8GiB RAM iPads at least today can do everything that the 16GiB models can do. I am sure 16GiB would be more future proof, but 8GiB is a lot for iPadOS even over the next couple years.

I found that iPadOS keeps closing/"refreshing" apps for no good reason on the 8GiB model, and from the reviews/tests I've seen the 16GiB model is no different. Thus I believe iPadOS currently has more optimizations for the <=6GiB models, whereas with 8GiB+ it might not use it too effectively.

It's unfortunate that there is no way to see actual memory usage on iPads because Apple does not allow it. Otherwise it would be simple to check what apps use, standalone or during heavy multitasking and so on, and then base recommendations on that. We currently have no idea if the 16GiB iPad Pro even uses any of the additional RAM right now. Maybe it's being used already, or maybe it won't be used until some new iPadOS version in the future.

(From a performance perspective it seems the memory is completely wasted...)
Second this. With the new silicone MacBook, my needs on iPad is limited as tablet reader, which can easily be fulfilled with iPad Air.
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I was thinking of buying a 12.9 Ipad 12.9, is that a good idea given a new one may come out, and if so will it be less square or look different?
I was thinking of buying a 12.9 Ipad 12.9, is that a good idea given a new one may come out, and if so will it be less square or look different?
I just got mine 12.9 this week m2. No regrets, I knew one is coming next year, but I learn get what you need at the time, instead of playing the waiting game. A certain product might never come. But If you have patience to wait that long I guess you can wait another year
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I just got mine 12.9 this week m2. No regrets, I knew one is coming next year, but I learn get what you need at the time, instead of playing the waiting game. A certain product might never come. But If you have patience to wait that long I guess you can wait another year
I've been wondering when I should upgrade my iPad. You more or less answered my question of when I should upgrade my Mac Mini.
I don't get the idea of "waiting". It's just using an inferior device out of stubbornness because the current gen is "old". It's current. It cannot be old. So, don't wait. Now for which one you should buy:

Features that M2 iPad Pro has over M1:

- Higher clock speed
- More GPU cores
- Pencil Hover
- +1 year of updates

Now, subtract the price of the best deal for an M2 by the best deal for an M1. Are those features important enough for you to buy the newer model? If yes, buy the newer one. If no, buy the M1.

I bet 98% of users will never ever remark any difference in Real life (!) use…

So just repetition of the - in real life- questionable „advantages“ of a little bit more of theoretical performance-headroom that nearly nobody will ever demand is (in my personal opinion) not at all helpful.

I give you a concrete example of what I mean:

There are at least 2 other threads about help for someone to decide if he should buy a iP 14 PM or better a 14+ instead.

In one thread a lot of people praised the 120Hz screen of the 14PM as being „enormously better“ and bashed therefore the 14+ …

But at the same time in an other thread about exactly the different OLED types and its Firmware every user that had both models openly confessed that they never ever realized any difference btween these two OLED-Versions in real life!

Repeating the marketing-wording without any analytic effort or at least connection to real life use is never helpful, but leads directly into the costly marketing-trap… 😉

Everyone who thinks about a purchase of the highly-priced Apple products should take some time and make a very personal and thoughtful-realistic list of what he/she really(!) will use and therefore also really (!) needs. And then think about if this and that options are worth to spend money for it.

Unless one is not a heavy professional user a M1 ipadPro still will be more than enough.

Of course there are from time to time REAL Innovations - like i.e. the step from Intel to M-chips or from LED since both lead to a lot more of real comfort like much higher performance of system and screen and at the same time much less energy consumption and so longer battery endurance and so on…

But I bet only 1% of customers will ever realize the even very small amount of performing-headroom between M1 and M3 systems…

One can enormously save money if one resists to run with the „Early Adopters“ and instead purchases in longer time-steps AND at everytime even one year „behind“ the newest hardware - same as with the MacOS/IOS software (but to update seriously the last Mac/IOS softwareVersion)…

So my recommendation for everyone who is in the situation of making a decision is simple:

Take your time to Elaborate precisely your realistic demands (in the german language it is called a „Lastenheft“) for the item you are tempted to buy - and don’t let others guide you into the trap of marketing-departments who just want you to buy useless gimmicks or pay for options you never will need in real life.

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Take your time to Elaborate precisely your realistic demands (in the german language it is called a „Lastenheft“) for the item you are tempted to buy - and don’t let others guide you into the trap of marketing-departments who just want you to buy useless gimmicks or pay for options you never will need in real life.
This is exactly what I said in the previous message . . .

"Now, subtract the price of the best deal for an M2 by the best deal for an M1. Are those features important enough for you to buy the newer model? If yes, buy the newer one. If no, buy the M1."
I was thinking of buying a 12.9 Ipad 12.9, is that a good idea given a new one may come out, and if so will it be less square or look different?

If you are going to buy, Woot has twice now had really good deals, like 40%-50% off, on the 512Gb and higher M1 iPads. So maybe pay attention to that site. The latest rumors say the next Pros will have OLED screens, at a much higher price, and I’m betting landscape camera with a new Pencil design. I doubt Apple will release a widescreen iPad unless it is a larger, new device.

My 12.9 Pro M1 is having some charging issues the last couple weeks. A reboot will fix them, but then it recurs again. Not sure why that is happening, but if the usb-c needs replaced, I think that is $200. My battery life is now around 88%.

So, thinking of trading it in to Apple (worth $510) for a refurbished M1 12.9 or for $200 more get a M2 12.9. I get military pricing too.
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